
Chapter 140 - Ambushed.

China yelled in frustration as he once again ran straight towards Jim. He had tried to send his near invisible poison towards Jim and the team over and over again but this dastardly Jim, who looked like a mock version of a businessman and never stopped talking, somehow managed to stop the spread of the poison. And what's more, he could not catch up to him either because he was way too fast for him, constantly waiting for him to close half the distance between them before boosting himself with his wind ability and running to the farthest corner again.

As China neared Jim once more, Jim leaned slightly forward. His suit jacket fluttered a little. A sure sign of him harnessing his ability once again.

China felt the slight sting at the back of his neck increase till his head started buzzing. A warning sign from Colt. As soon as he saw Jim blur out of sight, he immediately sprayed out his poison out of every pore of his body. A thick cloud of smoke instantly filled a meter radius around him and spread out very quickly as more and more of the cloudy poison flowed out of China's pores. Jim panicked. There was no way he could control the wind over such an increasingly wide area. He was not that strong. Fear gripped him. He just might die if he was not careful. What would he do? What would he do?

"F*ck! F*ck! F*ck! F*ck!" Dash cursed. He had to do something fast. He looked at the Trainwreck team behind him. Wilson looked at him and did nothing else. How scary.

Jim gathered the wind around him and began to haphazardly send it as quickly as he could towards China and his surroundings. He sent gust after gust. He did not care where it went as long as it did not affect the Trainwrecks.

China cursed in a language nobody that heard understood.

Finally, Jim heard what he had been waiting for.

"Time!" Danny stood up and yelled.

"I surrender!" Jim yelled immediately, raising his hand as high as he could. Nothing happened. He looked around him.


Everywhere around the arena, the smoke had covered like a thick fog. All except the team and Jim. And as for China, he was out cold on the floor but he was still emitting the poison smoke.

Wilson frowned and clenched his gauntlet-covered fists. The gauntlets were some plain regular dark blue gauntlets whose only saving grace was its high durability. He did not know how but he could vaguely sense that almost everyone was in a weakened deep sleep state. It was like he sensed it and yet didn't sense it. It was a confusing feeling.

He could still see Jim.

"Jim. Come down. Now." He ordered. Jim levitated in the air and landed in the midst of the remaining five teammates. Charlie, Sofia and the Instructor were nowhere to be seen. They were not part of the contestants, so they were not allowed in the seats set apart for them. They were somewhere in the fast asleep crowd.

"Damn it!" Dash cursed.

"What the f*ck is going on?" Jim asked in a whisper.

Danny who now looked exceptionally calm, responded, "The smoke that China idiot is spewing dozed everyone to sleep. We are awake because of your ingenious use of your wind ability."

"So, what do we do now?" Jim asked again

"We wait!" Wilson responded. That response confused Jim.

"Wait? Why? For what?"

"For Cobain to strike." Wilson said calmly, scanning around with his eyes, even though he couldn't see beyond half a meter ahead of him.

"This was not part of the plan." Jim grumbled. He circled the wind around them to stop the smoke from reaching. It made the smoke around them slowly swirl in place.

"That's what you think!" Dash said.

"You guys ready?" Wilson asked.

Dash bent his knees a little and nodded.

"Ready for what?" Jim asked. Why was he excluded from the plan? Wasn't he a part of the team? He really wanted to angrily stomp away right now to show his disappointment and anger. He dared not.

"Yeah!" Danny's voice replied next.

"If only I had my bracelet with me. Stupid rules." Fawn complained and lifted her sword. It slowly began to glow with a soft white light. The light intensified slowly until it was glowing with the brightness of two lightbulbs.

"Gene?" Wilson called. The adult that had the physical qualities of a twelve year old, had his eyes closed and hands stretched out but pointed at the floor. He slowly moved them as if waving them through water. He stopped and smiled.

"Now?" He asked Wilson, who responded back immediately.


Gene raised his hand and clenched his fist.



Someone yelled from within the smoke, in the direction Gene clenched his fist.

*Plop* *plop* *plop* *plop*...

Jim was horrified. He had a vague feeling that dripping sound was not coming from leaking water. Or pee.


"Oh my God! What the f*ck is going on, man?" He blurted out.

Wilson responded with a devious smirk.

"Minus one."

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