

                      While Zaos was only used to waking up at the same time the sun began to rise, his instincts forced him to wake up when it was dark. It was impossible to know what time it was due to the clouds in that mountainous region. Still, Zaos was pretty sure the army drills would start soon… and yet, he couldn't hear any sound coming from squad mates' rooms.

"These guys…" Zaos frowned. "Hey, it is time."

                Zaos knocked on the doors and repeated that several times until he heard the sound of some footsteps. When some of the kids opened the door, Zaos saw in their sleepy faces that they had no idea what he wanted. That is what happens when someone sleeps on a proper bed after so long… they get lazy.

"We are going to be late, and you can guess what will happen if our instructor is Elius," Zaos warned his squadmates.

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