
He means

"Oh Ollie, what a surprise, it is nice to see you" said Lisa with a smile as Ollie and Matt walked into the lounge.

"Hello Mrs. Grey" said Ollie with a smile.

"We didn't know that you were coming" said John with a smile as he gave Ollie a handshake which left Matt surprised to say the least.

"I just decided to pop in and check on all of you" said Ollie with a smile.

"That's nice, hopefully you will stay for dinner, everyone will be here, Uncle Capi, even Professor Sapiens" said Lisa with a smile.

"Hopefully not" said Maddie as she walked into the room with Annie.

"Maddie, that's not nice" said Lisa.

"I meant that, he's a very, very busy prince, I doubt that he has time to have dinner with us, right blondie?" asked Maddie with a smile as she looked at Ollie who just smiled.

"Maddie is right actually, I can't stay long, I have to get back home" said Ollie as he smiled.

"Oh well alright then Ollie, please send my regards to the King and Queen" said Lisa as she smiled.

"I will" said Ollie with a smile.

"I have to go now, see you all later" said Ollie as he smiled.

"Bye Ollie" said Annie as she smiled.

"Good riddance" said Maddie while smiling happily as Ollie walked out of the room and Matt followed after him.

"Prince Oliver is a very good boy" said John with a smile as Annie looked at him weirdly as she laughed.

"And what about Matt dad? Isn't he good as well?" asked Annie.

"Hmm, well we'll see about that" said John.

"Dad, what's that supposed to mean?" asked Annie in confusion.

"Don't worry my dear, just continue on doing what you are doing" said John with a smile as Maddie laughed.

"Dad, you are making no sense right now, Mom what is dad talking about?" asked Annie as she looked at her mother.

"Oh don't mind your father Annie, even he doesn't know what he's saying" said Lis as she shook her head and she walked out of the room.

"I know what he means" said Maddie as she laughed.

"Tell me then" said Annie as she looked at Maddie who was just laughing.

"Uncle, I know what you are thinking, but don't go there, never going to happen" said Maddie as she looked at John and laughed.

"Well you can never be sure of what might happen" said John with a smile.

"Oh the two of you are so annoying, just what are you talking about?" asked Annie in annoyance.

"It's not important my girl, really" said John with a smile as he have Annie a kiss on the forehead and walked away.

"Maddie, he's gone now, tell me what you know" said Annie.

"My lips are sealed Annie, you just have to figure it out yourself" said Maddie with a smile.

"Tell me" said Annie.

"No, oh my sweet, innocent Annie, you will figure it out soon" said Maddie as she laughed.

"You all should stop treating me like a child" said Annie.

"I'm not a child" said Annie.

"We know that Annie, we know, just relax" said Maddie as Annie scoffed.

"Dude, it seems like Mr. Grey likes you" said Matt as Ollie laughed.

"It seems so, I noticed that he does not really like you" said Ollie as he laughed.

"Well that's obvious" said Matt as he sighed.

"What did you do to him to make him not like you? I mean he seems like a very chill guy" said Ollie as he smiled.

"I really don't know what I did to him, but I mean the instance surrounding our first official meeting was not pleasant" said Matt.

"How so?" asked Ollie.

"Well it was way back in Sunset Village, I found out about my origin and all, and Annie helped me get over my anger, and well back then Annie and Maddie were still enemies" said Matt as he and Ollie walked outside.

"I was in class when I heard Maddie's old entourage talking about their plan to humiliate Annie, and I just started to get my hearing, so I knew where exactly they were, I rushed there to break up a fight, but instead I was shocked to see Annie casting a spell and Maddie ended up floating to the celling" said Matt.

"You can't imagine how shocked I was, I thought that I was delusional and seeing things, but when Annie looked at me, I knew that everything was real" said Matt.

"Annie promised me that she could explain and she told me to meet her at her house, which I did, and that was the first time I met Mr. Grey official, and boy was he upset, he believed that I was going to harm Annie, which was not true, but Annie and her mom managed to convince him to trust me" said Matt.

"Wow, that's such a story, I didn't know that you guys were that close" said Ollie.

"We are, we go way back, the three of us" said Matt as he smiled.

"That makes sense at all, but it doesn't explain why he dislikes you" said Ollie.

"I don't even care at this point dude, I have tried, and nothing works" said Matt.

"Maddie just finds this whole thing funny" said Matt as Ollie laughed.

"Well because It is, I mean it's funny very funny that he picks on you" said Ollie as he laughed.

"Not to me It isn't" said Matt.

"Sorry dude, we can talk about this later, my mother Is wondering where I am" said Ollie.

"It's fine, see you later Ollie" said Matt with a smile.

"See you" said Ollie as he smiled.

The next day.

"I have decided that it would be best for me to work from home for now" said Stella as she sat at her desk.

"All official High Council meetings are cancelled till further notice, we cannot risk an unanticipated attack" said Stella as she drank some tea.

"I agree with that Stella" said Sapiens.

"This would be the first time in centuries that the High Council will cease all its activities" said Captious.

"It is not done by choice, but because it is necessary" said Curtis.

"Yes, Curtis is right, this is necessary, the last time we made mistakes, but not this time" said Stella.

"My home is being guarded by highly trained Cauldron members, no one is allowed in or out" said Stella.

"And apart from that, I enforced a curfew in the Realm, everyone must be in their homes by midnight" said Stella.

"Midnight seems too far Stella" said Sapiens.

"I know Sapiens, but you know how witchfolk are, I do not want any revolts, midnight is a curfew" said Stella.

"And no one is allowed to travel from realm to realm, stay where you are" said Stella.

"Either you do, or you will be arrested, Azazel is not going to get any more recruits, his numbers should be limited" said Stella.

"Clove sent me another report, she estimated that there are about 400 witches in the camp, and that is excluding rogues, so we are really in for something else" said Stella with a sigh.

"So what is the course of action?" asked Sapiens.

"Firstly, those 400 witches will not be harmed, if anything, they are ignorant victims of Azazel, our fight is not with them, it is with Azazel and Selene, those two are the real enemies" said Stella.

"And what about the rogues?" asked Captious.

"Well they are still unnumbered but…" said Stella as she looked at Curtis.

"King Henry is our ally, and he will send vampire soldiers to aid us" said Curtis.

"Yes, and everything needs to work out very quickly, we only have a month until Azazel strikes" said Stella.

"if everything does not work out as we hope, then we will make the first move" said Stella as they all nodded.

"Azazel is going to strike in a month?" asked Ollie as he opened the door to Stella's office.

He was coming here to see her, and he did not mean to eavesdrop, but he had heard everything and he was surprised to say the least.

"Prince Oliver, what are you doing here?" asked Stella as she sighed and she looked at Ollie, she should have casted a barrier spell at her door as well.

"I was coming to see you, and I did not mean to overhear your conversation but I did" said Ollie as he closed the door and walked to Stella.

"But Azazel Is going to strike in a month, did I hear that correctly?" asked Ollie as Stella looked at Sapiens and Captious who kept quiet, and then she looked at Curtis and sighed, it was all up to her.

There was no way that she could lie now, it was evident that Ollie had heard them clearly, so much for keeping everything quiet and hidden.

Chapitre suivant