
Chapter 57: GINGER LEE

"Okay now we have got to take care of this before the men catches on to what we're up to. Susie you got what we need?" I waited for her nod before turning my attention to Melissa.

"Melissa you…"

"I still don't think we should be doing this, if Law finds out he'll have ten fits." Dana Sue cut me off.

"Girl you know how to handle that man. Just keep him trapped between your legs for a long hard ride and he'll forget his own name. That's what I do to Clay whenever he starts poking his damn nose in my shit. I put it on him and he forgets what the hell it was he was mad about to begin with." The girls laughed and hooted at that one before settling down again.

When I came through this town months ago I never thought I'd find a home here. It was so different to everything I knew. There were no designer shops ten minutes away. No Broadway, no high end restaurants. In fact the town only boasted one diner that had been here since the eighteen hundreds and looked it.

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