
(Kree Warship.)

Chapter one:

After the Skrulls had destroyed the inner defenses of the Kree warship, they started to board it. Dozens of soldiers infiltrated the landing dock of the ship which left most of the Kree traders dead on the floor. Some of the Kree begged for mercy but instead got shot by the Skrulls. Behind the army that was deployed, Kl'rt exited the boarding ship. He slowly walked with one of his hands acting as a sword made out of ice. He killed any of the Kree who was trying to escape through pods. The Skrull soldiers cleared the way for him until he got to the cockpit.

Is the Kree warrior inside? Kl'rt asked one of the soldiers guarding the door.

The soldier nodded and Kl'rt tore the door apart with his ice sword. Inside the cockpit, Starlight was trying to escort some of the injured Kree pilots out of the way. Some soldiers started firing at Kl'rt but he made a shield made out of Vibranium which deflected all of the bullet's away. He started to kill the soldiers one by one until they all were killed.

Starlight the Kree's most valuable soldier, looking defenseless in time's of crisis. What has happened to you? Kl'rt asked, retracting the ice sword and turned it into a flaming chain.

I'm doing what's right for this race. Protecting them. Starlight smiled and attacked Kl'rt with a sword.

Kl'rt blocked his attack with the vibranium shield and kicked him into the cockpit. Starlight got knocked into the wiring and was greatly injured in his back. Nonetheless, he stood back up and got ready to fight once more. Starlight slid to the side of Kl'rt and slit his knee open. He groaned in pain and covered it with some ice. Kl'rt rushed towards Starlight and continuously struck Starlight with his chain.

Starlight used his sword to block the attacks but with too much heat, his sword was cut in half and he was taking the full force of a flaming chain. His body was being burnt by Kl'rt while some of the Kree managed to escape.

You just... Starlight moaned as he tried to stand on two feet, let a hundred Kree civilians escape the ship.

They weren't the plan, Starlight. My intial plan was to kill you. Kl'rt raised Starlight's bloody face. And the story they will be taking about, is how they watched the Kree's greatest warrior fall to the Skrull king.

That's why you have to have a backup. Starlight smirked and struck Kl'rt with a uppercut. He pressed a button near him and the platform started turning upside down. Good luck telling your story. Said Starlight.

Starlight was placed into a ship that was acting as a light for the ship. He powered up the ship but his right hand was damaged heavily from a strike to his right wrist with the chain. There was no more time for him to activate the ship manually due to the banging from above him.

Computer activate. Starlight groaned as a hologram appeared in front of him.

Computer activating... good day, Starlight. What may I do for you? The hologram asked.

Send me to a planet where it is inhabited by no Skrulls and is a safe place to land on. Starlight ordered and the thrusters started to power up. He suddenly felt something in his stomach which wasn't good.

Preparing for... The hologram started to calculate silently. 616 jumps.

I should've thought this through. Starlight muttered as he prepared to travel at light speed of light.

From inside the ship. Kl'rt saw the ship Starlight was in travel to a distant place. Kl'rt punched the wall with anger and it created a very noticeable dent. He reached for his transponder.

Send a bounty for the head of Starlight. It's for a billion units. Kl'rt ordered to his ship. So, Starlight. You want to play a game of hide and seek? Kl'rt said to himself.

Chapitre suivant