
Hearts and Hooves Yesterday!


Ugh...This weekend was terrible. I got the worst case of utter laziness and barely did anything productive. Well at least I got my tool, ship and freighter all to S class and full inventory capacity in No Man's Sky so that's something XD

But I finally managed to do some homework and write this chapter so I think it's at least some success so...

Anyway hope you like it and like always EEEENJOY!


Starfall woke up in the morning groggily and sighed in relief, realising that he didn't feel as bad as he expected despite getting barely any sleep thanks to a certain cute, purple unicorn...

Speaking of which...

He slowly took in his surroundings and looked to his side. There was a noticeable, pony sized bump sticking out under the covers, which he quickly identified as a soundly sleeping Twilight after he lifted up a part of the fabric.

He warmly smiled seeing the mare and gently caressed her side, eliciting a small humm of contentment from the cutie, but not waking her up.

Yesterday was a pretty crazy day. He wasn't really sure how long he actually spend time traveling to cover all his dates, but he wouldn't be surprised if it ended up being over three days.

If it wasn't for his magically strengthened body, he wouldn't have done such a good job in satisfying all of his girls, and in the end he still had barely enough strength left when all was said and done...

He slowly stood up, cast a freshening spell on himself before putting on a lab coat.

While a part of himself wanted to just stay in his bed and cuddle with Twilight, there was still the matter of a potentially dangerous experiment, taking place a few dozen meters underground...

He should probably see if the bunny was alright...











Starfall watched the bunny warily from behind a safety glass, half expecting the animal to pop like a balloon upon getting poked with a pen he was currently levitation.

But as the critter didn't give off much of a reaction to his poking other than making a cute bunny sound, Starfall finally relaxed and understood that his experiment was most likely successful...

He carefully removed the crystal glass housing the bunny and slowly reached his hoof towards the creature.

The bunny stopped munching on the carrot for a second and turned it's head in confusion, before promptly taking a small jump towards Starfall's outstretched hoof and snuggling into it like an adorable fluff ball that it was...

Starfall grinned and gave the bunny a few scratches and head pats, although he wasn't sure if it could still be called a head pat when the target doesn't have a distinguishable head...

Yes...well...Starfall picked up the bunny and looked it all over.

When he came up with an idea of turning the bunny into the purest form on an adorable innocent pet with a few special features for a special idea he had, He didn't expect to transform it into a G5 bunny... The sheer fact it actually happened, put into question everything he actually knew about the future of the original Equestria, and having only seen the "New Generation" movie in regards to the new series, before his reincarnation, he didn't know whether the bunnies would have turned out like this on their own, or whether it was some kind of super magic that would completely change the physical form of multiple species...

The bunny squeaked at Starfall adorably while clapping it's ears as if giving him a happy ovation, before it tried to snuggle with him as he moved it closer to his face in curiosity.

Well...At least his original purpose of the experiment seemed to be successful. The bunny couldn't be any cuter and friendlier, no matter whether it was its appearance or behaviour...plus the almost ridiculous amount of positively aligned magic, alt least for a bunny, made it practically impossible to corrupt by anything, as most of the magic protected it from just such a situation...

He would have to keep it away from Fluttershy though... She'd fall in love with it the moment she lais her eyes on it, and he didn't want Angel to have a competition. Not even mentioning how angry at him she would be upon learning that he experimented on a little bunny...

Welp... If there's something that can get Discord to forgo being evil and isn't called Fluttershy, then it's an adorable pet. And this bunny is going to force it's friendship onto the Draconequus, whether he like it or not. Starfall thought with an evil grin...


In another part of the Lab, a certain statue felt his body shudder for whatever reason, despite being unable to actually move...


After prepping up a litter box and some carrot dispensers in a far corner of the large atrium, Starfall let the bunny lose and closed the doors behind himself.

He wasn't sure how it was going to go, but he trusted the bunny that it would do what it was best at and just continue being adorable.

He might even set Discord free from his movement bindings soon to see what he'd do.

He had already mellowed down the Draconequus quite a bit thanks to their regular meetings and hanging outs, but he hoped that the bunny could act like an anchor for him, not unlike how Fluttershy was an anchor for the original Discord.

And judging by how the bunny acted on the screen from a hidden camera he installed in the atrium, he might just be successful...


It was a pretty regular day for the Lord of Chaos.

Another boring, repetitive day of staying stuck in a single place as an unmoving stone figure...

Well, it wasn't really that bad, he had to admit to himself.

It was certainly a hundred times better than in the last one thousand years after his first defeat by Celestia...

True, he didn't remember much of that time, having been in a state of half consciousness for a good part of his stay as a sculpture, but he did remember the few recent years after the seal began to weaken. It was just so...boring!

Even plotting and scheming would get tiring after a time if he couldn't act on any of his genius ideas, and seeing the same scenery, the same boring, insignificant ponies and creatures passing by, he really longed for something, anything to happen just to break this infuriatingly boring cycle. He was the Lord of Chaos for crying out loud! He wanted to see change!

So when he finally got out, only to once again find himself as a sculpture shortly after, he feared the same boring and never changing scenery to greet him like an old friend. And it would have happened if not for that Pony...

Starfall Blueblood, that was his name. A fascinating pony, one he quickly found being both an extremely dangerous enemy, but also an incredibly pleasurable company for conversation, with a brilliant mind for magic that Discord never considered to be possible.

Despite being essentially his prisoner, Discord could enjoy treatment he would have only dreamed about when he was originally turned into stone, and to top it all of, Starfall even provided him with entertainment, going so far as to making it possible for him to move and speak again!

And while he would never admit it to anyone, he did enjoy their occasional games, as they were fairly more entertaining than staying all day as an unmoving sculpture...

So it was with great surprise when during one of his morning musical sessions, when Starfall's magical music box would play some enjoyable pieces to pass his time, a sudden movement of fluff caught the attention of the petrified Draconequus.

He didn't really have much time to ponder what it was, because before he realised, a small fluffy creature jumped onto his mismatched lap.

It was worth mentioning that his position was one of him sitting on a comfy sofa with a with his arms connected together under his chin and a scheming expression.

It was a bit of a game for him. He liked to pose whenever Starfall would reactivate his accursed bindings.

So as it stood, he could clearly see the weird fluffy creature trying to burry its head into his rocky stomach, without care for his clear and rising displeasure.

'You! Go away you...Fluffball!' He cursed in his head but the animal didn't listen and seemed to try even harder to do Whatever it was doing, looking almost as if it vibrated in excitement.

'It feels kinda nice though...No! I shall not agree to this! Leave me alone you rascal!' Discord screamed in his head, unaware of how a small part of magic in the bunny, slowly sipped into the Draconequus, trying to diffuse what years of resentment and heartache did to the heart of the poor Lord of Chaos.

And what was the origin of said magic if not the Elements of Harmony...


Starfall walked into a certain broom closet and tapped the floor with his hoof, waiting for his super secret room to appear from behind the fake walls and disguised floorboards. He didn't even wait for all the things to reach their intended place before approached a file closet, taking out a special folder and marking it with a special designation, and taking out a bunch of files from his saddlebag before putting them all into the folder, a picture of the round fluffy bunny taking up the front spot.

"It's only right that you take this number, I believe..." He said to himself with amusement looking at the number above the bunny. He then slowly read through the description, trying to see if it contained all he wanted to catalogue...

Specimen -999-

Designation: Fluff Bunny

danger assessment: Friendly +

Description: A magically modified Bunny, taking the form of a round fluffy creature reminiscent of the bunnies living in the <redacted>.

Despite the physical and mental similarities to normal bunnies and <redacted>, the specimen shows an abnormally strong need to interact and befriend other creatures, with an almost Instinctual ability to know how to endear itself to them and to not push too much and too little when the time calls for it.

Additionally, it exudes an unusually high amount of magical power, which manifests in a number of distinctly positive passive abilities, which can all be associated with the usage of the Elements of Harmony during the experimental process.

Notable abilities include: Empathic Senses; mild, touch transferred Euphoria; Corruption Resistance bordering on immunity, and <redacted>.

Thanks to it's unique connection with the Magic of Friendship, the specimen has been approved as a potential asset in the VRP (Villain Redemption Project).

Starfall smiled to himself and closed the file. It was exactly how he wanted it to be, so he put the file into the correct slot in the cabinet and secured it inside.

With that done, he concealed the secret room and left, only to find himself face to face with an annoyed Twilight.

"Why did you leave the bed so early?" She asked in a fake sweet voice that made Starfall sweat-drop...

"Ah...Twily...Well, you see...I actually left an experiment going through the night, and..." He tried to explain but Twilight put a hoof on his muzzle stopping him.

"Are you done with your "super important" experiment?" She asked with a raised eyebrow and Starfall quickly nodded, her pretty hoof never leaving his muzzle.

"Great! Then I'm sure you wouldn't mind if I kidnap you for a bit." She grinned at him before lifting him with magic and levitating him back towards their bedroom.

Suffice to say, they didn't leave until the evening as Twilight wanted to show him her "displeasure"...


The doors to the Golden Oak Library opened slowly with a quiet squeak, as a small green and purple dragon carefully walked inside, all the time trying to make as little noise as possible.

His face was covered in smooch marks and his expression was dreamy despite hi less than ideal current situation.

He really hoped he wouldn't walk onto anypony right now, because then he would have to explain why he didn't return home for the night, and, oh boy, that would be really, really bad...

Who would have thought his girls would be so happy to experiment with him in their clubhouse doing all this fun...stuff... Though for some reason he was relieved that they didn't get any Cutie Marks regarding any of those activities...He didn't know how they would explain it otherwise...

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