
He Sees Her

Seth liked to train in the woods.

The room he was given in the palace was magnificent but as he wasn't used to that kind of environment, he took strolls a lot, mainly to train, and then, to bond with the gift his father, the king, had given him. He liked the sword very much and had even read most of the history about the Japanese katana and the samurai. He was in awe.

The person that welcomed him the most was his half-brother, Prince Sek. The two princes began bonding almost immediately. Already, they had both gone horse riding, Sek had shown Seth how to combine clothes-not like Seth really cared about that-but he had cherished the time both of them had spent doing fashion things.

On a particular day, they both went into the woods for training. Sek wanted to see Seth's prowess with the sword.

"Are you going to use that katana to train? That thing is very sharp, Seth", Sek told him as they got down from their horses, tying them to the trees nearby. Their orderlies stayed almost out of sight to give both princes the illusion that they were getting some 'alone time'.

"Of course not", he laughed at his elder brother wondering if Sek thought he was going to cut him. Seth liked him too and was never going to harm him. He had welcomed him into the household with open arms and Seth was never going to forget that.

"I brought some wooden swords with me. I had taken them from the armory when you said we were going out for some training this morning", Seth replied, tossing him one of the carved swords.

"That was smart of you brother, I forgot to do that. So many things on my mind sometimes some things don't occur to me. Thank the stars that I've got you to back me up now", Sek said proudly.

That statement he made touched Seth's heart.

After a while, Seth had Sek sweating profusely, trying to keep up with his speed and maneuvers.

"Did you learn from spirits, this boy?!", Prince Sek was so surprised about how Seth moved, as if he followed the wind, and as if he anticipated his next move before he landed it. He was too impressed and felt good that he had someone with such gifts backing him up. Sek felt like anyone that would try to cause troubles for him and his kingdom had another thing coming...like Seth could take on any enemy and he, Sek, wouldn't have to lift his finger.

* * *

Ruby had gotten herself together. After hearing that her mother and father had to take their own lives, and in the most painful way, she was determined to get to the bottom of who invaded her kingdom. She started to scheme many plans in her mind... how she'd approach the various surrounding kingdoms to ask for help, how the battle of her repossession would go, and she relished in the slow death she was going to deliver unto the traitor or traitors responsible for the tragedy that they put her kingdom through.

She hoped and prayed that at least, one of the kingdoms, give her a positive response and lend her some of their armies to aid her to get her throne back. She knew it would require a lot of planning, a lot of resources, and a lot of bravery to undergo this quest, but Ruby was ready. Her mother and father hadn't given birth to a coward and far be it from her, that she'd let their deaths be in vain. She was going to avenge them, no matter what it took.

Also, she got Anthony to find her a trainer. Ruby didn't want to be defenseless, so she began learning how to fight, both with the sword and close combat, and she was learning fast. At least, she could defend herself if it ever came to that, and she was going to take the life of the traitor that sold their kingdom out... she was going to kill the person HERSELF!

There was a river she found during one of her walks...she walked long distances, planning, practicing the words she'd say when she approached kings and princes, generals, and the likes, for their assistance against those invaders.

The location of the river was beautiful. It had a huge waterfall that had water falling from rocks high up in the sky. It was a grand, natural fountain.

[One day I'll climb to the top of that cliff and take a huge dive], she took a mental note. Ruby was daring, and her situation had hardened her further.

* * *

Seth was fully aware of his looks now. The abnormal eye he had... no wonder when he got upset, his vision would become blood red in that eye. He never questioned why he was the way he was but he knew it had something to do with his birth mother. Sek didn't seem to care either but with the queen, it was a different matter.

She hardly looked at him whenever he greeted her. He knew he was good-looking other than the odd eye and the intricate tattoos around his arms and back. He planned to show his brother his back one day... one step at a time, he thought. It was not like he was worried. Nothing disturbed Seth, especially his looks. Everyone should get used to it or stay the hell out of his way.

* * *

So, he took a stroll into the woods, with his katana in its scabbard on his waist. There was this forceful waterfall that he liked to watch. It was so windy around that area and he loved to follow the wind while he danced and slashed in its strength.

Then, he saw someone taking a swim...the person's hair as red as rubies.

I am deeply, deeply grateful to my readers.

I'm thankful for the votes, reviews, comments, and ratings!

I love you guys.. no cap!

Oma_Uchecreators' thoughts
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