
'E: Plan 3'

'Can't you just believe it? My bloodline was a bunch of murderers', she thought while tears streamed from the corners of her eyes.

Antonette looked over her shoulder with a dismay in her eyes. She stared at her daughter, the feeling of betrayal swallowed her up as their gazes locked on each other.

"Why?" Antonette asked as they stopped in front of Amber. Two policemen were holding both of her arms and her wrists were bound by handcuffs. "Why are you doing this?"

"Because you're in the wrong. And you deserve it."




Reign woke up as she felt a warm caress on her ankle. She slightly moved and peeked beneath her.

She gasped and jolted in the corner as she saw Summer. "W-What are you doing here?!"

Reign sweat felt cold as Summer formed a terrifying smirk on her face.

Reign ran as fast as she could towards the group of nurses. She held one of the nurses' arms. "Please. Help! Help! Som— Someone's there in my room!"

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