
23. Open your souls a little

So, we're back to where we started. Augustus is sitting on the couch again, this time with Lapis and the others sitting across from them.

--- Let's continue where we left off. Augustus, you kept Lapis from us.

--- I've already told you why. You'd lock it up again.

--- How do you know ? Didn't you think we could talk about this ?

--- No, I didn't think of that.

--- August. You don't trust us ?

--- Why such a question ?

--- Don't answer a question with a question.

--- Then what do you want to hear ?

--- The answer to the question. The truth.

--- All right, listen. I've only known you for a month. You've only known me for a month. And tell me, can there be trust between us ?

--- But we trust you.

--- I don't know if it's true or false. At first, you were following me at all, maybe you took me to follow me at close range ?

--- August. We never will..

--- I've been living for 16 years, Garnet. 16 years I want to travel the fucking world. And I learned 1 lesson of life, don't trust anyone. If you open your soul to someone, expect a stab in the back.

--- Do you think we'll betray you ?

--- I don't know. I've been through a lot in my life, and I've been through the most betrayals. I can't trust anyone else. Even to myself.

The room fell silent. None of the gems thought that Augustus had such a life. They understood that he did not tell everything, but they did not want to get into his soul. But they had to earn his trust.

--- August

Garnet went to him and took him by the shoulders. She took off her glasses and stared at him with all her eyes.

--- Remember. We will never, ever, betray you.

--- How do I know it's true ?

--- Believe me. Believe in us

--- I trusted a lot of people. But can I trust you again ?

--- You can

--- How would you know ?

--- Because I believe in you.

The others came up to him and hugged him. It was a massive hug.

--- We all believe in you. Please believe us.

" Can I trust them ? After everything I've been through. After all the blows of fate. Can I still believe ? Can I trust them ? "

There was a whole discussion going on in August's mind. His light side and his dark side were fighting each other.

" --- We must believe them !

--- Never ! You've forgotten what we've been through, White !

--- I remember ! But we need to leave the past behind. We need to move forward.

--- Move forward ? Forget the past ? HA ! You're naive ! Even if we don't look back, the past will still catch up with us !

--- I don't care ! Here we have acquired a new life ! Friends ! Dear ones ! Family !

--- We don't have a family ! We will always be alone !

--- No ! Not now ! This time, everything will be better !

--- Aaaaaah ! You've won, White ! Only this time ! "

The white side won. August decided to give it one last chance.

--- Good. I'll trust you. This will be the last time. Last chance.

--- You won't regret it. We can handle it.

They hugged for a while longer, after which they decided to continue the conversation.

--- Good. What should we do with Lapis ?

--- Nothing. She...

--- I can tell for myself, August.

--- Ok

--- What you want to know.

--- Tell us from the beginning.

The rest of the conversation was on behalf of Lapis. She told me the same thing she told August. Her story was interrupted a couple of times for clarification and because of this, her story dragged on for an hour.

--- You really were just in the wrong place.

--- I know

--- I want to apologize. Sorry...

--- I don't need your apologies ! I've spent so much time in prison because of you ! If it wasn't for August, I would have gone crazy ! I don't care about you ! I'm only here because of August.

--- I see. Sorry.

--- Guys. I think we should go now. It's night outside. Stephen was already asleep.

And tell the truth. While the conversation was going on, the sun went down and it was night outside. And Stephen had fallen asleep in the middle of the conversation and was sleeping soundly in his chair.

--- August, right. Let's leave it at that.

--- Good. See you tomorrow, then.

--- Wait. Where will Lapis live ?

--- What kind of question ? Of course I'll be staying with Augustus.

--- How do you know where he lives ?

--- Hmm ? I've been staying with him all this time. We slept together.

--- WHAT !?

It was Pearl

--- What do you mean, you slept together?!

--- What do you care ? Well, we sleep in the same bed, what's it to you ?

--- No! I forbid it ! August ! You can't sleep in the same room with her anymore.

--- And who are you to forbid him something ?

--- I'm his friend !

--- A friend ? Ha !

--- What was that chuckle ? Answer me !

--- You're no match for me. I've already kissed him.

--- So what ? I kissed him, too !

--- WHAT ? [ all ]

--- August ! [ Perl ]

--- August ! [ Lapis ]

--- What does this mean ?! [ Perl and Lapis ]

" This is bad. "

While Augustus, Pearl, and Lapis decided who was closer to whom. Their recent acquaintance, Peridot, successfully landed on the Earth.

--- Damn crystal gems ! Cobblestones ! You'll get more !

The connection between Augustus and the others was strengthened. A new connection is also visible on the horizon. Soon you will be able to get to know your new friend better.

Chapitre suivant