
Chapter Fourteen

Everyone gathered around for the meeting. The natives were always on time for such events. The guards were also there. Atohmma informed them about the plan for the well, and she ensured that they knew the estimated time for completion. She wanted them to be aware of the work that would be done, and the need for them to offer their assistance. She made the call for skilled and able-bodied workmen and women, to give their names to Venomma. Venomma listed their names and their expertise. Atohmma wanted to also notify the guards about the need for them to be alert and prepared for what they are required to do at the work site daily. Atohmma asked the natives to also pay close attention to the changes in the weather conditions and the moon. She wanted them to remember, that the monsoon could also be forming, and the work could be affected if they do not take advantage of the current good weather. She made mention, of the material that will be used to construct the well, and she wanted a group of equipped, capable workmen to begin accumulating the natural resources. She wanted the diggers to begin digging as soon as Venomma organized, and designated them to their respective tasks. The excavation had to be done first, and that excess earth had to be moved away to another location, before adverse weather conditions, affect the construction.

No one had any questions, they were fully informed and the meeting ended. Atohmma met with Orgamma and Venomma. The three of them flew over to the pasturelands. They flew over to see the proposed site for the well to be constructed. The area was wide. Orgamma thought it was suitable and saw the reason why Atohmma chose it for the horizontal well to be built. It was wide enough to handle the well on both sides as planned. Venomma observed the soil, the grass and the flowers, although it was dark out. She also thought it would be easy to dig through, and it didn't seem to be rocky or swampy.

Now, that they were all in agreement, they flew around a bit with chit chat and then returned to the village. They saw some of the natives still gathered in small groups in the village. Some were talking, some were playing games, some were just having their quiet time to themselves with a drink. The night was yet young it seemed, so Orgamma also stuck around a bit before he returned home. Some children were also playing around with stargazers. Stargazers were like a miniature telescope. They tied strings to it, so it hung around their necks, and they looked at the stars through it. Others were sitting on the ground, playing a game like marble pitch with stones. They used small pebbles and painted them with many colours, then they pitched them around at each other. Atohmma's mind strayed toward Nucamma. She thought he must have been quite busy, and wondered what he must be doing at the moment. She knew he would see her tomorrow.

Atohmma prepared for bed. She noticed her journal on the side table and reached for it along with the pen. She skimmed through each page searching for faces that she drew. She seemed to be looking for the angry faces, as she needed to trace her wishes. Atohmma wanted to see if there were other incidents, where she may have wished something on someone, that actually came through. She saw her other faces, sad faces, surprised faces, happy faces and a few more angry faces. She read through the crooked handwriting and some soiled spots on the pages, searching for anything that can help her prove, that she actually wished something into being.

Atohmma saw where she wrote one time, about arguing with another native, where she grew angry because she was told that her biscuits were too salty. There didn't seem to be any wish made, except that she threw away all the biscuits she made after slamming the door in a rage. She seemingly improved over time with her biscuit snacks, now that everyone loves it. She read where she fought with a young boy when he accidentally caused her to fall off her pony. She had a couple of bruises but was well enough to push him to the ground. All this she understood, by the illustrations she had drawn with what she crookedly wrote. Another incident depicted her getting angry with a guard when he chased her home one night. She just told him to leave her alone, went home furious and slammed the door of her cave. She didn't seem to have anything to assist her with proving that what she wishes, ultimately comes through. It seemed, she had a guilty conscience subconsciously, over the issue with Venomma's blanket. Atohmma closed the journal. She decided to write it differently from then on. She journaled only coincidences. She started it with the day Windsong spoke to her. She did not want to leave that experience out, knowing that after telling the natives, and their disbelief, she then experienced the relief of having Nucamma witness it for himself. This was the perfect memory for her to at least have a smile returned to her face before she fell asleep.

Having her thoughts switch back to Nucamma, she looked forward to daylight on the morrow. She became more relaxed and hopeful now. All the progress of the day didn't seem to matter anymore as her new friend was more interesting to think about. For the first time in her life, she focused on her happiness being shared with a young man. This was good for Atohmma considering the responsibilities that have been placed on her in the village, for so many years. She was due for some pleasures and romance, which would give her the encouragement she deserved, to accept her role as the leader she must become.

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