
Double Entendres

After extricating myself from a sticky situation we asked a servant to guide us out of the castle and we headed back to our guild hall. Barely ten minutes passed, and it was already awkward between us.

"Gather everyone," I said and waited in the common room. Reyas was moving about but Kysandre was still asleep upstairs and Alejo was with her. I could see their cores.

"Sakaala was magnificent," I said, and she smiled shyly. "We have a deal; we just have to convince the mountainfolk to sell some ore to the Duke."

Gisael handed me a cherry and I popped it into my mouth. "Here's to hoping the old duke doesn't try any funny business."

Ailen snorted and Sakaala frowned. 

"Yeah, I agree. The old bastard will definitely try on some funny business."

"What is funny business?" Reyas asked.

"Swindle, dishonest dealing, cheat, etcetera," Sakaala said and they all nodded in agreement.

Gisael stared at Sakaala. "What happened?"

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