


This chapter contains a lot of gore, reader discretion advised!

Now, let me say this. Future chapters will be having gore as well.

From now onwards, this fic is truly M-rated.

This chapter also contains spoilers for Greys previous life, book 7 level spoilers.


In my previous life, after becoming the Kings right hand, Grey and I became close enough that some would go as far to call us brothers in everything but blood.

I was the only one Grey had left, after what happened to Cecilia and Nico's reaction to it.

Grey was broken.

He barely showed any form of emotion.

Of course I'm not one to speak, being in a much worse state myself.

But I still tried comforting him, and not once did I blame him for what happened.

After all, how could I?

I knew Cecilia chose to give up her life, and her only option was being killed in the tournament.

I knew because I planned the very same thing.

But for different reasons, where Cecilia did it to escape the clutches of the government, I did it because I was done with living.

And the only one who was capable of killing me was Grey.

But when I saw how devastated he was when Cecilia ran in front of his blade.

My resolve shattered.

I still fought him, but my heart wasn't in it.

My benefactor screamed at me to take it seriously, but I never did.

Instead I dropped my ki sword and forfeited.

For a moment everything was quiet

And then Grey turned to leave.


He stops, glancing back.

"Can I at least be your right hand?" I add, a hint of playfulness in my voice.

A minute passes before he speaks.

"Yes." His whispered answer was still loud enough for everyone to hear.


Gasping awake I clench my chest.

"Easy, easy." I hear the voice of Professor Glory.

"W-What happened?" I managed to get out.

She looks down, hesitating, before looking up and speaking, her voice full of grief, "The queen snarler exploded and made a chasm in the dungeon."

"And?" I don't like where this is going.

"Arthur fell into it." She choked out.

No! No no no no no no!

That can't be!

He can't just die like that!

Wait he fell down, so there's still a chance he survived.

I stand up abruptly.

"You should rest." Professor Glory tries to push me down.

"No, I'm going in there!"

"I'm sorry but I can't let you do that." She grabs me, preventing me from moving.

I stop struggling, "Where's Zeke?"

"Your bond? He overworked himself and is now resting."

"I see." I said, before disappearing from her grip, "What the-?"

"Tell Zeke not to come after me." I look back at her, my eyes now glowing blue with pitch black sclera.

"Fayden?" Tessia's voice reached my ears.

"Sorry bout this Sis," I say, before disappearing once again.

I disappear once more, appearing on the staircase, and staring at the giant hole in front of me.

"I hope you're alive down there Grey." I unconsciously use his old name.

By now my reserves have refilled a bit, enough to enter 2nd phase.

"Canine Divinity." I mutter, and my world turns monochrome, as the transformation occurs this time, I am able to see what nacht truly is.

White mana particles collide with a purple one, the two mix to form the black particle I have named Nacht.

It's like nuclear fusion.

But I don't have time to worry about that now.

Taking a deep breath in, I jump.


On the way down I will the shadows to come and cover me, thinking that the 'titan' form would be enough to soften my landing.

But I am only able to form an inch thick exoskeleton.


Why isn't it working?

Maybe the voice had something to do with it.


I need to figure out a way to survive this!

What about the ice wings?

But I don't have nearly enough mana to do that.

I could use wind to slow me down.

But I'll need to time it perfectly.

Seconds later I somehow sense the floor nearing.

(A/N : He is in his integrate phase, and the entire area is covered in shadows giving him a kind of echo location.)

Don't panic, don't panic.

I face my palms against the floor, as gusts of wind come out, slowing my fall.

Still isn't enough!

Wait what if...?

I void step to a higher location, this time facing the ceiling.

But I wasn't falling now, I was rising up.

My speed kept decreasing as gravity worked against it.

And just as I stopped rising, I void step to the floor and fall down with a barely audible 'thud'.

Deactivating my integrate phase, I stand up.

Looking around I see that I'm in a corridor of sorts with dim blue lights along its side. Debris dotted the floor, and was that a taloned arm?

Down the passageway a brighter source of light existed.

I don't see Arthur near me. So either, he was taken away by a mana beast, likely eaten, or he was conscious and moved away.

I hope it's the second.

Or I swear to god I'm going to level this place to the ground.

Seeing as there is only one way he could've gone, I start moving.

As I reach closer to the light, a gruesome sight awaits me.

Hundreds of snarler corpses were scattered and piled on top of each other.

But it wasn't that which stopped me.

No, it was the dozens of corpses of humans, elves and dwarves.

Not a single body was intact, some had their limbs missing, some their eyes, and some their heads.

All of them were mauled brutally.

One had his chest ripped open as his ribs jutted out.

Another's gut was cut open, her entrails all around her.

Some had holes in their chests, right where their hearts were, as if something pierced right through.

Hell one elves spine hung out his neck.

Needless to say I was pretty nauseous.

I had seen a lot of death in my previous life, hell I had killed hundreds by my own hands.

Yet this, this was truly evil.

Soft sniffles brought me out of my trance like state as I looked towards the noise.

I see 2 figures there, embracing each other.

Moving closer to them I try to take a better look.

And that's when one lifts his head up.

And I'm met with the tear stained face of my twin brother.


Author's note :

Now that was brutal wasn't it?

Both the cliffhanger and the bodies.

I know Turtle didn't go so far as to describe the corpses.

But I thought, why don't I let my imagination run wild?

So I did just that.

And so, book 4 begins.

It will be shorter than the original, since Fayden won't be going to Elenoir, he needs to give Arthur and Tessia some alone time.

As for the other POV's.

I will do some of the Claire POV's and a Nathan POV during the attack.

Apart from that it's mainly gonna be some revelations on Zeke and Noctis' race.

See you later with the next chapter.

I'm gonna let you digest that cliffhanger before updating.

Chapitre suivant