
Birthday in Pink...


Almost forgot. I spend the entire weekend playing terraria on Calamity Mod XD

Like always ENJOY!!!


Starfall spend the entire night in the Lab. It wasn't everyday that he got himself a Space Rock to research so he was not going to waste his time on such useless things like sleeping...

"This is unbelievable! Look at those readings Starfall! This Meteor actually-" Exclaimed Whooves before being interrupted by Starfall.

"Produces Magic. Yes, I can see that." He replied looking at the space rock in wonder while using his mage sight.

The meteor seemed to be generating magic. And said magic was actually completed attribute-less! This was such a lucky find that Starfall almost couldn't believe it!

"Do you think this is how magic came to Equestria originally?" Asked Whooves and Starfall shrugged.

"It could be. But our magic had already changed a lot to accommodate sentient species. We're speaking about things that might have happened thousands or even millions years ago." He replied, but his mind was already going somewhere else.

"Say...Do you think a rock like this can develop sentience?" He asked causing Whooves to look at him funny.

"Umm...I'd like to remind you that you are the resident magic expert Starfall. You tell me." The Stallion replied sheepishly and Starfall scratched his head in embarrassment.

"You're right..." He replied, remembering that old prophecy...

'Stars would aid in her escape'

Should he take it literally? Are there Asteroids in space that have their own sentience or something?...

"Sigh, whatever... Whooves, could you bring me the old notes about the magic generation theory? We might as well restart the research." He asked and Whooves nodded before leaving towards the storage area...

A magical source of pure magic that wasn't created by a living being, was really something that he was eager to research...


"So, what do we know?" Asked Starfall early in the morning after an entire night of research.

"It appears to be made out of an alloy of a number of magical metals but whether it was it's original material or it changed due to magic saturation is still unknown." Replied Twilight who currently wore a lab coat and a pair of glasses giving her a sexy scientist vibe.

"It is also filled with crystallized magic, but as far as I can tell, said Crystals actually impede the magic generation by disturbing the inner magical flow." Added Dr Whooves.

"The reason for why the meteorite produces magic seems to originate from the interaction between the attribute-less/space magic, the inner flow, and the alloy or more specifically an unknown metal with perpetual properties inside of it." Twilight continued.

"Alright. Now the most important question...Can it be improved?" He asked and Twilight nodded excitedly.

"Yes!...But..." Her expression became a little awkward...

"But?..." Starfall asked and Whooves decided to reply.

"We cannot use our magic to correct the imperfections or the entire rock might loose it's properties." He replied and Starfall sighed.

"That's to be expected I guess...But thankfully we have a resident scientists who is very good at thinking up different magic-less technologies." He replied winking at Whooves who actually blushed at the praise, before realising that Starfall tried dropping all the work on his head.

Twilight giggled.

"Alright you two. I think that's enough for today. We can think how to make a magic generator later. For now I think you had a date planned Starfall? Did you not?" She asked and Starfall opened his eyes wide when he noticed the time on the clock.

"Apples! I'm gonna be late! Thanks Twilight!" He said before kissing her cheek and teleporting away.

Twilight turned to Whooves who gave her a knowing look.

"So...You wanna help me figuring this thing out?" He pointed at the Meteor mounted to a large weird device in the middle of the room.

"Sorry Whooves. Not today. We're preparing a surprise party for Pinkie. Of course you are also invited" She added and Whooves smiled.

"Ah! I see! Then I'll gladly accept your invitation! The research can wait a day or two." He said before starting to clean up.


"Starfall! You're here! I was thinking! Since yesterday we had so much fun, why don't we change our date into another party? Let's call it "Gummy's birthday after-party!" Exclaimed Pinkie the moment she saw him entering the Sugarcube Corner.

Starfall laughed before shaking his head.

"Sorry Pinkie, but today this is for you and not for us." He shook his head leading her out of the building.

"But think about it! Wouldn't it be better to share the fun with everypony?!" She asked leaning over his shoulder with no consideration about personal space...

Starfall just laughed, inwardly thinking about a comeback because if she gets fixated on making a party now, it would only cause problems...

As they were walking, Pinkie didn't realise that Twilight sneaked into the Sugarcube Corner and came out with a packages...

"Nope..." He said with a grin realising that he really didn't need to look for a complicated reasoning. "Now let's go! I booked a table for the two of us." He said pulling a pouting Pinkie along, finally making the party pony giggle at his silliness.

"Wait! Where are we even going?!" She suddenly asked realising that he didn't specify it.

"Oh You'll see, haha! You're gonna love it! Just follow me." He said as they walked through the town.

"It took them thirty minutes of a pleasant walk, until they finally arrived at their destination.

"We're here! Let's go in!" Starfall said as Pinkie Pie face became blank at the realization.

"Wait...Did you drag me through half of Ponyville only to take me back here?" She asked as her eyes landed on the establishment in front of them...

...It was the Sugarcube Corner...

"Yep..." He said with a grin and Pinkie's blank mask finally snapped as she burst out laughing.

This cover up date was up to a good start...


So, why are we visiting Applejack again? You said something about Cider? Is it so important that we had to stop?" She asked a bit dissatisfied, even though her legs still shuddered after the fun they had in her room after their date...

"Oh don't worry Pinkie. Well have plenty of fun later. But for now I just need to take care of a little thing and you're going to like it, promise." He explained leaning over and kissing her ear making her giggle.

"Alright Mister. But I expect a wild ride for at least half the night afterwards." She said causing Starfall to laugh.

"I'll be sure to provide, Haha!" He replied as they stopped in front of the Apple family's Barn.

"Alright, it's inside. Could you wait for me a second?" He asked and walked inside the barn while quickly casting a silencing spell so that the ponies inside didn't blew the surprise.

"Surpr- Oh it's Starfall..." Shouted Apple Bloom embarrassed.

Starfall winked at her and turned to the doors while disabling the spell.

"Hey Pinkie! Could you come in for a second?" He called and the Doors soon opened.

A curious Pinkie walked inside and before she could realize what was happening, a deafening "SURPRISE!!!" almost blew her away.

"Wha-?!" Her eyes opened in surprise when she saw everypony. All her friends, neighbours, acquaintances.

"Happy Birthday Pinkie!" Called many ponies, and the Pink mare was practically overwhelmed with emotions when she realized what was happening.

Here she was the Party organiser who always made sure to throw a party for everyone, and now she received a party of herself.

"I- I didn't even realize that it's today." She said as small happy tears started to fall down her cheeks.

"Then it's good that you have us, Haha!" Said Rainbow Dash ash she flew over to the Birthday Pony.

"Yeah. Come on Pinkie. Let's party." Said Starfall while taking out Gummy from his saddlebag and winking at Pinkie.

"Hey! I didn't even realize that you took him!" Said Pinkie surprised seeing her pet aligator, before smiling happily and abruptly hugging Starfall who in his surprise threw the aligator into the punch bowl.

"I'm not drinking that." Said Rainbow Dash with a shudder and everypony laughed.

It was a very good day to live in Equestria...

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