
28 - Nian

Breakups were normal in life.

Li Yun remembered being enamored by his first girlfriend in high school. He was a bit clueless about how to deal with girls, so he used Bufu as a benchmark for how to handle them. Probably not a good idea thinking back, but Bufu was truly a romantic. He regularly showered his girlfriends with flowers and gifts.

As Li Yu's face reading ability improved, he gained a better understanding of people's intentions. His girlfriend thought he was the bad boy type, always hanging out with a bunch of delinquents. After they got together, she quickly realized that what she wanted was different from what she got. His novelty wore off. When they entered their senior high school, her friends convinced her that she needed someone with a better future, and they naturally broke up.

Was Li Yun upset at the time? Not really, he had seen it coming.

Did Li Yun know that Wen Nali was going to break up with him? He knew that was an inevitable conclusion when she applied for a position in the States.

"I'm totally exhausted," Lui Jing dropped his body onto the couch.

"Hey, my leg!" Li Yun yelled out.

Lui Jing quickly jumped up, holding onto his head and panicking. He was not aware that Li Yun was resting on the couch.

"Ah, sorry."

"Are you really that tired that you didn't even see me?" Li Yun scowled.

Li Yun looked at Lui Jing's face, and noticed that something was off. "Hey, Lui Jing, go get a CT scan."

"Uh, why?"

"Did a patient attack you today?"

"Oh yeah, you heard about that too? Some crazy guy whacked me with his crutches. But I'm fine now."

"Are you sure? You feel like you're losing focus, and there's this warped sensation in your head?"

"Yeah, I'm feeling a bit depressed, but I'm feeling fine."

"You're only feeling fine because you took some pain reliever. You could have some minor concussion. It's not bad now, but if you don't deal with it now, you might have difficulty in the future."

Lui Jing was a bit frightened. He was a doctor himself, so he understood what Li Yun was implying. Untreated concussions could lead to chronic headaches.

He called the radiology office and requested a CT scan for himself.

"Hey, you're a first year resident in the ACS program?" asked Technician Wu in the adjacent room.

Doctor Wu had seen his ID badge, so his real question was something else.

"Yeah, what about it?" Lui Jing asked while laying down, and preparing for the machine to operate.

"When Director Hong recruited Chief Zhang, we all thought he was a monster. Then Doctor Zhang recruited two deputy chiefs for the ACS unit, and they were even bigger monsters. Chief Gao is like a commanding bull in the ER while Chief Lim is like a machine in surgery. But I have to say, this year new recruits are pretty impressive."

Lui Jing got through the scan, and Technician Wu released all the straps. Lui Jing thought he himself was pretty impressive, he always had good grades and performances. However, there really were monsters in the ACS unit.

"Who did the rotation in radiology?" Lui Jing wondered.

"Zhou Mi Xuan and Ye Shan."

Lui Jing thought everyone in ACS was pretty impressive. Despite being considered the leftovers, the new residents of ACS stood out from the rest. One of the main reasons was because they all knew their roles.

Yang Kang preferred post-op care and stayed in the ICU most of the time, learning about pain management and internal medicine.

Cui Mao, Ye Shan, and Tan Caoren were like Lui Jing, they were above average in everything. It did not sound that impressive, but this was an important quality to have in ACS. They didn't need to specialize in everything, but they should know enough to make decisions in life-threatening situations.

Mi Xuan and An Luchang both had high technical abilities and book smarts. When it came to using laparoscopes, surgical tools, and robotics, they were the most receptive and quick to learn in simulations.

"Oh, then you haven't had An Luchang or Li Yun yet."

"They haven't rotated into the department yet, but I have seen them around," said Technician Wu. "We call An Luchang the baby monster and Mi Xuan the ice monster. Guess what everyone calls Li Yun?"

Lui Jing had no idea.

"The Nian."

"Why Nian?"

"Because of how crazy annoying he is," said Technician Wu. "I haven't seen it personally, but I have heard other staff and nurses talking about it. When he was on rotation with the attending surgeon Doctor Deng from the Cardiothoracic department, he pointed out all the errors that happened during the surgery. It forced Doctor Deng to go back and fix the error. Everyone said Doctor Deng lost face because of it."

Lui Jing thought about the Nian, a giant demon known for causing panic, destruction, and fear.

"That sounds like him," said Lui Jing. "What else did you hear?"

"I heard something similar happened in the general surgery department with Doctor Chun. They were performing a simple laparoscopic cholecystectomy, Li Yun was only second assistant, but Doctor Chun decided to let him do surgery. Some of the nurses said Doctor Chun wanted to see him make mistakes, but he completed the surgery without any further complications."

"Oh, I was in the theater at the time," said Lui Jing.

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