

Sky looked through everything in the system, read it three times over.

He figured out the {stat points} he placed them all in the intelligence stat increasing it up to 15. He saw his mana go from 25 to 75. Every point in intelligence increases his mana by five.

He grabbed a large stick and used his ability on it, and just as he knew it would happen his mana went down.

{Mana: 73/75}

The bigger and heavier the object and more mana it consumes to turn it into a card.

After testing how the stat points work, Sky felt that perhaps placing all his points into INT was the wrong move as he didn't have any other skills that require mana. Vigor might've been better or mind.

'Now that I think about it, I think I saw Mr. J use an ability I've never seen before, it covered the entire speed boat in a protective bubble. I hope they're okay.' Sky thought he knew much about them, but it seemed they had their own secrets.

Still it was because of them that Sky was not crushed by the two giant meteors that destroyed his home.

That made him think, how did they know it was going to happen? It was only because they knew it was going to happen that they managed to escape.

What he also does know is that the Caribbean men had something to do with the island's destruction.

'Well, the sun is rising, I need to get out of here and find my family. They're probably thinking that I'm dead.'

Sky took out the motorboat card from his inventory. Any thoughts of exploring the island did not cross his mind, all that mattered to him was reuniting with his family.

Then another screen popped up in front of him.

{New quest has appeared}

'Seriously, now?' Sky thought. Why did it appear right before he left the island?

{Quest: Explore the island to find and complete the dungeon hidden in the island}

{Rewards: 1 green sea scroll, 200 shells, 100 exp}

{Failure: none}

"A green sea scroll?" Sky knew exactly what that was.

There is only one way people can learn spells and abilities, through sea scrolls.

A sea scroll contains a random skill inside. A person has to read it, and if they want to learn it they have to say "activate" in order to learn it instantly. Anybody at any age can learn skills from sea scrolls, there is no limit either.

Their ranks are determined by their color: green being the lowest, red, purple, and black. A green scroll can be sold for 5,000-10,000 shells, it's also the rank of Sky's ability that his parents got him.

Sky can't even imagine how much the other higher ranked scrolls can be sold for.

"What's a dungeon?" Sky asked, not expecting an answer. But the system did answer back.

{Dungeon: Dungeon's are a dangerous place but deliver rewards at the end. Each dungeon is different, filled with traps, monsters, mini bosses, and bosses. Once the player has completed a dungeon run they'll be rewarded at the end}

"Ohhh… so in other words they're exactly like portals."

Sky has read about these but they have a different name, portals.

People have ventured into portals to fight monsters and collect valuables. One of the greatest valuables a portal can contain are sea scrolls.

It is the only place where sea scrolls can be obtained.

Portals are mostly found in the ocean because it was vast, rarely are they ever found in islands.

Sky has never wanted to enter a portal. The thought had never even occurred to him. He likes his life, while it was lonely and slow at times he loved it, his family, his job, his home.

Sky looked back at the island. Somewhere in that island there's a sea scroll.

'No, I can't be greedy. I don't even know how to fight or protect myself. I need to find my family first…'

Sky looked at the vast ocean. The thought had occurred to him, he had no idea where he was. How was he going to possibly find his parents?

If he were to take his speed boat out on the ocean, there was a chance the oil would run out. He could bring oars with him but who knows when he'll find an island or a ship, even if he finds a ship with people who's to say they're friendly?

Either he'll die from the heat of the sun, a sea monster will tear apart his boat along with him, or he'll die from dehydration or starvation, or from drowning.

Sky circled around the island looking at the ocean to see if there was a nearby island with people, it took him 1 hour of running around the island to come to a conclusion, there weren't any other islands nearby.

At the end he got a few notifications pop up in front of him.

{Sprint: lvl 3: can run 15% faster}

{Your Spd has increased by 1}

"Oh, nice. Guess my speed is now at seven." Sky sat down to rest while thinking.

Sky thought that perhaps he will die here, he will never find his parents, and he'll die alone. Because of the power of the mind skill he was still calm, if it weren't for that skill he'd be on the ground crying.

Five minutes later, Sky didn't feel tired. Normally humans don't recover stamina that fast, it was the system that gave him these little perks.

Sky proceeds to venture through the jungle. Once he stocks up on food and water he will get out of the island.

Sky walked slowly. He remembers his dad telling him how jungles are filled with dangers, and had to be careful when venturing in one, such as wild animals, poisonous insects and plants, getting stuck, injured, or lost. There are a lot more dangers than that but those are the ones Sky can recall at the moment.

'I am not ready for this at all.' Sky thought.

Through the forest he sees a couple of blueberries sticking out. Sky grabs the whole branch, they didn't seem poisonous, to him at least. Sky had no idea how to tell the difference between non-poisonous and poisonous berries, aside from the fact that one will kill him.

"Hmmm…" Sky squinted his eyes as he held onto one of the berries, even squishing it with his finger.

"I honestly can't tell."


A new notification window popped up in front of Sky.

{Through the course of a specific action, you have learned a new skill}

{Identify: lvl 1: You are able to see a few details of objects and living beings}


With a thought, a new screen appeared in front of Sky.


{Description: It's safe enough to eat but won't fill you up by much}

{Recover 0.1 HP when eaten}

'Hm, so food increases can help with my HP? Cool.' Sky ate the blueberry while using identify, he kept the rest as in case he needed to eat them in an emergency. Best part about his new skill is that it doesn't cost any mana.

Sky stored any type of food he could get his hands on, there were a surprising number of blueberries, some were poisonous, some were rotten.

With the new ability of his Sky used it on everything he saw whether it be a stick, a tree, a rock, berries, food, and so on.

When he identified his first rock, Sky couldn't help but read the description carefully.

{Large rock}

{Damage 3+}


{Damage 2+}

{Small rocks}

{Damage 1+}

As a precaution, Sky also collected rocks so he could use them as throwable weapons. There was a dungeon here that was apparently dangerous and he needed to be careful.

"I like this new skill." Sky quite enjoyed using the skill over and over again.

{Identify: lvl 2: you are able to see a few more details}

"Oh, that makes sense, I'm starting to understand this."

*Screech* *Screech* *Screech* *Laughing*

Sky crouched as soon as he heard many animals screeching.

Sneaking around the noise, Sky saw the animals that were making those noises.



{Health: 33/33}

{Description: Like gorillas, baboons are only dangerous if provoked or threatened}

The baboons were large in numbers, Sky could only count 17 from what he's seeing but thinks there might be more. They were swinging, moving, jumping, fighting, screaming, and sometimes throwing their own feces at one another.

'Yeah, just gonna steer clear of that.'

As he turned around to leave, Sky saw a baboon staring right at him at eye level by hanging off a vine.

Sky locked eyes with the baboon, it had a horrible smell coming from it. The reason Sky was calm is because of the power of the mind.


With no warning, the baboon screamed at Sky and it spat his face.

The other baboons were alerted and were running. Sky had no choice but to run.

{Sprint: lvl 3}

Despite him sprinting, the horde of baboons were catching up to Sky.

'I can't fight against those numbers. I need to hide." Sky looked around as he ran, nearly tripping over every rock or roots sticking out.


Sky took out a huge rock from his inventory ready to use it.


Sky heard a baboon scream as it jumped towards him. Sky managed to turn around, and hit the monkey directly in his left eye while also dropping his rock.

'I actually managed to hit him?' Sky didn't expect to hit him right in the face.


{Dealt 100% increased damage}

{You dealt 16 damage in total}

{Baboon is in a state of confusion}

{Baboon is permanently blind on its left eye}

'I don't care, just get out of my face!' Sky was flinging away the notifications from his face because they were blocking his vision.


{Through a specific action you have gained a new skill}

"MOVE!" Sky was getting annoyed by the notifications, he might have an ability that lets him be calm in stressful situations but he can still be annoyed.

{Sense bloodlust: lvl 1: able to detect bloodlust at a 50 meter radius}


Sky could feel 33 beings that wanted to kill him, and they were gaining on him.

Sky took out another large rock. Since now he could feel their presence once another baboon catches up to him he can plant this rock on its face.

{Sprint lvl 4: can run 20% faster}

'Are you serio- oh wait, that's a good thing. And I hear a waterfall.' Sky thought. He was running straight into a waterfall. He could feel the baboons were gaining on him less with his sprint level going up, perhaps because he was running for his life the skill leveled up soon.

If it weren't for the inconveniences getting in his path then he would've outrun the baboons.

'I can take refuge in the waterfall or something, I think baboons hate water, at least I hope they do.'


Sky felt another baboon coming at him. He slightly turned and swung his arm holding a rock, and he missed completely.

The baboon however managed to grab a hold of Sky's arm, and took a bite on his shoulder.

{29 damage taken}

"OWWW! SON OF A!" Sky could feel its canine teeth sinking deep into his shoulder. He continued to run but slower.

Sky grabbed the baboon by its tail and pulled it as hard as he could. The baboon didn't expect Sky to grab and pull its tail, which did hurt him, but that only made him sink his teeth deeper as he flailed around and used its long claws to claw Sky's face, back, and arm.

{3 damage taken}

{3 damage taken}

{2 damage taken}

Sky tried to get the baboon off his shoulder but it was stubborn and wouldn't let go, by the second his HP continued to plummet.

Sky grabbed the monkey's wrist and tail, he could see the waterwall was close, but the baboons were closer.

"Just a little bit closer!"


Sky would feel another baboon about to catch him, if it's successful the rest of the baboons will catch up and he'll be dead, and if he attacks like last time he'll slow down by a bit and that'll be enough.

Left with no choice, he grabbed another rock and flung it back without looking, he could feel where the baboon was because of its bloodlust.

{You dealt 8 damage to baboon}

The baboon fell on the ground as a rock hit him right on his nose. It wasn't a crit as Sky needed to put more strength into his throw.


Sky began slowing down as he ran through the large body of water. In front of him was a huge, beautiful waterfall.

The horde of baboons behind Sky didn't want to go near the body of water. They ran around and screamed at Sky. They seemed to be afraid of something else that wasn't just the water.

The baboon on Sky's shoulder felt afraid all of a sudden, and it finally let go of Sky's shoulder, but Sky didn't let go of its tail.

"Where do you think you're going!!!" Sky, filled with anger after everything it had done to him, managed to hold on to his tail, and planted the monkey face down on the body of water drowning it while holding down the back of its head. So that the other baboons wouldn't be able to reach him Sky dragged the baboon further away closer to the waterfall as he drowned it.

Because the baboon was being pinned from behind, it couldn't hurt Sky effectively and thus was flailing around.

The other baboons started screeching louder than ever to see their own kind being drowned. Some of them began throwing rocks as Sky, some hit, but most missed.

{You killed baboon}

{Collected: raw baboon meat, baboon teeth, 32 shells}

{20 exp earned}

{Level up}

{Stamina, mana, and HP have been fully restored}

{Any abnormal conditions on players body has been removed}

{Exp 6/50}

Sky felt a surge of strength envelop his body. Letting go of the baboon's floating through the body of water, Sky looked at his shoulder where the baboon dug its fangs. He didn't see any blood or even a scar, only his clothes were tattered and covered in blood.


{2 damage taken}

Sky felt a rock hit his head. The baboons were very angry and continued throwing stones at Sky.

{Sense bloodlust: lvl 2: able to detect bloodlust from a 100 meter radius}

"Oh, I'm so going to get you for that." Sky looked at the baboons with murderous intent as he hid in the waterfall. It did surprise him that he managed to kill a baboon in cold blood.

Sky was used to take the lives of smaller creatures such as fish and sometimes crabs, but they were always quick and merciful killings.

Going through the waterfall Sky saw a cave.

"Huh, a cave hidden behind a waterfall, how original." Sky took off his shirt since it was torn and covered in blood anyways.

He was very surprised to see leveling up healed him of such deep wounds. He can briefly feel the baboon's teeth in his shoulder still.

"So, leveling up… I can only do that by killing other beings. And also earn money from them, apparently."

Killing left a bad taste in his mouth. Still he knew it was either him or the baboon.

"Inventory." Sky faintly saw he got some materials from killing the baboon, something else he did not expect. The materials were sent straight to his inventory.

{Raw baboon meat}

{5 HP upon eating. 90% chance of causing intense stomach pain}

{Description: delicious baboon meat waiting to be cooked and eaten}

{Baboon teeth}

{Description: great for using it for making potions, or one can use it as a necklace}

{1355 shells}


{Lvl 3}

{Exp: 6/50}

{Health: 168/170}

{Health recovery rate: 7/m only when not in combat:}

{Mana: 75/75}

{Str: 6}

{Dex: 7}

{Spd: 7}

{Int: 15}

{Mind: 6}

{Vig: 7}

{Stat points: 5}

"Oh, so I get 5 points per level."

{Levels: A special benefit for the player given by the system. Every time you level up 5 stat points are given}

{Note: beings other than the player do not have levels of any kind}

"Oh... okay. I think I get it."

Sky decided to place all his remaining points on vigor. He didn't see how much HP he had left before he leveled up and healed, but it couldn't have been much.

{HP: 218/220}

{HP recovery rate: 12/m outside of combat}

Sky felt a bit of strength every time he increased his stat points. Vigor also affected his stamina but it didn't show in the system.

Sky peeked out of the waterfall. The baboons were still there, waiting.

"I don't think they'll be leaving anytime soon." Sky thought, if the baboons are as stubborn as he thinks they are, they'll be waiting out there for a long time.

Sky decided to venture forward through the cave, perhaps he could find more rocks to use as weapons. But he saw something else, a dark door just big enough to fit a person. On the other side was a lit torch.

"What?" Sky found it weird. This island is clearly uninhabited by humans, who in the world would make a lit torch and place it on the other side of the cave?

Before he could enter a new notification popped up.

{Dungeon discovered}

{Slime dungeon}

{Rewards: ???}

{Monsters: Slimes}

{Boss: ???}

{Difficulty: green}

Sky took a step back, he found the dungeon while running away from bloodthirsty baboons.

"Slimes? What kind of monsters are those?" Sky is sure he had never heard of that monster in his life.

Sky looked back and pondered heavily on his decision. "Well slimes can't be worse than baboons. I hope so.

Taking a deep breath, Sky entered the dungeon and took the torch with him.

{Warning: Once inside, the player and party members cannot leave the dungeon. The player and party members can leave the dungeon once the boss has been defeated}


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