
PART 2 Legacy

With Agni as the new ruler, everything is going great. On a particular day,Matteo and Agni are going around the village in their car. They come across a particular area, where they find a man beating his wife in the streets. Matteo stops the car,and both cousins come out. Seeing the man beating his wife shamelessly makes Agni even more furious. She walks to the man and punches him to the side of his face and he falls down. Agni squats next to man and tells him how irritated she gets with men who act like him," men who don't respect women irritate my soul, you are not an exception, you shameless man. Matteo! what do you suggest I do with this disrespectful man"

Matteo walks forward,lifts the man and dusts him off," well cousin I think we should give him a lighter punishment so that next time, he won't do this. This man is very strong and he shows off his strength and power by oppressing his wife so let him show us his power by running faster than our car"

Agni agrees with her cousin, " you are absolutely right,you Mr man will race with Matteo and the car,so you show us how manly you are if you fail then I won't hesitate to shoot you"

The man stands side to side with the car, Matteo enters the car and starts driving while the man race with him by foot. As they are racing, Agni and other two male friends start cheering and clapping. The racers come back to the point where they started and the man out of tiredness collapses. Agni takes a bottle of water out the car and splashes some on the mans face. The man awakens and he pleads with Agni for forgiveness. Agni let's the man off with a warning. She also tells his wife to tell her if at all the husband repeats what just did a few minutes ago and leaves with Matteo and their two friends. They go to Sir Ray's house for training. After training session, Ray and the youngsters sit down to rest and chat a little before they can go home. Agni asks Ray to tell her about her mother.

Ray gives a sigh and starts to talk," your mother looked just like you, in fact, we can say that you are an exact replica,in other words you have been reborn so we don't miss you that much, Mable was a woman of power and justice. She hated evil and wrong. She made sure that everyone regardless of religion, race or color saw the goodness of life"

Agni is so happy to hear this, " wow she sounds like a great woman, you know sir, I will be just like my mom, making sure that everyone is treated equal including myself "

Matteo promise to stand by his cousin, " I will take this journey with you matter what and no one will separate us, I promise "

Matteo and Agni hug each other and they leave. Where they get home, they get an earful from their mothers," where have the both of you been, all day, hope you haven't caused any trouble. come sit with us at the table "

Again and Matteo sit at the table and have dinner with their family. After which they go to their bedrooms. Agni goes to her window and looks at the stars, " mom I wish I saw you even once oh how I wish "

Mira walks into the room and comforts a broken Agni, " she may not be here but I know she watches over you for sure and she will help and guide you on the path of justice you want to take,no harm will come to you ever because we all love you, remember that"

Mira hugs Agni and kisses her with a good night on the forehead.

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