
Chapter 4

As the girl continued holding the blade up to my neck I started looking her directly in the eyes.

"I don't know who you are, or why you're doing this but I suggest you remove the blade you have from my neck. Otherwise things will get messy for you." I explained.

Since I am not that much of an asshole that I wouldn't give a girl like her, who's obviously been abused, a chance to surrender.

"Quiet!" The girl snarled in response.

Pressing the tip of the sword even further into my neck.

As I felt blood start to trickle down my neck from the wound I decided enough was enough.

She just wasted her once chance.

I tried to do things the easy way, but it looks like she wants to do it the hard way.

Fine by me.

"Get up. We're setting sail right now." The girl spoke. "And if you scream or make an attempt to escape I'll slit your throat." She said.

The look in her eyes telling me she was absolutely serious.

She won't hesitate to kill me.

Then again as she is right now that just won't be possible for her.

Even so I played along.

I stood up and began walking toward the ships anchor. The girl having removed the sword from my neck and instead started pressing it against my back.

Reaching the anchor I started pulling it up until it was fully on the deck of the ship.

As I set it down I pulled free one of the many hidden knives I kept on my person. Then once I did so I stood back up and then turned around. Slamming my elbow into the blade of the sword as I did so.

Thrown off balance by my sudden attack the girl staggered slightly.

Giving me the opening I needed.

Rushing at her I punched her directly in the gut. The impact of my blow causing her to drop the sword in her hands.

The second after this happened I pushed her onto the deck of the ship. I then quickly leaned down and placed the dagger in my right hand against her throat. I then clamped my free hand over her mouth. Looking the girl directly in the eyes after I did so.

"Scream and I'll kill you. Make any sudden movements and I'll kill you. Basically do anything I don't like and I'll kill you." I coldly told her.

But as to if I'm actually going to do it or not remains to be seen.

"Blink twice if you understand my words." I said.

The girl then blinked twice in succession. But as she did so I saw hatred in her eyes aimed directly at me. Along with a good amount of fear as well.

'Seriously, just what kind of horrible experiences has this girl been through?' I thought.

Though I do have some general ideas concerning the matter.

I can't help but wonder if she's sporting a familiar hoof-shaped brand on her back.

If that is the case then I truly feel sorry for her.

Since no one and I mean no one should have to go through what those fish-bowl wearing fucks the Tenryuubito put others through just for their own amusement and sense of entitlement.

But I guess when you're told you're a living God from birth your train of thinking becomes just that fucked up.

Staring down at the girl, who was just a few seconds ago was threatening to end my life, I started to think about what I would do with her. Then before I could make a decision I heard voices and footsteps approaching.

"Shit, where'd that little bitch run off too!"

"If I knew that we wouldn't be running all over trying to find her."

"Shut up. It's your fault she escaped! Didn't the boss say she was supposed to remain untouched!"

"Oh come on. Like you've never sampled the merchandise before selling it. And you have to admit, she was worth getting a little discipline from the boss."

"I guess."

As the two men chatted amongst themselves I felt immense disgust well up inside of me. It's taking all I have no to throw up.

Working to keep myself from hurling I noticed the girl trembling and shaking under me. Looking down at her I saw nothing but fear in her eyes, as well as a few tears at the corner of them.

Seeing this I finally made my decision in regards to how I would handle her.

"Stay quiet." I told her. "Blink twice if you understand."

The girl blinked twice.

Once she did so I removed my hand from atop her mouth. The girl not making a sound after I did so.

Seeing this I stood up and then quickly moved to the back of my boat, which is facing the port.

The second I arrived there I saw the two men from earlier who were chatting approach my boat.

Looking at them I saw they were unwashed, wearing ragged clothing, and as they got closer I noticed they smelled like piss and shit.

Putting all this together I knew immediately they were typical cannon-fodder pirates.

As they reached me I smiled.

"Hello there." I spoke to them.

"Yeah, whatever." The first man replied. "So, you seen a girl running around here?" He asked.

"Nope. Not at all." I replied.

"You wouldn't be lying now, would you?" The second man asked. He then took out his pistol and started waving it around. "Because if you were that would be very bad for your health." He said.

Using a cliché threat like it was nothing at all.

"Well actually now that you mention it I did see a girl earlier." I spoke.

"Where, where did you see her?" The first man asked me.

When he did so I stepped closer to him and his friend. I then leaned in and whispered. "Actually she's aboard my ship right now. But that is no concern of yours since you're both about to take a one way trip to the afer-life." I said.

Then I took the dagger in my right hand and stabbed the man waving around the pistol right in the middle of his throat.

His eyes went wide with shock a second after I did so.

The same with his friend.

Yet before either of them could make a move and retaliate against me I ended the battle before it even began.

Taking my left elbow I threw it into the first man's jaw, hearing a satisfying crack as I did so.

As he fell to the ground I removed my dagger from his friends neck and then stabbed him straight through the heart. The light in his eyes fading instantly as I did so.

Removing my dagger from the seconds man's heart I turned my attention back to his friend.

As he laid on the ground in the fetal position I raised my left leg and then stomped on his stomach.

"Mmmhhh!!!" He cried out in agony.

Yet I ignored it. I then stomped on the man a few more times before I got my feel.

Once I did so I picked him up and dragged him onto my ship. Taking him to the girl who was still there lying on the deck.

The moment she saw me with the pirate who most definitely tried to assault her she got a shocked expression on her face.

Ignoring it I threw the pirate at her feet. When I did so she looked at me.

"Go on. Take your revenge." I told her.

Since when people telling taking revenge doesn't make you feel better that's a damn lie. Revenge actually feels great and is very cathartic.

The girl stared at me for several seconds, seeing if I was bullshitting her or not. When she saw that I wasn't she turned her gaze to the pirate. After she did so she started delivering blows to his body without any restrain.

A smile appearing on her face as he let out groans of agony from the blows she delivered to his body.

While she did this I went to dispose of the body of the other man.

Tossing his corps into the ocean.

I also threw my ships anchor back into the water while I was at it.

Once I finished those two tasks I returned to the front of my ship. Finding the girl with blood covering her hands and feet and the other pirate a corps.

"Thank you." I heard the girl whisper.

Looking at her right after she did so I saw her fall to her knees, a smile plastered on her face. She then promptly passed out.

Seeing this I sighed and lightly shook my head.

This is the results I get for being a nice guy.

Oh well. It's not too bad.

Not bad at all.

Getting over myself I started cleaning up the mess that was in front of me.

The full moon hanging in the night sky being my companion as I did so.

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