
Time Warp 24

The Big Gete Star, for all of its size. Was pretty barren on the inside. Big ol' robots popped out constantly and attack me by the dozens. My scouter telling me each and every single one of them sat at three million in battle power. Oddly enough, no more Broly's attacked me, so I guess that as them all that attacked me outside. And there were hundreds of rooms that I passed by. But each one was just filled with computers and other such technology.

All in all, pretty damn boring. I mean, a wet dream come true for Bulma probably. But for me, bland and boring. Though, it definitely has a lot of potential. The Big Gete Gamer System for instance definitely has a nice ring to it.

This technological marvel will go a long way to enhancing my future, amazing life as a Super Saiyan NEET. I can see it now, every gaming system known to man kind. All types of monitors for me to pursue freely. Virtual Reality up the wazoo. And me, sitting there on the most comfortable lounging chair in existence, with an ever replenishing bowl of Fruit of Might beside me.

Excitement flowed through me to the point where my body was practically vibrating. I couldn't wait anymore and I was still ages away from getting to my destination and getting my hands on the main terminal of the Big Gete Gamer System.

I placed two fingers on my forehead, and then I locked onto Broly's ki with my ki sense and teleported straight to him.

I found myself appearing with a massive wide open room, at the bottom of a grand stair case leading up to a giant throne. And sitting on that throne, was a very familiar metallic behemoth of a man with glowing green hair.

"So you've come Kakarot," the real Broly sneered down at me, his massive hands clenching tightly into the arm rests of his throne and cracking them, "I'm quite glad you survived my extra bodies. Now I can hear your screams that have haunted me since the day I was born you scrawny runt, only now in your death throes."

"That's nice Broly," I smiled up at him, "So, where's the main terminal that's got you connected to the Big Gete Star?"

Broly snorted, "Bravado won't save you weakling. You may have been strog enough to defeat my bodies, but I'm the true Legendary Super Saiyan, I'm far above them," he boasted and pushed himself up off of is throne, "Though, I suppose you little freak, if you must know the connection between me and my pet is right here." he pointed to his forehead.

So that's where it is, "Good to know," I nodded, before smirking at him, "Rejoice Broly, for your old best buddy Kakarot is gonna give you a free cranial nerve examination."

"A clown to the last you wailing weakling!" Broly growled, before tensing and powering up, ki exploding into existence around him and then throughout the room in great big arcs that outright warped the colour of the room, "Watch, and piss yourself in fear before my might KAAAAAKAAAAAAAAROOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTT!!!!"

Before my eyes, his body bulked up even larger, blue bio electricity sparking around his form and throughout his raging green aura as his power suddenly doubled! And then continued to grow and grow at a rapid pace.

Right now, he's even stronger than me!

He exploded forward, the sheer force of his take off destroying his throne and the staircase it was on as he shot down towards me.

He was upon me in the blink of an eye, a blink of my eye actually, not a normal persons. His giant metallic fist met my arms lifted into a cross block over my face and I felt my bones creak and break as I was ploughed down through the metal floor, and the one below it, the one below that, and three more before I slammed I cratered the last.

My arms flared with agony, and already they had turned from tanned to completely purple and blue, my hands twisted due to dislocated wrists.

"Well now, I wasn't expecting that." I noted, as I clenched my fists and jerked my wrists back into place, my bones mending seconds later and the heavily bruised and broken flesh of my arms receding and returning to healthy tanned skin.

Despite myself, excitement flared within my core. Now here's a real challenge. But, as much fun as it would be to fight this kind of guy while pacing myself.

I'm simply not so much an idiot to let my battle lust let a risk like the legendary super autist continue to power up just for a challenge.

"Kaaaakaaaaroooooooot!" Broly roared. I looked up to see his silver and green form dive bombing towards me from the holes I made by getting punched through the floors of the Big Gete Star.

I reached for my magic, and combined it with my ki. White bolts of electricity ran across my golden aura as I entered my Mystic Super Saiyan form and my power tripled.

A shocked gasp left Broly's throat as I blitzed up from my crater and slammed my fist into his own face and sent him blasting right back up through the ceilings one after another.

Ironically, as I chased him up, he landed in a crater on the ceiling on his throne room, his metallic cheek dented inwards.

He stared down at me, silent and wide eyed for a moment, before his check filled back out and a roar exploded from his mouth, "KAAAAAKAAAAROOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOTTTTT!" then, he spat out a massive green mouth beam down at me.

"Oh, Broly, you shouldn't have," I fake swooned, as I lifted my hand up and formed a portal to my dimension, letting the portal swallow the beam whole, "I can't take this, it's too much." I added, as I raised my other hand and opened up a second portal which erupted with the familiar massive green beam a split moment later.

I burst out laughing as Broly gave a surprise shout when his own beam slammed into him and ploughed him through the ceiling, shaking the entire Big Gete Star.

"Minato Namikaze, eat your heart out." I posed with my arms wide as if taking in a great big applause. I'd been wanting to try that out for a while now. I can form as many portals to my dimension as I want, hell I can form ones to give to people to conjure as they pleased with my permission.

Guru may have called it a simply matter. But even with Kami, Piccolo and Popo's knowledge on magic, I couldn't understand for the life of me how he made such an elaborate thing. I mean, I could make little dimensions if I wanted to, but nothing the size of what Guru made, nor give the ability of authority over it to someone.

My amusement was abruptly cut off as I heard Broly screaming in rage, and felt as a mass of ki was generated throughout the entirety of the Big Gete Star and rushed towards his form. And I felt it, as his ki that had already grown by a few percentage since his transformation, began to multiply and jump to even higher levels!

...It was a very fucking familiar process to.

'Right, full force it is.' I frowned and went into full serious mode. I raised my my left arm to my forehead, two fingers touching it. While I bulked up with the ultra form and a second set of arms formed alongside my original two. My power spiked up massively and I reached for a certain connection that lay between my ki and my magic. Two of them in fact.

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