
Inside the Serpentine forest (3)

"unbelievable! Someone is already in the second stage", an expert exclaimed after seeing the movement in the stone pillar.

"Who is it?", his companions exclaimed and looked towards the large stone pillar. 

The stone pillar was divided into three different colours of light and each colour represented three separate layers of the Serpentine forest.

The yellow light represented the outermost area of the forest and untill now all hundred names were inside the lowermost portion of the stone pillar which was glowing with yellow light.

But suddenly some changes appeared among the names and a name vanished from the lowermost position. The next moment a name appeared in the middle of stone pillar which was glowing with blue light.

The name was a familiar name for the spectators but they had never expected him to be the first to enter the the innermost area of the Serpentine forest.

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