
Part 1

‘If you are reading this, that’s mean you are reading my diary which specifically talk about my wife. Cough, cough, I mean my spouse. Do not overthinking about this okay, he will be mad at me if he finds out about me calling him ‘wife’ in front of other. So here I want to share with you what my life seems to be, but before that let me introduce myself, you can call me Andrew for short and I’m currently in the middle of 30’s.’

‘What’s wrong with that number? Are you having problems with it? Don’t make me sell you to my wife okay, he will skin you alive if he finds out you guys are bullying me here!’

‘Well, continue with the main topic, let’s talk about my beloved wife, what can I say about him….. ermmmmm……’

‘Let’s me describe him in a short story. There is one day where his attitude can make you feel, like…. Ermmmm…. How do we call someone who trying his best to act tough and cute in the same time? Well never mind, let me just recap it for you’

“Andreewwww!!!!! You motherf*cker!!!!”

A guy with a black shirt shout with his lung out bursting his angry that he accumulates for almost half an hour. With a transparent file in his left hand, the guy came in with big step after seeing his target stood steadily with a phone, seems like talking on the phone. He punches the guy called Andrew on the shoulder and kick him again and again.

Andrew who just fall due to the impact, received the kick without mercy and let out a low scream.

“Ouch!, hey what’s wrong?” stopping the guy who kicking his leg, he stood up with the support of the couch, which in the same time not forgetting to end the call.

The guy who on the call: “?” “I didn’t hear anything.”

‘It would be disaster if outsider know that he, who is a tough guy just got hit by his own wife. Cough, cough, I mean my spouse.’

“Just calmed down first okay, have a sit so we can talk this out” Andrew try to persuade Shin to cool down first. After all, he knows exactly the thing that made his spouse angry.

“Talk?! What should be talk?! You clearly know I want Lee’s head on the table! Why you put him in jail?!” the anger can be seen clearly on the little guy face. With red face and cloudy eyes, Andrew know that his wife rage already on the tip of an ice.

“Darling, Lee already on the wanted list, I just doing my job honey”

“Bulsh*t! you know I cage him at the warehouse and I will cut his head off last night and yet you ask me for dinner right on the same night because you want to rescue him right?! You son of a b*tch! Dare to claim you love me and yet you stab on my back!”

‘Sigh, since it already came to this, I can only admit it. Besides it really pointless to argue with my wife right. Yeah, I know I spoil him so much, do I care about it? Of course not. Instead I’m willing to do so because he is the only one I have in this world’

Putting his mind together, Andrew breath in oxygen as much as he can to ensure he will have enough air in his lung when he handles his spouse later. According to Shin nature, both of them will end up rolling on the floor together later.

“Darling, I’m a cop and that’s my job to put all criminals inside the jail” while putting on a firm appearance to face the greatest person in the world, Andrew admit that he is shacking in the inside because he knows how much his spouse care about him.

“Ha Ha Ha. What? You trying to stop me with your position now? You dare?!” the cold laugh make Andrew scalp went numb.

‘If you ask me why I put myself on the deathbed, here I will explain to you. First, my wife is the toughest guy in the world, well of course as his husband I need to be more sturdy than him, however, Shin is the only guy who I willingly to stand on my knee just to show him how precious he is to me. That’s why I will give him everything I can for the rest of his life. Other than that, even me myself is the husband in this relationship, Shin is the one who in charge in our tiny family of two. So here we are.’

“Of course not!” If there is speaker in Andrew heart, other can clearly heard how fast his heart beating rate will be.

“Listen first, I just doing my work here darling, that’s it.” Since he already digs his own pit, Andrew decided to spill all of it.

“Yes, I know you want him, but what can I do when there is a warrant under his name?” the gap between the two big guys decrease bit by bit. However, the tight atmosphere increase drastically which can make whoever standing in the room freeze to their bone. Shin face change to the brightest red which perfectly describe his anger. While Andrew already prepare for the worst by spreading both of his hand to his side.

‘Wait in the moment. Before we continue, I want to clarify something so you won’t judge me later okay. First, Shin is not someone who always in his bad temper, he actually a soft guy who have a very fragile heart which I willing to scarify everything I have in my possession just to ensure he can live safe and happy for the rest of his life.’

‘So, don’t critics him for acting like that okay, since I have my share on this thing too. Sigh, I wish I can start with how cute his reaction after I proposed him 2 years ago, but doesn’t matter, because you will see how adorable and understanding my wife is.’

‘Back to the story…..’


The coffee table broke onto two side. It will be his best luck because the coffee table was a 100% in wood, which means there is no single chance for a glass to scatter or hurt the pitiful person who lying on the floor right now.

“Arrrrgggghhhhhh!” Andrew feel his world change 180 degree. His eyes can’t capture anything due to the speed he been throwing by his spouse. He only become sober after seeing his wife came with his favorite boxing set. Surprised by how angry his spouse be, his pressure his brain to came out with the safest way to soften his spouse heart. Without waiting to be beat, Andrew desperately move his body to the left side before he able to stand firmly behind the sofa. Shin who witness his panic husband, quickly wear the boxing glove while walking to the sofa. The burning inside his eyes can be seen clearly were able to make Andrew break onto cold sweat.

He sure will be dead.

‘Hold on for a second! I know all you have questions you want to ask. But before that, I would like to tell you that my dear Shin have a black belt and his fighting skill is superb where you can’t even find flaw in it. Don’t believe me, well I don’t need to reveal his skill to you guys in the first place, so if you guys don’t believe on it, then it really good for me.

Why you ask? Well, who like to share their lover right? Besides, if you dare to imagine him as your boyfriend, believe me, I will be your nightmare. So, stop whatever you want to think about him.’


Without waiting for the punch, Andrew jump out crossing the couch in front way, with a loud ‘dump’ sound echoing inside the room followed by a sobbing sound which can be heard loudly inside the room.

“Wifeeeeeee! I love you so muchhhh! Please don’t get mad at me! Wuwuwuwuwuwuwuwu!”

Hugging his spouse tight, Andrew throw his mountain pride into the river. He tightly hugs his spouse tight and refuse to move even a millimeter to show his persistent in begging Shin’s forgiveness. If Andrew’s subordinates saw this, it will be the end for Andrew’s reputation as the head of police officer in the state.

“Let go!” Suddenly the temperature in the office room lowered. Hearing his spouse stern voice, he clings tightly adding with his legs on the ground. His heart pound crazily, his life will be determined in the next seconds.

“.. You still won’t let go?!” Shin’s heart suddenly feels tired. Every time they argue, it always connecting to their work. The way Andrew show his love and care to him, make he feel soft and happy. But still, the things that he did was unforgiven. Sighing in his heart, Shin look at the way Andrew hold his left leg, the strength Andrew put in his both hands truly show how unwilling he is.

Their daily life can be compared with other. Living in a moderate apartment in the city with someone you love and care for make Shin feel alive. The way they wait for their partner to return for a dinner were sweet and full of romance, however, these won’t exempt them for arguing about what to eat and who turn will be on washing the dishes. Yes, both of them live in normal marriage life, cuddle in the nighttime, bickering on the day light, reconcile with mostly weird things, well, still it won’t affect their love towards each other. But still, not everyone in their circle can imagine how intimate their behavior could be, just because the different in their line of work.

Shin sigh again, after god know how long it been, finally he touches Andrew’s hand with his right hand, before bending slightly to sit on the couch. Opening his eyes, Andrew withdrew the strength he put on Shin’s left leg without leaving his hands. Their eyes meet, finally Andrew can see his spouse face and his eyes, with the guilty feeling, Andrew’s eyes started to get wet. Shin, who still stare at his spouse’s eyes, can’t help but sighing even more.

“I hate it…”

Shin break the silence. Andrew’s heart continues beat crazily. He knew exactly what his spouse meant. From the first day they vow to accept each other no matter what, they already promised each other for not taking advantages on their partners carriers, but they end up crossing the lines several times.

Andrew knew it. The things that he hates the most is to see his spouse worried about their future, whether they can survive so they can grow old together or otherwise. Both of them know it, they aware of it, but humans’ nature is scary.

‘I swear to god I never intend to make he feel like that. I love so much that I willing to die for him just to make he smile. My carrier as a police, his carrier as a mafia, we are contrary, and I never see it as an obstacle for our relationship, although we seem like a ying and yang on most of other eyes, but in our heart we are the most compatible. To tell you guys the truth, without my cute wife, you guys wouldn’t get a chance to read my diary, why? Because I never gonna wrote it, what I’m supposes to write if I don’t have Shin?

Frankly speaks, he is the most fragile person I ever meet, you might wonder where on earth the fragility can be seen, honesty, Shin has warm heart, and just like a moment ago, he always tolerate me even I act like a shit. I know it’s my fault when I use him for my gaining, and I realizes what are the consequences I would get from my stupid act, just like I said, I’m no good person and no one can stand me accept Shin.’

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