

"What does Azazel want me for??" asked Selene as she paced around.

"Don't tell me that, that brat snitched on me" she said as she realized something,

"No way, she does not have the guts, she might be proud, but she would probably shiver in front of Azazel" said Selene as she reassured herself, she stood still sighed and put a smile on her face.

"Let's see what he wants" she said to herself as she walked away.


"My Lord, your humble servant had arrived" said Selene as she announced herself like an important person.

But the smile on her face faltered when she saw the person she least expected coming out of Azazel's office.

It was Nia! and she gave Selene a brief look before going her way.

"That brat was here, she better not have done what I think that she did" said Selene to herself as her courage began to falter.

If Nia had reported her, today was going to be the last day she spends in this world.

"I said Come In" came Azazel's annoyed voice as it thundered in Selene's ears, and she rushed quickly into Azazel's office.

"Ahh sorry My Lord, I was just..." said Selene as she tried to come up with an explanation.

"Save it, I didn't know that you were deaf" said Azazel

"Forgive me My Lord, it has been a long time since I have cleaned my ears" said Selene as she smiled sheepishly, she knew just what to say to make Azazel not kill her.

"Hmm" said Azazel

"You should clean them, I cannot have a deaf witch by my side" said Azazel.

"I will My Lord" said Selene as she still smiled

"My Lord I am sure that you did not call me here for us to discuss my ears" said Selene as she smiled and made sure to tread softly.

"Yes you are right" said Azazel as he paused in his talking, which gave Selene a heart attack, his dramatic pause was killing her, but she could not show it, all she could do was maintain her smile.

"Something important has come to my attention" he said once again pausing.

"What is it My Lord?" asked Selene still smiling.

"It is something that concerns the people in this camp, including you" said Azazel as he looked at Selene intently when he said "You"

"I have received some complaints of safety in the camp" said Azazel

Selene's eyes briefly went wide, she knew it! that girl had reported her to Azazel, but she was still alive, and Azazel did not directly say that the complaints of safety were related to her, so she just had to stay calm and relax.

"Really?? well this is the first that have heard of this" said Selene as she kept on talking.

"Yes Selene, and you need to solve it" said Azazel as he looked at her.

Selene felt chills in her bones when Azazel looked at her, she knew that he knew and he was was just beating around the bush, the question was why was she still alive?

"Me? My lord?" asked Selene.

"Yes you, some witches have complained of feeling unsafe around the rouges, and there has already been a case of murder, you need to fix it and talk to the rouges" said Azazel as he stopped looking at Selene.

Selene was relieved, she was not going to die, Azazel just asked her to handle the rouges using other witches for food, so that brat did not snitch, she could live to see another day.

"There you go again being deaf" said Azazel as he was not pleased.

"I'm sorry My Lord" said Selene as her smile faltered.

"But why me?" asked Selene carefully as she was trying to find out if something off was waiting for her.

"Are you telling me that you are incompetent" said Azazel rather calmly.

"No My Lord" said Selene as she immediately rejected that accusation, she was treading on thin ice already.

"Good" said Azazel

"Find that vampire Liam, and warn him and his boys" said Azazel, if Selene was not so afraid of him, she would tell him to go find them himself, seeing as he was the one that brought them here in the first place.

Selene was annoyed, but she did not show it, she just kept smiling, now she had to go and find that annoying vampire who was the bane of her existence, she was getting herself ready for a headache soon.

"Yes My Lord, consider it done" said Selene as she bowed.

"Good" said Azazel.

"Now to more important matters" said Azazel

"Ready the troops" he said

"It's time to strike" said Azazel coldly.

"Yes My Lord" said Selene as she smiled in delight, finally she was tired of waiting.

"You may go" said Azazel

"Yes My Lord" said Selene as she bowed and left the room.


"Hey vampire where have you been?" asked Selene as she finally saw Liam after searching for him all around the camp.

"Hey cat eyes I see that you missed me" said Liam cheekily.

"Save it, I am not in the mood for your nonsense today" said Selene as she hushed him, all the anger she had bottled up from Azazel's call was now going to be unleashed on Liam (Not that he did not deserve it)

"Oooh you are feisty today, did you wake up on the wrong side of the cauldron?" asked Liam as he tried to make a joke, but Selene did not laugh at all, in fact she looked even more serious.

"Sheesh tough crowd today" said Liam

"Are you done?" asked Selene

"Not yet" replied Liam and Selene shot him a dangerous glare.

"Azazel told me to warn you and your boys" she said as she got down to business.

"We are not your walking beverages, warn yourselves, you cannot just drink from everyone" said Selene dangerously.

"Well we will do whatever we want, we are rouges after all" came the voice of a vampire standing afar off, he was one of Liam's boys.

"Shut up" came Liam's voice as he hushed the rouge that dare put his mouth in this matter, he was going to have to deal with him later.

"Control your boys" said Selene as she warned Liam with her eyes.

"If you don't who knows if the next witch you drink from will just kill you" said Selene as she smiled sweetly as she uttered her deadly message.

"Cat eyes I got it" said Liam

"I will warn them" said Liam as he talked with no jokes this time.

"Good" said Selene.

"Now where have you been?" she asked

"I didn't know that you cared about me cat eyes" said Liam as he winked and was back to joking.

"Oh in your dreams" said Selene.

"Azazel was looking for you and your boys, so he sent me to find you, now answer me where have you been?" asked Selene

"We also have to train cat eyes, so we went to train" said Liam as he gave a vague answer.

"Hmm whatever" said Selene.

"Make your way to see him, maybe he will spare you" said Selene.

"Don't worry about me cat eyes, I'm still alive aren't I? so I know how to deal with him" said Liam as he smiled.

"Whatever you say" said Selene as she walked away without saying more.

The sun was starting to set, and she still had lots to do.

Meanwhile in Azazel's office

His eyes were closed and he seemed to be thinking.

He had purposely scared Selene earlier today, he knew the evil intentions that she had against Clove, no one had to tell him that he knew this fact all too well.

Which was why today he decided to give Selene a scare and teach her a lesson, and put her in her place, she will not dare try anything less she finally sees his wrath.

The thought of disposing Selene had crossed Azazel's mind over and over again, but he decided to leave her, she was very instrumental to him, her heart was wicked, and it made her ruthless in her dealings, which Azazel loved.

If he was to kill her it would mean that he has lost a great ally, she dealt with everything he told her to do and more, if she was no longer here, Clove would have to be the one to handle everything, and Azazel knew that Clove was too soft, she could not do what needed to be done.

And hence why no matter how much he wanted to he could not get rid of Selene, or at least not yet, there was still a lot to to do, and the time was just not enough.

Meanwhile back in the camp.

The Sun had set and the moon had taken it's place in the sky, the stars followed after it and they resumed their work of being beautiful in the dark sky.

After dinner everyone went to their rooms and got ready for slumber, and it was not different in the girl's room.

"Goodnight Maddie" said Annie as she got ready to sleep.

"Goodnight Annie" replied Maddie as she closed her eyes and drifted off into slumber.


It was a warm summers day, the sun was shining brightly the sky was clear without a cloud in the sky, the field was green and the grass was greener.

Maddie was sitting quietly and looking up at the sky, when something caught her attention.

"Maddison" came a voice that she knew all too well.

Maddie turned her head to the left and her face scrunched when she saw who was calling her.

"What do you want" she asked in distaste, she did not want to see this person, and yet here they were in her dream.

"We need to talk" said the voice.

Chapitre suivant