
Cake thief

Suzan slapped on my back and I almost let to plate fall from my hand, "Why are you so sullen about, you are with us now. There is nothing to be embarrassed about one's origin. Because if not for those origins, we wouldn't be the person that we are today now, would we?" My eyes went wide at Suzan as I blinked rapidly. 

"I did not know you could offer such words of wisdom," I said, truly shocked at what she had said. 

"Hey!" Suzan slapped my hand, and I chuckled, rubbing where she had hit me. There was no exchange of words for the next few seconds before Suzan nudged me with her elbow, "Selene, look there." My eyes followed her line of sight and saw Arina and Sam being close to each other, laughing and feeding each other cake. "Don't they look cute together?" Suzan asked as she gazed at them with awe. 

I could help but feel warm looking at that couple, "Ya, they look lovely together."

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