
Since November...

"The first thing on the itinerary…!" Manny raised his finger and looked around at the group. "What's our team name gonna be?" The group looked at one another. 

"What should our name be?" They all whispered amongst each other. 

"We were called Zephyr." Ritsuka brought up. "You don't wanna stick with that?" 

"Eh, they just gave us that name so they could call us by that name." Liz shrugged. 

"Do you want to be called that? I mean, Lee Seng did…" Olivia trailed off. They all looked at Lee Seng. He was curious as to what they were talking about. 

"What about me? Why would I have a problem with that name?" Lee Seng asked. "I don't remember what happened in the caverns but it doesn't mean that name is gonna trigger some trauma I'm not aware of."

"You never know." Evan awkwardly spoke up. "Trauma does have a way of…"

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