
Another destruction

In the morning, Rahab calls the family to tell them about her trip to the mountain for thirty days praying and fasting,

Rahab: " I called you all to inform you of my trip to the mountain "

Ishan:" why now aunt? you can't leave us all alone, not now that Agni is no more who will protect us from Zerah? "

Rahab: " Agni... I mean I'll pray for you so that no harm shall come to you "

Riswan: " do you mind telling us why you are going there my child?"

Rahab: " I saw a very fierce battle in the near future and God directed me to go there so that victory can be ours"

Mitra:" when you get there Rahab, pray and ask God to punish Zerah for making me childless "

Tony:" its okay Mitra,its okay"

Salma: " may God protect you and guide you always child "

Mark:" this time,by God's grace,we shall overcome "

Rahab leaves the house and goes to Nikita and Fred's house to tell Matty and Agni goodbye. As Agni is about to drive Rahab to the mountain, she receives a call from Jasmine's mom,

Miss Jason:" hello Zara? please come to the house immediately, Jasi is very I'll and her temperature is so high"

Agni: " am on my way there now,I'll arrive soon"

Agni persuades Rahab and everyone else to go with her to visit Jasmine and they concur. They get to the house and Jasi leaps for joy when she sees Agni and Jaden,

Jasi:" yay Zara and Jay are here am so happy "

Agni: " what's this? I thought you were I'll and now you're jumping "

Jasi: " you don't visit me anymore Zara,you promised to invite me to the wedding so I could dance a lot but you didn't "

Agni: " oh Jasmine why are you so stubborn,we had important work to do and you... "

Jasmine: " so now you hate me isn't it Zara?"

Jaden: " why say that?we can never hate you "

Jasi: " alright, tell me something then,who is the aunt and uncle you came with because clearly I've never seen them before "

Agni: " this is my aunt Rahab and that's my brother Matteo "

Jasmine: " you are all welcome, I asked mom to make some chocolate cake so we can all eat together so come to the table with me!"

Agni: " are you serious now Jasi! we have other things to do!"

Jasmine: " why do you always argue with me Zara?"

Matteo: " its fine we'll stay for 45 minutes and then leave,by the way chocolate cake is my favorite "

Jasmine: " really?! I have a strong feeling that we'll become best of friends! "

Everybody goes to the dining table and seat to eat the cake with Jasi. Jasmines mother struggles to look Rahab in the face,Rahab notices and she asks some private questions,

Rahab: " miss Jason? are you a Muslim?"

Miss Jason: " uh...yes I am... I am a Muslim "

Rahab: " are you married or not?"

miss Jason: " no ma'am... am not married,I mean we separated "

Rahab: " from what I know,only married woman wear masks over their nose and mouth,so why are you? "

Miss Jason: " its nothing I just don't feel comfortable in front of so many people "

Agni: " aunt stop,you're making her feel uneasy"

After eating the cake,Agni, Matty and Jaden drive Rahab to the mountain while Nikita and Fred go to the house. Rahab says her goodbye and goes all the way up while the guys go back home,

Agni: " we couldn't go ahead with our mission because we were distracted by Jasmine, but we will do it tomorrow "

Matteo: " absolutely. Aunt Rahab trusted us with this mission while she helps us out "

Jaden: " and the best we can do is help her, help our family out. So we can't let her down"

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