
22. Earthquake.

Que sat in front of the windows basking in the sun in the sunroom waiting for Elder Talia. Their training starts today. She had came just after sun rise having nothing else to do. The environment was quiet and peaceful and the sun was warm unlike the rest of the building.

She observed the people working down in the field, digging the ground and burying some strange looking objects. The work seemed tedious and she wondered why they do not use farm machineries. They were surrounded by tall trees on the edges making a thick fence, probably to stay hidden from their enemies. It locked highly secured.

Looking down on the field, she could only recognize a few.

'These are all Zeus people,' She thought.

He is the guardian of the underworld, and these people work for him. Some of them have died during the attack while most are injured, it's no wonder they weren't friendly with her. She is bad news to them, that she completely understand. So she would try to be good to them.

They are all like one big happy family, one she hope to be a part of someday. Even though she is married to Zeus, that was only in the name. She knew better. She only wished she could stay here for the rest of her life, away from people and those after her.

Her life had been hard ever since she was old enough. And with the way things are right now, she should be more concerned about how her future would be with these monster's on her tail but for a reason she was not bothered. Right now, at this moment she was content. Of course all the information she'd gotten from her shrink and Zeus had her head reeling but she had made one decision.

She would try her best and cooperate wtih these people until she got rid of her curse. That way she wouldn't be used to harm others. Right now they are the only ones that cared about her, she wouldn't let them down. She hope one day she can repay them.

Although she didn't understand alot of things, mostly regarding Zeus and who he is, he dodged that part, the rest of the creatures after her, she decided it's best if she ignored that and focused on the task at hand. Which is strengthening her core.

She cleared her head and sighed, content with the way things are right now when the house suddenly shook sending vibration through the house.

"Woah, was that an earthquake?" She steadied herself on the wall. The vibrations came again and she rushed out of the room looking for an outlet that would take her outside away from buildings least she got buried underneath the rumbles.

Ever since she could remember there had never been earthquakes in their city, not even in the recent history. Why are they having earthquakes suddenly. Or maybe those bastards are attacking again.

She took any turn she came across untill with only one destination in mind, but even after long she still didn't find an outlet and the vibrations have seized. Why aren't there any doors her? She had at some point started wondering whether she was locked inside.

She came across an open door with vague sounds coming from within. Peeping in, q shirtless guy was sparring inside a gym. He was alone and looked focused.

Que sighed momentarily forgetting her initial task, if only she could have a teacher. She raised her fists and observed her knuckles, the last time she had train she was bedridden. Which made her a little reluctant to try again.

"If you are going to go on another punching spree, you should wrap your hands a cloth to prevent your skin from breaking." She looked up to see Chris smiling at her. He looked so serious with the band keeping his hair off his face unlike his usual carefree self. His body was lean but toned, and a little tanned.

"Yea, thank you." She nodded.

"Shouldn't you be with that shrink for your lessons? How did you end up here?"

"Ah, yes. I was waiting for her when the earthquake suddenly occurred."


"Yea, just now. Didn't you hear that?"

"That? That wasn't an earthquake," He laughed. "that was the Lord. Probably angered by something and took it out on the walls."

"Zeus did that?"

"Yea, I should give you a heads up. Stay at least 1 meter away from him whenever you notice he isn't in a good mood. He throws punches at anything in his path. Trust me, I'm saying that from experience." Chris recalled his not so pleasant experience.

"Ah...In that case, thank you."

"Pleasure." He mock bowed. The guy was nice, probably the only one that is nice to her here and easy to get along. She suddenly saw an opportunity and grabbed it.



"Would teach me how to fight? I want to be able to defend myself someday." She raised her hands. "The last time wasn't successful."

"Of course, I don't usually take in student but since you asked nicely. I'd be honored to be your master. You've come to the right place."

He said puffing his chest out.

"Thank you, I'm grateful." She held back her laugh. Who knew that she could easily find a teacher!

"When should we start?"

"Whenever you are free, you should set the time."

"Great! Thanks, in the morning should do. After dawn if that's okay with you." She is free at dawn and Zeus's wouldn't requested her presence. He picked up a shirt and wore it when he noticed her discomfort. She had been keeping her gaze anywhere but him.

"When I got back from the field yesterday I went to check up on you but the room was empty."

"Yes, I went out for...something."


She debated telling him that she was out to look for someone but turns out that person has been with her all the time.

"Something troubling you?"

"Nothing, I'm fine." She shook her head.

"If you say so." he walked to the bench she sat and sat beside her.

"So,...You finally figured out the truth huh?"


"About all that's happening.." he gestured with his hand at the house.

"Yea, Zeus told me." she whispered and they laspsed into silence as she fiddled with her fingers.

"You are not human too." Its a statement instead.


"What are you then? Are you all the same species? I mean since Zeus is a dragon, are you also dragons or just random variety of species living in the Underworld?"

"Dragon?" He burst out laughing.

"The Lord is a dragon? Where did you gwt that from?" He laughed to his heart content and she could only look at him feeling stupid.

"Are you done?"

"I'm sorry, I just couldn't get the idea...ahem...Anyways, yes we are all the same species. But definitely not dragons."

"We are djins, what you humans mostly refer to as demons. I might be unaware but as far as I know those creature's do not exist."

"Huh, does that mean he lied to me? The Guardian of the underworld?" She thought out loud.

"No, that's not what I mean, he is a demon and the guardian of the underworld. It's true because he is the Prince. We are his people."

" A demon prince?" her eyes doubled in size. A demon is bad on its own, but he has to be a Prince!? Didn't that just made it worse?

"But if he is the king can't he just command those that are after me to stop? Why would they attack their own leader?"

"That is a long story. Let's just say, those ones are the rebellious demons. You'll get it as time goes on."

"I see." she definitely wouldn't.

"So, my time is up, Leo would be needing me on the fields, our training will begin tomorrow then. One thing you need to keep in mind is that karate isn't about strength, but control, precision, discipline, and self-knowledge. In addition, value is placed on peace and meditation. It shouldn't be hard when you put your mind into it."

"Right, thank you sensei." She cupped her fist and bowed to him and he ruffled her hair.

Her journey to becoming a black belt karateka has began. She was excited as watched him leave. She took in his feature she couldn't help but admire his beauty. All of them shared one feature, and thats beauty. They were all unique in their ways that she felt very inferior to them. In all of the books she've read, demons are hideous creatures. Never in her life would she ever think they are the opposite in reality. Although their beauty is odd, they are still beautiful.

She turned around and began the hard task of finding her way back to the sunroom from here. She had no idea which turns she took.

Chris retracked his claws and jumped down from the ceiling he had been hiding waiting for the girl to leave. When he was sure she was gone, he shifted the carpet on the floor and a panel appeared. He touched a button and a door appeared on the wall leading outside. The Lord had forbidden her from leaving unless it was with him or he instructed. He came out to the open the door closing behind him when his neck was seized by a large hand and he was thrown to the wall.

"What were you telling the girl?" A mountainous figure covered in hair snared. It was beardy, Zeus's personal body guard.

"Nothing Ifrit, we were just..." his voice was cut as he was seized again. "Should we take you to the Lord then? Perhaps you could talk better."

"Nno....I was only teaching her karate, nothing else, I swear."

"Better make sure it's nothing. Else you'll be loosing your tongue. This should be your last warning." He threw him back down and disappeared just as he came.

Chris stared at the air coughing out blood as he massaged his neck. He fit the role of the Lord's guard well. Both of them are ruthless.

Tada...Thanks for the votes.

Blooming_Safflowercreators' thoughts
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