
You Broke Me, Brother [3]

"And that makes it better? Protecting the sisters? Staying silent all this while? What the fuck is wrong with you? You watched me lose my mind when she left. You were there to get me through that shit,  and you telling me we could've avoided the fucking apocalypse?

"Tell me, brother, did you think it was for the best? That now we were free of them? Why? Why, brother, why the fuck would you do that to the woman I loved? Why watch her break down all these years?

"You could have helped me save her, and shit probably wouldn't have accelerated to this far. I could have reached out to her. I could have asked for her forgiveness on your behalf or whatever the fuck this was, but hey, you couldn't just admit to me that she was hurting and it was all your fault?" Alex fired back.

He hadn't expected this from Ryan, but then such was the life they had to get used to.

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