
By the pool.

I woke up with alarm blaring my ears off.

I turned around, looking at Himiko beside me, caressing her hair.

"Umu..." Himiko moaned happily, nuzzling into me.

I kissed her forehead and woke her up.

Lifting Haruto and Eri from the bed I got them set into the morning route as Himiko slowly sat up on the bed, rubbing her eyes.

Then prepping for school, I checked my phone, seeing a message from Deku.

"Haru-chan! Wanna train at the pool today?" He asked.

"Yep. Meet you at eight?" I replied.

"Alright. See you." He sent back, as I ate breakfast, and left for the UA campus, kissing Himiko goodbye.

"Take care, darling~" she chirped.

It was a scene so serene, I could almost hear the soundtrack for Dean Martin's 'Ain't that a kick in the head!' in the background.

As I entered the school gate, Deku and Kaminari greeted me.

"Good morning, Haru-chan!" Deku smiled.

"Good morning, Deku. Did you call everyone over for training or just us?" I asked.

"Everyone, why?" Kaminari asked.

"That's better. I was thinking about having a swimming competition with all of us. See who's best at it, the works, you know?" I answered.

"Oh definitely! That's a great idea!" He replied.

As we walked in, I could see Mineta drooling with lust.

Hehehe. Oh this is going to be gold.

Kaminari joined Mineta by the pool as they glared holes into the door of the women's changing room, when the girls exited, carrying a beach ball, in school issue one pieces.

Almost audibly, I could hear their hopes shatter as Kaminari sprawled on the ground, whining.

"Why did it have to be school swimsuits! You're supposed to be wearing bikinis!"

"School swimsuits are fine too." Mineta said, shining with the light of enlightenment, grinning with satisfaction.


Though school swimsuits are pretty fine too. They accentuate that figure real well.

"Alright everyone! Let's get to the first set of exercises!" Iida said, grabbing Mineta off the ground and stuffing him under his arms.

The boys exercised while the girls played water polo, as Mineta bit his nails in agony.

"Why do they get to use the pool for playing while we have exercose in this sausage fest!"

"It's just the way it is, bud." Kaminari consoled, "This was our best chance at getting permission to use the pool. Get over it already, Mineta."

"Never!" He cried.

"Stop being such a drama queen, and go ask them if they'll let you play with them if you want it so much!" I said, pointing at the girls on the other end of the pool.

"No thanks!" Mina responded prematurely, crushing Mineta's flowery dreams to dust.

He collapsed onto the floor weeping, pounding his fist on the ground.

Hehehehe. Coming here today was definitely the right choice.

This is prime comedy material.

Guess anime logic isn't so bad sometimes.

Or maybe I'm just a twisted person that takes pleasure in the misery of others.

Either way, it was good, clean fun.

After the first set of exercises, Iida brought out a cooler filled with orange juice.

"Drink up!" Iida said, popping open a cold one with the boys.

I grabbed one, only to see that it was carbonated.

Carbonated orange juice. Who the fuck carbonates orange juice?

This is why we can't have nice things!

I put the can back in the cooler, and pulled out my own bottle of mango juice.

"You don't like orange juice?" Iida asked.

"Nah. I don't like carbonated stuff, stings the tongue." I said.

"But that's the best part!" Kirishima replied.

"Yeah!" Sero added.

"Then you can have it?" I said, "It's just a preference really. Nothing to fuss about."

"Eh, sure. But I thought you were the wild sort, with the vigilantism and anti-authoritarian views." Kaminari said.

"Not all is what it seems then, I guess?" I smiled.

"It makes you seem more... human. But I guess that should have been obvious." Kirishima said.

"Do I not seem human?" I asked.

"I mean you are different. You seemed like a grand figure before, like a hero from those old legends, the one with dark lords and chosen ones.

Like someone I've never seen before." Kirishima said, as Iida nodded.

"Have you met a lot of people before?" I asked.

"Well no, but.." Kirishima said, only to be interrupted by Iida.

"Hmm...that's a good question. Maybe we were too narrow minded before and missed other with such a view. That is something I've never thought of before! As expected of you, Haru!" Iida said, appreciatively.

"There we go!" I said, slapping my knees as I stood up.

"Who's up for a little competition?"

Shoto looked at me sharply, and nodded.

Bakugo jumped at the chance and leapt to his feet.

"Let's go you bastards!"

"Hihihi, why not?" Sero chuckled in excitement.

As the others nodded, I advised.

"Great! Since there are 4 lanes to swim in, lets go with groups of four. I'll start, Deku, me Sero and Mineta. Let's go!" I said, taking a position at the edge of the group.

"Iida, if you will.." I said, and he nodded.

He raised his hand in the air and started coutning down.

"Three, two, one, Go!"

He brought his hand down in a chooping motion.

Immediately, I used Remote Control on my clothes and pushed myself across the pool by the ropes.

Sero, on the other hand shot his tape at the marker on the other end of the pool and surfed away.

Similarly, Mineta threw his balls on the ropes on either side and hopped on them, leaping ahead of the ever diligent Deku.

Seeing that, Deku used OFA full cowling at 5 percent and cut forward, barely beating me to first place by a hair's margin.

"Ooh! That was close!" Mina exclaimed.

"No. If Deku used his full power from the start, he'd have won easily." Tsuyu said.

"That looks fun! Let's try it out!" Uraraka added.

The next round, Bakugo, Kirishima, Sato and Kaminari lined up, and as the signal was given Bakugo exploded forward, destroying the platform by the edge.

The sound of his explsoions echoed across the school, an dwithin minutes, Aizawa-sensei arrived to shut down the whole operation.

Of course, Bakugo wasn't spared the stink eyes, his already bad reputation among the class being besmirched even further.

With much whining and complaining and not a small amount of glares towards Bakugo, we returned to the changing rooms and prepared to leave.

"Hey! Hey! Guys, look at this." Mineta said, pointing to a half peeled UA culture fest poster on the wall.

"What?" Deku asked.

"Our predecessors have left us a most holy gift! Behold, the peephole! It leads directly to the girl's changing room! Imagine the possibilities! Yaoyorozu's yaoyoroppai!

Mina's slender waist!

Tsuyu's unexpected boobage!

Uraraka's uraraka body!

Let's have a look!" Mineta exclaimed, drooling fountains.

Again! How? How does his tiny body fit that much saliva? This is beyond science!

"Why? Didn't you just see them in their swimsuits?" I asked.

"Oh don't you act like you're any better than me, Haru! Just because you have a girlfriend! You don't expect me to believe that you don't find any of them attractive? What about you guys? I know you guys aren't saints. Come on, have some guts! Paradise awaits!"

"I mean Jiro is pretty cute." I said.

"I know right!" Kaminari said.


"True. Momo ain't half bad either." Sato said.

"Then, come! Peep with me!" Mineta urged.

"Don't even bother. They know what you're planning. You'll get your ass beat." I warned.

"And how would you know that?" He asked, skeptical of my claims.

"Well for one, the walls are pretty thin, and for another, I have x-ray vision, so I can see them looking at the hole.

Hell, Jiro's got her earplugs pointed right at the hole, waiting for you to peep, so she can blind you." I said, pointing at the wall.

"You lucky bastard! Why do you have all the best things?" Mineta cried.

"Wait, you have x ray vision?" Kirishima asked.

"Yeah, side effect of my quirk. It's only about 10 or so meters ahead though and it doesn't work when I'm using my other powers."

"That's so cool!" Kaminari replied.

"And pervy!" Sero said.

"Nah. It's not pervy at the least. When I say X-Ray vision, I mean X-ray vision.

I don't just see past the clothes, I see past the skin too. They look like skeletons over there.

And even when I'm focusing real hard the most I see is people's hearts beating, blood pumping, the fat on their muscles squeezing as they walk.

And it gets tiring the fiftieth time you see someone's intestines wriggling, slowly churning out poop." I explained.

"That sounds like a curse!" Kaminari retched.

"Yeah, tell me about it. That's why I'm almost always using my immobilization quirk actively, to the point that I have mastered it.

That's also why Aizawa-sensei's quirk suppression doesn't work on me." I lied.

In about another several months, when the war arc begins, I'll be playing both sides of the conflict. And therefore the more false info they have on me, the better.

Just in case they make a countermeasure against me.

"Is that why you look everyone in the eyes?" Kirishima asked.

"Bingo!" I said, "I don't have a hobby of checking out people's dongs, so that leaves me no choice but to look people in the eye if I'm not using my other abilities. That's also why I ruffle Deku's hair so much. Cuz it's nice to feel it when I can't see it. Sensory overload is a thing after all."

"Now that you mention it, that makes so much sense!" Sero exclaimed.

"Uh huh?" I intoned, getting fully dressed before leaving.

"See you guys at the summer camp next week!" I said, bidding them goodbye.

"Yeah! Same bro!" Kirishima said, as Deku ran after me, walking home by my side

how was it? tmi? out of character? not as humanising as i thought? tell me all about it.

also thanks for 1 million views.

see you guys later with the last extra chapter of last week.

GoldFingercreators' thoughts
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