
08: Let the competition begin part 2

When everyone goes back to the house, no one is talking to Mable as they are having dinner. Tony congratulates Mable as Riswan freaks with anger. Mable starts to praise herself,"I said it Tony am the best no one can beat me am the young lioness no one challenges me"

unknown to her, she invites trouble. Riswan takes Mable's hand with force and drags her to the backyard where he ties her to the mango tree. Aunt Mirabel, Tony and Salma quickly go after him asking what he is trying to do, "Riswan what are you trying to do what's wrong?"

Riswan takes his biggest cane and starts to hit Mable with it,"you disobedient child! I warned and told you to stay away from the competition but you grew wings, now I will show you "

Riswan continues to hit Mable as she cries out in pain,"father stop hitting me! please help me Tony save me! "

Mirabel and Salma try to stop Riswan but he doesn't pay heed to them until Tony grabs the cane from him, "stop it father! she's a girl for crying out loud why would you hit her like that! if you hit her one more time you will have me to contend with"

Riswan's face changes to shock as he has never seen this side of Tony before, "wow son, so you have joined everyone who is against me right? you are a weakling" he goes into the house with anger.

Tony unties his sister,takes her to her room and asks her to apply ointment to the scratches on her body and he leaves. Salma comes into the room and tries to apply ointment on Mable's scratches but she pushes her away, "stop it mom,just leave me alone just yesterday you were against me when I took an important decision of my life, you watched your husband hit me like an animal when I stand by you. Am fine by myself thank you, now leave my room now"

Salma leaves the room with tears in her eyes. She goes to the balcony where she cries her pain out. As Mirabel is passing by, she hears Salma cry and she goes to her. Salma complains to Mirabel, "I feel helpless, my own daughter is angry at me,I failed to stand by her when she needed me most, I failed as a mother aunt, I've failed"

Mirabel gives Salma reassurance, "you haven't failed, it is not too late to correct your mistake just calm down"

It is day two of the competition and everyone is gathered including Riswan but Mable is nowhere to be seen and this worries Salma. Meanwhile, at home, Kel,Mira and Tony try to stop Mable from competing as she is not in a good state been but Mable does not conquer. They all go to the village square and the council announce the challenge for the second round, " the second challenge, both competitors will have to carry a very large pot full of water on their heads from here to the top of the mountain"

Both competitors put the large pots of water on their heads and begin to go up the mountain. As Riswan is walking his toe hits a big stone as he starts cursing. Mable smiles and mocks her father, "come on Riswan just give up already" Riswan ignores his daughter's words and continues. On her way, Mable gets tired and feels like giving up but her will to change every woman's life keeps her going. Riswan gets tired and his pot falls off and breaks. He goes back to get another pot but before he could go back,Mable reaches the top and breaks the pot as a sign of victory. Everyone cheers for Mable as Riswan leaves in anger.

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