
Making Out at Midnight

Winter stares at Marcellus for a moment.

Even though he's just woken up, he still looks immaculately dashing. Beaming down on his perfectly chiseled sculpture is the glimmering, coruscant ray of moonlight that's seeping through the wall window behind her, making him appear so enchanting that it dazzles her. Even the brightness of the moon can never compare to the brilliance of the sun that is his smile.

She remained so mesmerized that she didn't snap out of it until he started talking again.

"Your brother was here a few hours ago," he informed her. 

"August was here?" she blurted out, taken aback.

"Yeah. You were sleeping then. He didn't want to wake you up, so he only stayed for several minutes before he went back to the Middleton's estate."

"Wait, what? Why did you let him? You do know that Uncle and Aunt are-"

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