
Loss For Gain - 2

The wind had contributed to taking off the black cloak that was on Anthony as he shook like there was something vibrating within him. It continued that way for some more seconds then abruptly stopped. Anthony's head fell to the front as his dark hair had all fallen off and what was left was white as silver.

"He's gone…" Ling muttered under his breath. He wasn't happy with what had happened. This wasn't the plan at all. There would have made an appropriate plan if he knew what really would be required. Ling blamed himself for Anthony's death and he couldn't shake the guilt off. He had known Anthony and had spent some time with the man. Ling had seen the sincerity and purity of heart the man possessed and the genuine concern he had for the queen – a trait that Ling had admired all those years ago. To see Anthony go like this when there would have been another plan ached Ling's old heart.

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