
Chapter 61

Renee and I made rapid progress in the investigation. Moreover, on the very first day of our active work.

Detectives Summers and Olson interviewed several witnesses, which provided very useful information about the local Chinese group. They do not belong to the triad, on the contrary, they managed to spoil relations with it, in fact, to a state of war. Therefore, they ordered a lot of weapons and medical supplies through the newly emerging "communication" channels.

But the problem arose almost as soon as our colleagues were overwhelmed and a small group of Chinese were killed the next day. And at first we thought that it was the Triad. But on the examination of the cartridges and unique bullets that were removed from the bodies, it was determined that another gang was responsible for this massacre. She is even younger than these dead Chinese and they are also touring. Banks were robbed, a couple of times were seen in kidnapping. Twice they attacked the police convoy and freed their accomplices. At the moment, we know the identity of only three of them. The exact size of the group is not known, but according to the analytical calculations of local craftsmen, it should consist of at least six to eight people.

Now we have come with Rene to a meeting with one of the guards, who miraculously survived after the last "rescue" of his accomplices from this group.

- Mister Cortez? - we turned to the middle-aged man who opened for us without his right hand and eye.

- Yes it's me. Who are you? He frowned.

"I'm Detective Rene Montoya.

- Detective Isaac Dinklage.

The man noticeably relaxed, to see he has post-traumatic syndrome with a complication that can turn into phobias. He would be given psychological help. Although here it should be provided and no worse than in Gotham. Although, Gotham is doing everything to make its residents go crazy, despite any help.

- Ah-ah ... yes, I remembered, it seems you are the cops who came to investigate some case here. I was warned about you, come in!

Sitting in the living room, we began to ask questions of interest to us. Or rather, Rene began, and I only supplemented it by asking questions of interest to me.

Based on what he said, I personally have the following picture of events - in the United States, there is a group that is possibly connected with a secret organization that raids on important convoys and exterminates certain individuals on their "list". Although René had a different impression:

- These are most likely some scoundrels who served in the troops, and then they went crazy and decided to shoot in civilian life. She gritted her teeth.

We had already left the house of our witness and stood near the car. I thought about it and the essence of Cortez's story began to dawn on me.

- Not! You are not right. Rather, there is one logical kernel in your words. But you chose the wrong direction. They are not crazy.

- What are you talking about? Rene raised an eyebrow.

"You know I served in the Marine Corps?" - She nodded - That's good. Of course, I did not fight in the Middle East, but once in the release of the hostages, I took part in another with my colleagues. But we played there rather a protective role and were "on the sidelines." It was a special group that liberated them. And it was not special forces. Spetsnaz can be seen as they say from afar, at least in their form. But these guys were completely different. Outwardly, they were no different from ordinary passers-by from the street. They even looked weaker than an ordinary person. But they were the ones who were sent. And there were only ten of these daredevils. And they ... coped with the task that was given to them in one minute and four seconds from the moment the operation began. Only two terrorists survived and only because our superiors needed information. There were no losses from that group. As well as among the hostages.

- It's a great story, but where is our business?

- And besides. Three days after that, the guys and I tumbled into a pub for a beer. Then a signalman from the headquarters went with us. And I don't even know how he was taken to such a responsible place, but he turned out to be that talker when

drink. In the end, if you believe his words. These same guys who freed the hostages were not assigned to any of the law enforcement agencies. Moreover, then this signalman monitored all radio communications in the area. He jammed ALL signals and intercepted those that came, or rather tried to come from the captured area. But the peculiarity was that there was not even a hint of a walkie-talkie or any other communication device from this group. They didn't take anything like that at all. Only along the barrel and a small set of cartridges. And they were without any armor! What we initially perceived as their body armor turned out to be just thick jackets that kept warm, no more. And they didn't get a single wound. And you must understand that storming a building without full information about the location of the hostages and the exact number of terrorists is almost suicide. And leading a group of ten people and successfully completing a task in such an amount of time is almost impossible. We didn't believe this guy then. It was considered that this group simply had protection and connection. We laughed a little at this and forgot ... for the time being.

- It sounds intriguing, but I still don't understand why you are telling me this. Was it this group that attacked the convoy? And government services are behind all this?

- Not! You didn't listen to the end. A month after this operation, I accidentally witnessed (funny truth: Approx. Beta) a conversation between my commander and some bump from the Pentagon. They drank in his office and started talking about new weapons. I'm still a military man, and although I didn't want to eavesdrop on someone else's conversation, I couldn't resist. And then, literally ten minutes later, the conversation turned not about guns and equipment, but about "living weapons." About children who are brought up from childhood as killing machines. And that group was just such a group of children. The peculiarities are only in the fact that they do not have a feeling of fear at all, due to genetic modifications this feeling has atrophied in them. And therefore they are one of the most dangerous soldiers of our time. But the project partially failed and was shut down. And those who remained after its completion were either liquidated, or they began to be used in such operations.

- And judging by the story of Officer Cortez ...

- They stormed the column, which consisted of fifty military and twenty policemen with the support of several machine guns on separate machines - Eight people. And they carried out a successful operation without losing anyone and killing almost everyone from the convoy. They virtually destroyed the mini-army. And therefore, one cannot say that they were "some crazy". The military, perhaps, but far from the ordinary military. And a special group that did it for a specific purpose, and for someone ...

- I.e. - Rene began to understand what was said - The matter is even worse than one might have expected ... Either the government, or people who have connections have managed to get such people for their own purposes and can do anything.

- Yes. And the problem is, we don't even know what it is. We thought that this gang had something to do with the smugglers, but it turned out that this is a completely different matter. But nobody fucking needs our theories. We can't even prove them. And if we can somehow give it to the authorities, then I am sure these very "tops" will break off our wings. And with all this, even if you and I decide to ignore this information. We will still not be able to connect the case with the murder of our colleagues and smuggling just like that without proof. The threads still lead to this mysterious group.

- Fuck! And why did I have the feeling that we will quickly deal with this and return to Gotham ?! - yes, Renee's emotions are overwhelmed, now she rolls such a speech in Spanish, I can't even make out the sounds, let alone understand what she is talking about.

- Now we have a serious problem. - I said, being in thought - And we need to reconsider everything well again. All the facts and moments of the cases of the murder of detectives, and smuggling, the massacre of the Chinese and the theory of the "special group of special forces." And understand where these threads can lead and what actually connects all these matters?

"Okay, I think we need to go to the hotel and talk it over again. - summed up Montoya.

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