
B's Surprise prt.2

"Th-That can't be!" B was in denial as the words escaped his lips.

His older brother, and all-father of hell, Lucifer,  just informed him that the love of his life was carrying his unborn child. 

"And how the hell do you know this?" he demanded, forgetting the humble, cool, demeanor he was supposed to be currently showing to his angered brother and Liege. 

He couldn't keep up the facade of nonchalance when it came to Beatrice. B had unconsciously taken a few steps toward his brother, ready to pummel him for the answer. He was mere seconds from trying to yank his older brother up by his lapels and demand that he tell him everything he knew about her. B caught a glimpse of it then. There was a glimmer of satisfaction in Lucifer's eyes at his passionate response and the tidbit of news he had just shared with the near-broken demon. 

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