
17. Rapprochement

For the next few days, August's mood was neutral. Although it had been many days since Lapis had left, her departure still upset him greatly. Gradually, his mood returned to normal, even a small smile was visible a couple of times, but the sadness did not go away. Even the training was already boring him. The repetition of the same action drove him mad. Everyone noticed it. And something had to be done.

--- Well all. Stop it !

--- Pearl ?

--- You need to rest. To relax. From now until the next day, no training or internships.

Pearl was right. August needed a break. Otherwise, it will simply burn out. But even hanging out with Stephen and Connie bored him. To go to the attraction and eat cotton candy, from which he already wants to vomit, he got bored. He just didn't know what to do with himself, or his thoughts.

--- But I have nothing to do. I'm tired of going to the arcade. The only thing I can think of right now is to go and sleep.

--- Well, no ! Just because you don't have any ideas doesn't mean I don't have any !

--- That is...

--- We'll be hanging out with you all day ! Only Pearl and August ! Party day !

--- I don't want to upset you, Pearl. But you don't know much about hangouts.

--- Haaa ?! I'm the most experienced party girl ! Who told you this lie ?!

--- Amethyst

--- Ha ! Well, I'll deal with it. This is a pure lie ! Follow me. I'll show you how to hang out !

--- Whatever you say

August decided to give Pearl full control. She's in charge now. And the first place they came to was...ice rink !

--- Ice rink ? I didn't know he was here.

--- There's a lot you don't know yet ! I'm a master skater.

--- One problem. I don't know how to skate.

--- It's not a problem ! I'll teach you ! I'm a master.

--- I don't have very pleasant memories of ice.

--- Don't worry ! You'll get used to it quickly

Augustus had never fallen so many times before. He couldn't get used to the skates. Every time he started rolling, he fell. So for the next half hour, under Pearl's tutelage, he learned to ride. Finally, he was able to move normally.

--- What do you think?" I told you I could teach you. Although it took longer than I expected.

--- Well, where I come from, I've never skated. Watched from the sidelines.

--- Why ?

--- I was afraid of falling through the ice. Once when I was walking on an ice floe in winter, the ice began to crack and I fell. I couldn't get out. I almost died. I was saved by teenagers who set up a camp nearby. I was 7 years old at the time. I've never set foot on ice since.

--- This...sadly. You almost never mention your home.

--- I don't have any pleasant memories there.

--- And w...

--- Let's not talk about it yet. We came here to ride. And I want to ride.

Augustus took her hand and led her to the center. At this time of year, there are almost no people at the rink. Only Pearl and August were at the rink. They swirled slowly, everything around them disappearing. It was just them and the dance. Augustus led her, then she led him. After that, she spun her around on the spot and when she fell, he caught her around the waist, and she held his head in her hands. Their faces were facing each other, their eyes looking at each other. Their faces were getting closer and closer when suddenly....there was a round of applause.

They both jerked away from each other and noticed that there were quite a few people on the ice rink now and they were all applauding them. Pearl's face was like a fresh strawberry, and August's cheeks were slightly flushed.

--- Ahem. It was...not bad for a beginner.

--- I learned from the best.

--- It's over. So, the next place we go is this...

Bowling !

--- Bowling ? You yourself recently said in the presence of Amethyst that this is a primitive game.

--- What was, is gone. I'm not with Amethyst with you right now. Do you know the rules ?

--- Sure. You won't have to teach me now. I'm good at throwing balls.

--- Oh ? Are you sure ?"

--- Oh, yes ! I'll make you !

--- We'll see about that !

They spent an hour playing against each other. To Pearl's surprise, August really did play super well. He almost always hit a strike. At first, Pearl was in the lead, but soon August caught up with her. Each time they changed places, and now there was a final, decisive throw. Pearl is in the lead now, can August beat her ?

--- I've already won ! Give up !

--- I got another throw ! I'll definitely beat you !

He took aim, stretched a little, and threw a house ball. It rolled slowly and knocked out...

--- Strike ! Ha-ha ! 1: 1 Pearl !

--- Nothing ! I'll still have time to recoup...

Badminton !

--- Seriously? Did you specifically choose the game where I'm weakest ?

--- You think so. So you're going to play ? Or are you a coward ?

--- Chickened out ? Ha ! Dream on ! Here we go !

It was a decent game. Although at first Augustus was in the lead, but then Pearl shattered it. She tore it into pieces, and those pieces into other pieces, and so on. In general, he simply and quickly defeated it.

--- Ha ! It wasn't bad. But 1:2 August. I won.

--- So be it.

For all these games, time quickly flew by and evening came. August and Pearl sat on the dock and watched the sunset.

--- What do you think?" I told you I'm a party master ?

--- Good. It wasn't that bad. I had a lot of fun.

--- Of course ! After all, I was with you !

--- Yes, yes . You're the master. I admit it.

--- Hey August !

--- ???

--- Do you want to visit another place ? This will be a bonus

--- Why not ? Lead on.

They came to a beach house where, with Var's help, they got to a previously unknown location for August.

This is a huge field of strawberries. There were strawberry bushes everywhere, and the strawberries themselves were as tall as a man. There were also various weapons stuck all over the field.Everything was there, axes, hammers, swords, shields, clubs, and everything else.

--- This used to be a battlefield. There were thousands of gems fighting with each other. We split and we were told. Here, under the ground, there are many remains of gems. That's why strawberries grow so plentifully here.

Her voice was filled with pain and she could be heard crying soon

--- We were fighting for a great goal. For freedom. For overthrowing the tyranny of the Pink Diamond. And now what ? What now ?! My enemies, my friends have become fertilizer for berries ?! And that's what we fought for ? For strawberries ?!

She began to cry. It was the first time August had ever seen Pearl experience so much emotion. But right now, he's more concerned about her crying. He ran to her and turned her around, then hugged her.

--- Everything all right. Quieter. Do not Cry. I'm here. The war is over. All the horrors are gone.

She put her arms around his back and cried into his vest. He spoke various soothing words and slowly stroked her hair. Although Pearl is older than he is, she has suffered a lot more trouble. These fears, worries, hatred, and sadness accumulated over time and finally broke out in a raging torrent.

--- Sorry. I didn't think I'd cry. I wanted to show you the beautiful strawberry bushes, but I burst into tears myself.

She stepped out of his arms and began to wipe the tears from her face. Augustus wanted to cheer her up.

--- Hey Pearl.

--- What ?

He came close to her and kissed her on the cheek. Pearl's face immediately turned as red as a tomato and steam flared on her head.

--- 2: 2 Pearl.

She looked up at him and saw a triumphant smile on his face. She just couldn't stand it.

--- High August

--- What ?

Now it was Pearl who came close to him and kissed him on the cheek. Only this kiss was much longer.

--- 2:3 August. I won.

--- Well, it was worth it. Now let's go back. I think everyone is worried.

Pearl's sadness was instantly gone. They left the strawberry field without looking back. There are only bad memories left here.

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