

Aina couldn't have been more right. In fact, she was so right that Leonel almost regretted not having asked this question earlier. All of his tendencies, she had gotten down to an exact science.

Leonel rarely, if ever, went all out in battle. Sometimes it wasn't even as Aina said and that he just felt there was a more efficient way to win, sometimes it was just because he liked having trump cards in his back pocket to prepare a perfect counter attack given the situation.

The style of battle Leonel liked to use was one that withheld as many cards as possible until it was the most advantageous moment to use them. There was even a very long time in his life where he didn't even use his Speed Branch of his Snowy Star Owl Lineage Factor because it was so much more beneficial to have his enemies believe him to be a slow, bumbling, spearman.

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