

The location was the deck of a spaceship. However, to call it as such would be doing a great disservice to the true magnitude of the behemoth that hung among the celestial bodies of this particular solar system. It almost felt far more appropriate to call it a starship. 

Of course, this would be an exaggeration. True Starships were at a minimum capable of rivaling a moon in size while the largest of them could lived up to their namesake and could stand side by side with suns. This one, however, was 'just' ten kilometers in length, hovering outside the Milky Way's Fold of Reality. 

A distance away from this junior starship was a planet that hovered on neutral ground. It wasn't currently claimed by any major powers of the Milky Way Guild and was actually meant to act as a relay station to the starship. 

Leonel, who had appeared on this planet with his brothers to his back couldn't help but chuckle. 

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