
Chapter 1 : I died?! ( yea u did Larry >:D )

"Alright mum I'm coming !" Larry shouted as he walked towards his mother in the living room while reading '10 ways to get a girl online'. " What is it mum?" Larry asked with a sarcastic face. " Stop whining ungrateful child, I want you to do the laundry upstairs, also don't forget to dry it up at the balcony. " His mum told him. " Ugh, fine..." Larry said while going back to his bedroom. He put down his '10 ways to get a girl online' on top of his desk and walked upstairs to the laundry room.

Up at the border between hell and heaven, Grim was on the job of seperating souls on wether where they should go. The look on Grim's face told us that he was bored as hell, he checked out the souls like a cashier checking out a bunch of groceries at the grocery store just flat bored face of his. Then the clock strikes 12, which is the time for lunch break, (c'mon even the grim reaper deserves a break!) he went to The Hell's Hot Cafeteria where he usually get some ghost pepper salad with burning charcoals and lava soup. " Right better go and find Death. " Grim thought to himself, his best friend Death was in charge of taking people's lives. He took Death's favorite meal in the cafeteria The Hottest pack which Grim can't handle at all considering he didn't really liked spicy food. Just as he was walking towards the table, he could see death walking pass the entrance, passing the souls that were in a perfect line waiting to be checked out with a frown on his face.

" Yo, wassup Death? " Grim approach Death with a pat on his shoulder. Death responded with a sarcastic face and groaned. " Hey, man what's wrong with you?" Grim asked looking a little bit worried. " You know just another day doin' shit and stuff..." Death responded with a sigh. " Yo, yous never been this ugly even though yous done this everyday. " Grim said walking with him towards a lunch table. " It's just that, Satan just gave me a name and I don't even know the cause of death! How can I kill him without knowing the cause of death! " Death groaned again. This time they were sitting down at the table eating their meal. " What cha mean Satan didn't give you a cause? " Grim asked while munching his hot charcoal. " Well, I dunno ok? this stuff never happens before as long as I am death. " Death said munching his salad of mixed peppers and Satan's special sauce that he always brought with him. " Well yous best be getting that poor soul here, unless yous wanna ask the Satan himself." Grim said. " Well looks like I will have to use my secret weapon, since I don't wanna deal with Satan right now." Death said. " Alrighty then, Is be watin over at me post for this lucky guy." Grim replied with a laugh.

Back with Larry, he had just finished his mum's laundry, and was heading towards the balcony to dry it up. " Yeah, yeah, I'll call you later, dude." He told someone at the other side of his phone. " Sometimes I wonder why Duke is even my best friend?" he thought to himself while he walked towards the balcony when he suddenly froze. He suddenly dropped the basket full of wet clothes with his phone and started to feel dizzy, his vision then blurs and turns to black, he can feel himself falling with his face on the floor and lips pout, while his bum is facing the air. " What the fuck is happening to me?" He can hear his thoughts playing inside his head. " Oh God, I don't feel so good..." He thought and had a feeling to vomit. Then all of a sudden it all just... went away. " What the fuck was that? " Larry mumbled. He then got up and begin to stretch his body, but this time something felt wrong. " What the fuck- Why did I feel a little bit lighter than usual? " He thought as he touches his body. Nothing was strange as he did that so he just sigh it off as him hallucinating and turned around when his face turned into a ghostly shock. " OH MY FUCKING GOD!!! " He screamed as he stared at his own body in a weird pose and wet laundries scattered next to it with his phone cracking and glitching. He's dead.

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