

There had never been a Weapon Force Innate Node before, but Leonel didn't just want to simply create one; he wanted his entire foundation to be rebuilt with his Weapon Forces as the core.

Even if he lost his strong Dream Force, even if his body was broken and shattered, even if his soul was ripped out of his body, he wanted to have access and control over his Weapon Forces.

No matter the situation, no matter the circumstances, he wanted to have the utmost control… control that no one could take from him.

This wasn't just a process of creating a new Innate Node; it was a process of making his Weapon Forces so synonymous with himself that even his Ability Index could control them as freely as he did his own body.

This was why he had put his body through so much torture. Right now, it was unlikely for anyone to be able to easily tell where his body stopped and his Weapon Forces began. Even his tears had become shimmering blades, let alone the rest of him.

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