
CHAPTER 106(Superhuman Limits)

Discord: https://discord.gg/t7bHrdRY7Y

pat.reon: Keanu_Eugene (30+ chapters ahead)



All For One sends a massive column of air forward from his hand directly toward Horizon.


'Hngh,' All For One feels himself being knocked across the forest, immediately swapped with Horizon so the air slams into his back.

He gets ragdolled through a hundred meters of trees and dirt before he rolls and stops himself in mid-air, using Air Walk to stand above the ground.

Scanning his surrounding with his Infrared Quirk he sees the destruction his path caused.

'So unlike mine, his warping is instant and cannot be resisted, extraordinary...'

All For One staggers forward, passing a hand across his chest he feels his ultra-durable and expensive suit slashed.

And a moment later the entire torso of it is shredded.

The sound of trees toppling and rocks crumbling bombard him, his Vibration Sense Quirk replacing his ears, now alerting him to all the trees in this area being cut down.

Dozens of mad but targeted slashes of Amputate.

Back at their original location, Horizon sees his attacks cutting down the forest, and in the suddenly low-cut area is All For One, still hovering in the air, and slowly turning to face Horizon.

Reaching up he grabs his shredded jacket and shirt and simply rips them off, exposing his muscled torso, with massive scars all across it.

"Amputate!" Horizon sends an attack directly at his head, and shatters the mask.

"No," All For One grows sharp black tendrils from his arms with Rivet Stab and reaches out to grab all the pieces, his face -or lack thereof- now exposed.

"Shambles," Horizon wars all the pieces away, swapping them with random leaves.

"Trying to suffocate me!" All For One yells as he takes a direct approach, suddenly flying directly at Horizon.


All For One stretches both hands outward at Horizon and releases two massive bursts of air.


As expected Horizon warps away, but All For One reacts quickly, only losing track of him for a second before pointing a single finger at him.


A bolt of black and red lighting crackles to life and shoots in a straight line toward Horizon.

It nearly touches his visor before he warps away again, this time on the other side of All For One, but only 10 meters away.

His sword was already lined up with All For One's brain.

'Injection Shot!' He fires a dozen shots, causing All For One to shake his head in annoyance.

Blindly swatting behind him he releases a gust of wind from his hand to clear the area, once again missing Horizon.

"Dragon Flame Breath!" All For One says as he releases a flamethrowing of red fire from his mouth, not aimed at Horizon but at the trees on the floor, setting them alight before he rises into the air. "That's enough using leaves to warp, don't you agree..."

All For One senses Horizon is still on the ground.

"Let's raise the stakes," he rockets down from the air and slams both palms into the ground.

The air from his impact stirs up the flames and spreads them further, then a new blazing heat spreads out.

"Magma!" beneath his palms the ground melts into bubbling magma as he flies back into the air.

And Horizon immediately takes to the air after summoning his Hoverboard, continuing their battle.

All For One is more grateful than ever that he abandoned his original plan.

As they constantly play the cat and mouse game, with Horizon using Amputate over and over, constantly switching his tactics as All For One is forced to use more and more Quirks and ware himself out.

Across the forest, the tremors from their battle are felt even while everyone else is fighting for their lives.

'Had I kept to my original plan, this situation could have been impossible,' All For One thinks as they continue fighting. 'Giving my original Quirk to Tomura would have left me with only the more physical Quirks, and physical Quirks aren't enough against Horizon...I need as many tools as possible to deal with him...'

After a few minutes of the fight raging on, the entire section of the forest below them was a raging inferno.

"Takt!" Horizon raises both his hands, raising every burning tree or loose rock for a hundred meters and sending it all at All For One.

As if they were attracted to a black hole pulling them in.

"Tough Scales + Reinforce!" All For One's skin becomes even more durable as he forms lizard scales across his body and guards with his arms, feeling trees and debris slam into him from all sides.

The flames and lava were burning him, taxing his regeneration, but not enough to end the fight.

He was suddenly trapped, as if in a small burning planet hovering in the air.

"Absorption," All For One absorbs all the flame. "Strength Enhancer x12!" he flexes and spreads out his arms, knocking the tons of lumber and rock away with absolute ease.

Taking a few deep and exhausted breaths All For One feels his scars beginning to open, his Hyper-Regeneration was failing as his body became more and more sickly with every Quirk use.

He had to end this fight soon.

'Why can't this guy just fucking die!' Horizon thinks, seeing his plan working, pushing All For One past the limits of his sickly form, he warps close to All For One, deciding to change up his approach, knowing he too had a limit to how much he could do.

Finally he was getting the chance to go for a killing blow and silence this threat.


His sword was brimming with blue lightning as he slashes downward, seemingly catching All For One off guard as the blade connects to the side of his neck.

'Finally, he changed his approach, it only took a few minutes, thankfully' All For One thinks as he sets his Horizon-specific countermeasures into motion.

A strategy he and his own doctor spent much time developing.

'Static Cloak + Energy Enhancer + Multiplier + Lightning Bolt!'

As the sword connects Horizon feels a sudden shock of electricity overload his body and mind, as his body is about to begin convulsing his Quirk shuts off, completely terrifying him.

His brain simply couldn't focus while flooded with current, exactly as Dr. Garaki suspected. Quirks that require such great focus can usually be dealt with in this manner.

'Amplifier + Recoil!'

As Horizon convulses, before he can even begin to shake his Katana shatters along with the bones in his right arm, the damage was reflected back at him at many times the magnitude.

Pivoting on the air All For One swings out with a harsh backhand at Horizon's face, his right arm, unfortunately, gets in the way and is entirely mangled because of it.

'Strength Enhancer X2' the backhand connects and shatters Horizon's visor and jaw.

"Shakedown!" All For One gives the command, finally seeing his opening.

A hole appears on his shoulder and out comes a Nomu, grey and pale, only as large as a housecat, and it leaps directly onto the convulsing Horizon.

"NNNNNARRGJJHGHAHG!" Horizon's mind is overwhelmed. The current flowing through him causes pain and confusion every time he tries to activate his Quirk.

And the Nomu stuck to him as he was falling is constantly shaking all the particles in his body and connected to him.

Exactly as a microwave works by shaking water particles until they heat up, this Quirk does exactly that...but it also hurts the user.

As they begin falling the two hundred feet to the floor below Horizon's Hero Costume is completely shredded, his new body glove fares better but his skin below is ripped apart.

His guts only stopped from falling to the floor because the body glove was in the way.

His internal organs straining and trying desperately not to fail as he experiences pain like never before.

His left eye pops as the fluid in it is moving too much for the eyeball to contain it.

Had his visor not been broken earlier the splatter would have blocked his view. But now he was only wearing his balaclava mask, already matted with blood, only showing his right eye, his popped left eye, and his bloody mouth and missing teeth, jaw hanging lose, mostly kept in place by the body glove.

His Quirk constantly comes on instinctively to heal himself but is immediately shut down by his brain collapsing because of the current.

All in a matter of seconds before the Nomu shakes itself to death and becomes a useless corpse, falling to the fire below.

As he's about to begin falling out of the air properly, All For One aims his right palm at the hero.

'Air Canon + Kinetic Enhancer!'


The final blast of air is fired, knocking him out of the air and into a new section of forest.

Finally getting a chance to breathe All For One takes a few deep breaths before levitating down to Horizon.

Finding a few trees snapped in half from his fall, a small trench carved out.

And the hero in question face down in the dirt, still awake, but convulsing uncontrollably as the current is still running through his mind and body.

"The single most powerful Quirk in the world..." All For One takes a desperate raspy breath as he lands and begins stumbling forward. "But when it's off, you're still just a human, weak to all the same things as a regular human...exploitable."

As All For One takes labored and careful steps forward, all his old injuries begin opening as his healing Quirks begin failing.

One by one he feels them becoming useless as his condition worsens. His muscles stiffen and his bones ache as he's quickly deteriorating.

Then he finally arrives at Horizon.

"Ngh!" Horizon tries to protest, finally feeling his mind free, but his body was failing. "Rng!"

He creates a Room two meters wide, the best he could do at the moment, forcing himself to twist his head and look up, All For One sees the blue healing energy trying to permeate his body.

Trying to fix his broken legs so he could get up, or maybe his jaw, or his eye, or one of the many ruptured internal organs.

"This will only take a second," All For One takes a knee in front of Horizon, leaving him on the floor as he palms his head.

ALL FOR ONE: Quirk Absorption!

Suddenly All For One feels resistance, unexpected from any Quirk aside from One For All.

'If any Quirk could resist me, it's his,' he thinks as he puts his back in it.

As if he was in a tug of war for his life, constantly trying to rip Hand Of God away from Horizon. Wanting to simply dump this Quirk before it kills him into a Nomu, then have Garaki use it to heal him.

'Damn it!' All For One struggles for nearly a minute, but no matter how much he tried he couldn't break past the Quirk, it simply wouldn't budge.

Unlike the genetic error caused when trying to steal One For All, this Quirk was simply defiant.

'Cloning this Quirk would likely be impossible, I'll have to change the plan again and revert it to what I said to him,' All For One gives one massive pull on Horizon's Quirk, trying to rip it out of him.

And as the struggle is at its peak.

ALL FOR ONE: Quirk Transfer!

"Energy Saver, Energy Enhancer, Energy Dynamo, Life Force!" he dumps the four Quirks that received the least resistance from Hand Of God and pulls away, rising to his full height and stumbling back.

"Uggrhmhhh!" Horizon groans as he begins to vomit up blood and convulse. Have a seizure from the sudden mental overload.

All For One just sighs, knowing it'd be impossible to imprison him at the moment, and doubling down his bets on Horizon healing him.

Focusing on his own body All For One gives more conscious thought to his healing Quirks, trying to look strong as his wounds kept opening to drench him in blood, until a minute later Horizon looks up from his puddle of blood with his one good eye.

"Energy Saver, Energy Enhancer, Energy Dynamo, Life Force. Those Quirks will do wonders for you, but you'll be dead before the next semester starts. If you solve the mystery of your own body and survive until then. I will bring them to you, and you will heal me, until we meet again, doctor..."

Sending his signal to Kurogiri, the familiar purple mist manifests around All For One and absorbs him, whisking him away to his doctor for a much-needed check-up.

And suddenly feeling the adrenaline in his system no longer necessary, Horizon blacks out for a much-needed nap, face down in his own blood.

Completely defeated...


Another volume done, now onto the next. I'd really appreciate a review if you've made it this far. Feel free to hop into discord so we can chat or just comment any thoughts you've had thus far :)

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