
Hungry Vampire

As the sun rose up in the sky, Julie woke up feeling less burdened by the emotions that she had locked for many months, a few of them had been set free.

She didn't know why she had never tried discussing what had happened in school with her parents. Was it because they were always busy?

Already facing the window, her hand reached out for the letter, and she brought it in front of her face. Opening it, she wondered what the letter thief had to say.

The letter started with—

'Have you already taken a guess of which category I fall into and are you confirming it? It purely depends on the situation. People display different characteristics depending on what and whom they are around. But if you are going to ask me on a general scale, you are right. I am far from being good and if we were to meet, you would possibly call me notorious.'

"I don't have to meet you to know that. I already do," murmured Julie under her breath and continued to read his letter.

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