
Wedding Eve

Shao Lin never felt nervous like this before.

But this type of nerves made her feel good—alive. She was to marry Long Yat-sen, a Prince of the Dragon. Part of her felt like if the old Shao Lin had known this, she would have done anything to be away from someone like him, and yet she wanted nothing more than to narrow the gap between them, and marriage was a step closer.

The night before, Long Xia had thrown her a small bachelorette party between some friends and relatives. She heard from her future-sister-in-law that Long Yat-sen had also gone to his bachelor party with his friends and brothers.

"That idiot Bojing better not have taken my brother anywhere provocative, or I swear I'll kill him," Long Xia murmured.

"Who's Bojing?" Shao Lin questioned.

Long Xia's face twisted. "No one important."

After that, Long Xia said no more.

Shao Lin stared at the engagement ring on her hand in her hotel room, warmth blooming her cheeks. She was to spend the night in a hotel while Long Xia kept her company. Long Yat-sen was staying in the same hotel on the level below.

Shao Lin heard a knock on the door shortly after she showered, preparing for bed.

She went to answer it, and a hotel staff member passed her a bouquet of fresh flowers. Roses, daisies, and purple hyacinths. The card said: for Shao Lin.

It was from Long Yat-sen. Shao Lin suddenly felt like she wanted to see him, even if some traditions were against the bride and groom from meeting the night before their wedding. The gesture made her feel warm throughout her body and Shao Lin didn't believe in luck. She believed in hard work.

"I will be back," she said to Long Xia.

Long Xia only waved her away while her attention was deep into a drama she was watching.

Shao Lin took the stairs to the level below. She recalled that Long Yat-sen had given her the best room in the hotel, so she went to find Long Yat-sen's room.

In front of the room, she took a deep breath before she knocked. Once. Twice.

She waited a few moments until he answered. Her breath stopped short when she saw him in his night glory. Long Yat-sen wore all black, from his casual pants to his long-sleeve shirt. His hair fell loosely over his eyes. He crossed his arms and leaned against the doorframe, eyeing her from her bare legs to her semi-exposed chest. She suddenly felt self-conscience and slightly bold for coming to his room wearing nothing but a white robe.

She watched as his throat bobbed, his chest rise.

Shao Lin flushed as she said, "I came to thank you for the flowers."

Long Yat-sen reached out to cup the side of her face with his hand. He stroked her cheek with his thumb. "It's nothing flower-girl."

Something like warmth and sadness flashed on her expression.

Long Yat-sen's hand paused. "What's wrong?"

Shao Lin shook her head. "It's nothing…" she began, chewing her lower lip. "It's that…I just thought about how my mother and father won't be there."

Shao Lin lowered her head when Long Yat-sen reached for her, pulling her into a sudden embrace. His arms wrapped around her tightly as she placed her head against his broad chest. It was so sudden, yet it felt so right.

Overcome with emotion, tears started to fall down her face.

He said nothing as he stroked her back, cradling her head against his chest in the hall.

When she finally calmed, and her tears had stopped, Long Yat-sen continued to soothe her as he said, "I'm sorry about your father. No one can ever replace him, but I know someone that can step in and walk you down the aisle. He will treat you like one of his own. Do you trust me?"

Shao Lin looked up at him with watery eyes. She didn't want to walk alone, and she smiled at the thought that someone Long Yat-sen had picked would walk her, which meant it was a man special to him. "I trust you," she said to him confidently.

Their gazes met then.

"As for your mother, I'm sure you would want her there. I would do anything to grant that wish," he said. "But I understand why she'd disapprove of our marriage."

Shao Lin wiped her tear-stained face. "She's unwell," she replied. "I don't want to worsen her condition by telling her this. Not yet."

Long Yat-sen nodded as he understood. "We can tell her once you are both ready."

Shao Lin looked at him with doe eyes. "Thank you," she said as she tiptoed, planting a kiss on his cheek. His eyes went wide before she peeled away from him, turned on the heels of her feet and walked down the hall, heart pounding without another word.

Shao Lin had never been one to take the initiative for her romantic encounters. The kiss on the cheek was something simple, but it conveyed emotions beyond simple gratitude.

She returned to the hotel room she was staying in and found Long Xia had finished watching her drama.

"Why is your face so red?" Long Xia questioned, touching her head. "Do you feel feverish? Nervous or scared about tomorrow?"

Shao Lin shook her head. "No. None of those."

Long Xia smiled warmly. "Good. I don't want you to go in with any doubts. Yat-sen is my brother, but you're my friend first. I would do anything to help you escape him if you asked me to."

Shao Lin smiled back and embraced Long Xia. "Thank you for everything you've done for me."

Long Xia rubbed her back. "Oh, I'm going to miss you. I can't believe Yat-sen is taking you away from me."

Shao Lin chuckled over her shoulder. "I'm only moving upstairs."

Long Xia laughed. "It's the eve of your wedding. Let me be dramatic."

Shao Lin's smile broadened. She then stepped away from Long Xia and started to walk toward her vinyl garment bag of the wedding dress she selected the other day. She brushed the bag with the hand her engagement ring had shone brightly.

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