
Find me

"And in the end, the end was written" said Curtis as he read a text from the book he was looking through as he closed it.

"That has nothing to do what I am looking for" said Curtis to himself as he sighed and he reached out to get another book.

He had been here since last night, he even skipped breakfast, but it was clear that he was getting nowhere, with this human form of his, he was starting to get tired and hungry, he needed to eat, or else, he would not be able to survive long enough to make sure he got Annie's powers back.

Curtis heard the doors of the library open, but he paid no attention to it at all, he was too busy right now to care for whoever entered the library.

"Good Morning Curtis" said Stella as she smiled and she walked to where Curtis was sitting as he was buried in a pile of books.

"Stella??" asked Curtis in disbelief, he could not believe if he was actually seeing her here, or if he had finally begun to see things since he had been here all night and morning.

"Yes" said Stella as she smiled.

"You look tired" said Stella as she smiled and she sat down beside Curtis.

"Hmm isn't that the truth?" asked Curtis as he yawned and Stella was surprised, she had never seen him look tired, and that was because he was never tired, this whole situation was affecting him more than anyone could realize.

"What are you doing here?" asked Curtis as he yawned once more and he rubbed his eyes as they were red, he could not remember the last time he felt tired, and that was because he never got tired, he was a book and not a human, but that was not so anymore, things that he could never imagine had happened, and they had affected him as well.

"There was a High Council Meeting held in the Castle and I had to attend" said Stella as she explained as Curtis nodded his head.

"I see" said Curtis.

"How did you find me?" asked Curtis.

"Queen Christina mentioned that you had been in the library for a while now" said Stella.

"Well how nice she is" said Curtis.

"She is a very good woman" said Stella as she smiled, Christina was always so lively and kind.

"Hmm" said Curtis as he went back to reading, there was no need for him to pretend while Stella was here, they were a team, and if there was someone Curtis was sure that he could trust, that would be Stella, she had proven her loyalty to the Grey family in more ways than one.

"So have you found anything yet?" asked Stella.

"No, and I am still looking" said Curtis as he replied simply as he skimmed through a book and he closed the book as he put it along with the other books in the pile on his right.

"How do you know exactly what you are looking for?" asked Stella as she was alarmed by how Curtis just skimmed through a book in less than ten seconds.

"When I see it I will know" said Curtis as he reached out for the next book.

"Are you sure Curtis? Because to me it looks like you are just flipping through books" said Stella.

"Well I am not" said Curtis, besides this was the only way he would narrow down exactly which book he would fine the information he was looking for, he had gone through only a quarter of the books in this library, and he still had much more to go through, and he needed to quicken up his pace, every passing day, they were loosing more and more time, and he knew that Azazel was planning, scheming and waiting.

"Alright then, if you say so" said Stella as she would just leave Curtis be, he was the one who knew what he was looking for anyway, she was left in the dark as usual, and not like she minded being left in the dark, that was just how Curtis was, and it made her less likely to say something that she was not supposed to.

"Did the King and Queen ask you anything in particular?" asked Curtis as he continued to flip through the pages of a book in his hand.

"No… well nothing in particular, they seem to not know anything, and well if they do, they sure do a good job of making it seem like they don't" said Stella, as much as she owed her loyalty to the King and Queen, they were the rulers of the Witch Realm for a reason, and there were some secrets that they had as well.

"Hmm alright then" said Curtis.

"I haven't seen this book in such a long time" said Stella as she laughed and she took a particular book she knew very well as she smiled and she looked through it.

"Hmm" said Curtis as he was not paying attention to her at all.

"I remember reading this book when I first joined the High Council, which was a very long time ago" said Stella as she laughed and she looked at the book as she opened to the twentieth chapter.

"Which book is that?" asked Curtis as that piqued his interest.

"The initum book" said Stella as she laughed.

"You mean the book of the beginning?" asked Curtis as he looked up and he looked at Stella.

"Yes, the same one, with most of all the history of the Witch Realm" said Stella as she smiled.

"Wait is there not a chapter on the mountains in there?" asked Curtis as he seemed to realize something.

"Well yes, I think so, I don't quite remember, that was such a long time ago" said Stella as she laughed.

"Of course!" said Curtis it all began to make more sense to him.

"What?" asked Stella as she was confused.

"May I have the book?" asked Curtis.

"Alright??" asked Stella as she gave Curtis the book she was confused, but of course she just let Curtis go one, seeing as he would eventually explain to her.

"Thank you" said Curtis as he took the book from her and he began to flip through it as he stopped on one particular chapter.

"Why didn't I think of this sooner??" asked Curtis to himself as he scolded himself.

"Think of what?" asked Stella as Curtis looked up to look at her as he still had this look of thinking on his face as he was making sure what he was saying, before he raised false alarms.

"Give me a moment Stella" said Curtis as he was still thinking.

"Alright??" asked Stella as she was still confused, but she was sure that this had to be very serious for Curtis to act this way.

"Hmm" said Curtis.

"Just as I thought" said Curtis.

"Stella can you get me a map of the entire Realm?" asked Curtis as he looked up to look at Stella.

"Well of course I can" said Stella.

"How soon do you need it?" asked Stella.

"Right now, if that is possible" said Curtis.

"Well alright then" said Stella as she stood up.

"Is there anything that I should know?" asked Stella.

"Not yet Stella, not just yet, I still need to confirm some things first" said Curtis as he looked at the book and then at Stella, he really hoped that this would be the answer to everything, because if it was, they could finally move to the next plan of action.

"Alright Curtis, fine, if you say so" said Stella as she realized that this was very serious, and Curtis needed the map now.

"I will return soon" said Stella as she walked out of the library leaving Curtis alone.

"if this is possible then… why didn't I realize this sooner?" asked Curtis to himself.

"The mountains…the mountains" said Curtis as he looked at the book, he was stuck on a line that interested him, the one that made him start to think even more, he was so stupid for his mind not coming here before, it would have saved them all a whole lot of delay and confusion of what to do next.

"I need this to be true… I really do… or else all hope will be lost" said Curtis as that was the truth, and that was also his worst fear, that all hope would be lost, and that he would have failed at what he was created to do, and that was to help the Grey's defeat Azazel, and if he could not do that, then he was completely useless.

"I promised you Annie, and I will fulfil that promise, just give me some more time" said Curtis to himself as he sighed and he closed the book, his sigh was a mix of longing, hopefulness and relief all packed into one singular sigh.

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