
Vengeful Spirit: Thalia's Madness(9)

Thalia is scared. No. Scared is an understatement. She is drowned in guilty consciousness and terrified of the newest devastating report about the accident occurs to the two senior students from Jupiter Building.

She bypassed a group of female students from the other class. They excitedly tittle-tattle about the recent event or gossip among themselves in front of empty Study Hall 1 of the Faculty of Business and Management. Maisarah had long disappeared to the library since she had extra work to do, leaving Thalia alone, fiddling nervously among the sea of other students. Her friends were gone, and she had no one besides her except Maisarah. Maisarah is the only person that understands her. She always treated Thalia fairly amidst the look of contempt the others gave her.

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