
1860's new York and the ancient one


nothing had made my determination for power grow more then that night,as I have never felt more pathetic in both my lifes then at the moment I fell to floor in pain just by kissing death!! I will.do whatever it takes to reach the very top of this universe as nothing will stop me from being supreme! And nothing will stop me from getting some of that ass!! Goddamnit




baldur parked the ss.sexy directly above newyork in invisible mode ,before he opened the door and floated down to 1860's newyork, while invisible himself


Looking around the cool vintage cars baldur smiled,it felt really awesome being in the past,he had no idea why though.

now you may ask why he chose to come to new York,rather then Kathmandu Nepal, where the ancient one stays,the reason for that was becouse he had no fucking idea where in Kathmandu Nepal kamar taj really was,while almost every marvel fan could tell you that the new York sanctum sanctorum was in 177A blecker Street.

Landing down infront of the door,wearing white and gold robes ,cuz he wanted to look wise and sorcery,baldur knocked on the door.

It was opened after 5 mins by a surprised African American women in red robes,probably the master of the sanctum at this point in time,she looks at me unsurely before she asks me "yes,how may I help you "

"Ahh hello there mam,my names baldur,God of the sun,Prince of asgard,overall pretty cool guy,you wouldn't have a ancient one lying around that I could borrow right?"

Unamed master:surprised pikachu face

"It is an honour to meet you Prince baldur...but the ancient one isn't expecting you" says the lady as if being surprised at her own words,unable to believe that there would be someone the ancient one wouldn't expect to come.

"Yes,I doubt she would,this is sort of a unexpected visit"

"But the ancient one always knows when someone is coming"

"What can I say,I'm somewhat special,now why don't you go ask her if she is willing to meet me?" I say with a smile.

Nodding she ushers me inside,and leads me to a chair before going to Inform the ancient one of my visit.

She comes back barely 15 min later While I'm making figures of light do the macarena on my palms



"Ehm,the ancient one will see you know"

Cringing on the inside,I merely nod and follow her

The lady moves her fingers in a circle and makes a portle to kamar taj,following her I enter the portal and marvel at how cool and useful this is,I'm led through the halls of kamar taj,until she stops at a door,and motions me in,nodding to her ,I enter the room to find it empty besides the ancient one who was sitting there behind a tea table,wearing white and grey robes in all her bald and badass glory.

"Prince baldur,welcome to kamar taj,home to the sorcerers of midgard,plz sit have some tea."

Nodding to her I sit down and take a sip of her tea ,only to do a double take and sip some more "this is good,like really good"

"Why thank you,Prince baldur,may I know for what reaaon you have come looking for an ancient one to borrow" ahh perhaps that wasn't the best way to introduce myself

"Ehm forgive me for my childish introduction,also just call me baldur as for the reason I'm here it's to learn the mystic arts from one such as your self."

"May I know,why one such as you would be interested in the mystic arts"

"Ahh you see I've always been a huge fan of magic,learning all I could form asgard and both my parents aswell and when I found out about the masters of the mystic arts I felt like I just had to learn your magic aswell,ofcourse you could refuse and I wouldn't mind,as its your magic and hence your choice whether to teach it or not"

"I see,very well then it will be an honour to teach the prodigy Prince of asgard,but I do have one request though,if you wish to be taught by me I would have you promise to protect the earth atleast once in its time of need"

She looks at me expectantly before looking slightly shocked at my awnser.

"No,please ask something else of me "

Before she could ask why, I continued

"Midgard is one of the nine realms,if it is in any danger, asgard shall send its armies to protect it,furthermore by teaching me,you shall become my teacher,hence i would protect midgard if it was any danger just for the fact that it was the home of my teacher and because my honor would demand it,that is why I ask you to ask something else of me "

Damn even I'm impressed by my bullshit sometimes.

The Ancient one shows a smile at my awnser and nods at me "in that case,I have nothing to demand of you"

She looks to the door and a apprentice comes in,"please follow this apprentice,he will lead you to your room,it will be without a doubt nothing comparable to what you're used to,but it is what you Will have to live in if you wish to learn the mystic arts,I will also have a apprentice bring you your robes and schedule. And once again I would like to officially welcome you to kamar taj, apprentice baldur.


The reason the ancient one didn't bring up not expecting him,or the fact that she can't see his future is becouse she wants to observe baldur,what kind of man he is and what makes him so special first, this also played a huge part in her accepting him so easily.

BTW next chapter is the longest one yet,about the same size as two normal chapters

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