
Enthusiasm Part 1

"Wake up," the Korean boy commands.

Rising up from bed, Noe feels much refreshed. A brown rucksack is thrown into his chest. Curiously prying it open, his clothes and other amenities come into view.

"One of the teachers brought this by. Be ready by 6 or we'll both be in trouble."

The boy throws a glare over his shoulder before escaping out the door with a towel around his waist. Noe soon follows after him.

Barefoot and feet freezing, they meander around the corridors until reaching a standstill in front of a cavern's gaping opening. Water crashing in the distance whirls in Noe's head.

Setting two feet in front of the other, the boys enter.

From the ceiling, a meter away from gold-plated walls, water tumbles down in a crisp, continuous shower. Searching left then right, body upon body stands naked under the stream.

This is the true boarding school experience.

Leading them left, the boy finds an opening for him and Noe to squeeze into. Five minutes later, they are back in their room and dressing in their uniforms.

"Pass me your schedule."

Noe sends him the script.

"We have the same classes. Stick to me and don't look at anyone."

Now, the corridors are populated with people moving in the opposite direction of the cafeteria, left.

Observing everyone's facial expression, Noe believes they are headed towards their graves.

Once again, silence falls as they take their seats in a huge assembly hall. The usual brown tiles merge with murky black of the iron chairs.

Heading the congregation of about five hundred people, donned in a wisteria suit, a tall, black man clears his throat.

The Korean boy straightens his blazer and tucks his ego away.

"Good morning, men," the man in white greets.

"Headmaster," they resound and simultaneously bow their heads.

"We have some good news today," he smiles from above the podium on stage. "The school will be constructing a new wing thanks to a new grant by the Ma family."

A stillness tangs the air. Nobody breathes.

"Jinn Ma, if you please come up for a moment," the Headmaster calls and extends his hand to Jinn sitting in a front-row seat.

As comfortable as a fish in scalding hot water, Jinn takes his place by his side.

"All rise for the school anthem," the Headmaster instructs.

Everyone's glare drills bullets into Jin as they stand in unison.

The teachers look upon him with scorn.

Even with all the money in the world. Sympathy does not love him. He can only smile to protect himself.

Noe trudges behind the Korean boy as they line out. Jinn's sorrow from all the hostility aimed at him seems to have rubbed itself all over him.

To Noe, showing disdain to someone as kind, shining, and accepting as Jinn is unfathomable.

Suddenly, a door at the back of the hall gasps open and the Veren in Noe's body ignites. Clutching his heart, Noe fishes the crowd with his eyes to find the source of this crippling desire.

Visions of all the silhouettes he had ravenously composed flash through his mind. Something knocks through his mind.

"Yo, stop walking so slowly," the Korean boy pulls Noe's hand but quickly retracts his fingertips. "What the...!" His apprehension shoots through the roof and Noe is trapped in his questioning gaze.

"Let's go," he pulls Noe by his collar.

Dressed in a bright, yellow cardigan that imbeds itself in Noe's memory, a person flickers by the crack in bodies exiting the hall, before all but disappearing. The spark Noe experiences from this sight grows into a famished flame from the moment he is dragged out the hall until arrival at his first-period class.

Only five people are in this class, one of them includes the nerd who worked out the equation the day before. A tingle of pain reminisces across Noe's back as he passes by him. Noe waits in the middle of the pool of students.

He takes a moment to survey his surroundings. This room is, possibly, the brightest classroom in the school. Two large windows tinted baby pink are placed in the right wall. A feather duster sways to and fro on the teacher's desk. Intriguing words such as 'supine', 'aurora', and 'sequoia' blanket the brick walls in a layer of rainbow colors.

However, by far the most outstanding attribute of this room, the replacement of the usual merciless chairs with round, bubbly and flexible bean bags.

Wondering if he has conjured it all in his head, Noe bends down and softly squishes an orange bean bag under his palm. It folds and flows over his fingers.

"Why is it that every time I see you, you're turned away from me?" a gentle voice sounds from behind.

Noe's eyes glaze over and he glances up. A trance befalls him.

In an instant but not soon enough, the Veren grows uncontrollably. His vision becomes acute, nerves magnetize and force him towards the person standing at his rear.

Intensity grips his heart that causes tears to well up in his eyes - they are of immense joy that cannot be contained. His body, alight and buzzing, for the first time in his life, Noe feels alive!

Could this be true? Is this just for a fleeting moment?

Noe really wants to witness the one behind him but fears this feeling will disappear if he sees the truth. His reality has never projected into the real world.

A subtle heartbeat drifts its rhythm into Noe's ear. He smells the scent of grass and sunshine that just touch each other.

'Look back,' his senses say.

His skin flows with droplets of blood resting beneath the surface.

White wings extending towards the sky outside flap on take-off.

Strawberries' scents rush in from the kitchen.

Noe smells and hears it all.

In a faraway orchard, an apple collides and crackles with the ground.

He breathes out.

The fire to turn around completely and utterly envelopes Noe. He relishes in how it licks him. Finally, he swivels to face the one who has captured his longing.

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