

"Oh Hi Maddie" said Annie as she looked up and saw Maddie walking towards her.

"Good Morning Annie" said Maddie

"Morning" said Annie

"You are not fair, why didn't you wake me up?" said Maddie

"I woke up all alone, I thought something bad must have happened to you" said Maddie as she sat down.

"Hahah Aww sorry, but you looked so peaceful so I decided to let you rest some more" said Annie

"Well okay, but at least tell me before you go leaving me behind" said Maddie

"Haha you worry too much" said Annie as she laughed.

"Yeah Yeah" said Maddie

"Wait have you seen Matt?" asked Maddie

"No, I haven't seen him today" said Annie

"Hmm weird, I also have not seen him today, and he was not in his room" said Maddie

"Oh that is weird" said Annie

"But I am sure that he's fine" she said.

"You know how much he boasts about being strong and all" said Annie as she laughed.

"That is true" said Maddie as she laughed too.

"Anyway, why is this place so empty?" asked Maddie as she looked around the empty canteen.

"I think it's probably because everyone is either on edge, guarding or training" said Annie

"That might be it" said Maddie

"So what are you eating?" asked Maddie

"Haha Pancakes" said Annie

"Oooh" said Maddie

"Do you want some? because I don't think that I can finish them all" said Annie

"Hahaha Okay" said Maddie as she took another fork from the table.

"So have you heard from Curtis yet?" asked Maddie

"Ugh No, Curtis is so suspicious as always" said Annie in annoyance.

"It's either I can't reach him, or he's choosing to ignore me" she said.

"What did he stay back for anyway?" asked Maddie

"I have no idea, you know how secretive he is" said Annie

"But there is one thing that I am sure of" said Annie

"Which is?" asked Maddie

"If Curtis let us come here without him, then we are safe, and he is sure that Azazel's won't try anything funny" said Annie

"Haha Annie, there is nothing funny about Azazel" said Maddie as she laughed.

"Haha yes yes okay" said Annie as she laughed.

Meanwhile in Stella's Office.

"Is there sight of any suspicious activity?" asked Stella

"No my Chancellor, it's as quiet as a empty cauldron" replied Mira

"Hmm I see" said Stella

"And Armand where is he?" asked Stella

"Well Captain Armand has gone scouting the area" said Mira.

"Hmm, I hope that's all he is doing" said Stella to herself.

"Alright" said Stella

"And how are Annie, Maddie and Matt?" asked Stella

"They are fine my Chancellor, I did as you told and escorted Annie to the canteen" said Mira.

"Thank you Mira, I really appreciate your loyalty" said Stella

"I know it is not part of your job to babysit for me" said Stella

"It is no worry my Chancellor, I am here to serve" said Mira

"And it's not babysitting, they all are very nice" said Mira as she smiled

"I am glad that you think so" said Stella as she smiled back.

"You may go now" said Stella.

"Thank you My Chancellor" said Mira as she bowed and left.

"*sigh*" said Stella to herself.

She had her hands full, and the worst part was that after all these months she still had not found a new personal assistant to replace Adrian. This was mostly because all the candidates that she was shown did not match her list of requirements.

Stella had actually grown weary of finding a new assistant, and all time had slipped through her hands, so she considered the situation that they were in now, and she decided that it would not be safe for her to take in a stranger right now.

"Well then it's back to work for me" said Stella to herself.

Meanwhile in Azazel's camp.

"My Lord, I believe that now is the perfect time to strike" said Selene with that usual smile of hers on her face.

"Our enemies must be rested by now, they are not expecting anything from us, since we have been so quiet" she said as she moved closer to him as he was sitting in a chair.

"So why don't we cease this opportunity and start this war like we are supposed to" said Selene as she got closer, still smiling.

All this while as Selene was talking, Azazel paid no attention to her, he just kept on looking to the horizon, as if he had more important thing to think off, and that annoyed Selene, why couldn't he give her attention like that blondie??

Selene was already boiling in anger, but she knew better than to snap at Azazel, unless he snap her neck in return, she knew that she did not have the charm of that woman, and Azazel would not hesitate to dispose of her, regardless of all the years that she had been loyal to him.

"My Lord?" asked Selene

"Selene" called Azazel

"Yes My lord" said Selene

"Tell me how long have you followed me?" asked Azazel

"For twenty years my Lord" said Selene

"Those twenty years mean nothing to me, I can dispose of you anytime that I feel like" said Azazel.

"I know my Lord" said Selene as she bowed her head.

"Good that you know" said Azazel

"I am giving you your final warning" he said coldly

"Do not interfere with my plans, do you hear me" he said

"Yes My Lord" said Selene as she kept her head down.

"Good, now go" said Azazel

"When I am ready to go through with my plan I will inform you, and not the other way around" said Azazel

"Yes My Lord" said Selene and Azazel waved her off.

"Oooh it seems like someone got on the bad side of the boss" said Liam cheekily.

"What in the cauldron??" said Selene to herself.

"I should have casted a sound barrier spell" she said as she scolded herself.

"Leave me be vampire, I have no time for you" said Selene as she walked past him.

"Aww my cat eyes, you are sad" said Liam

"You know, if you need someone to talk to I am always here" he said as he winked at her.

"Only in..."

"Your dreams" said Liam as he completed her sentence for her.

"Ughh" said Selene as she groaned and walked away.

"Cat eyes, I finished your sentence, see it shows how compatible we are" said Liam

"silentium" said Selene under her breath and the next second Liam could not talk, he was mute.

"I am not allowed to kill you, but no one every said anything about silencing you" laughed Selene evilly.

"See you Vampire" she said as she left.

Meanwhile in Clove's tent.

"Nia" called Clove

"Yes Milady, you called for me" said Nia as she suddenly appeared.

"Yes Nia, come over here" said Clove

"Okay Milady" said Nia as she walked over to Clove.

"Here" said Clove as she gave Nia a box.

"What is it?" asked Nia

"Open it first" said Clove.

"Milady they are dresses" said Nia as she opened the lid of the box.

"And not just any dresses, these are brand new" said Nia in awe, she had never seen such bright colours and ribbons since her parents died.

"Do you like them?" asked Clove as she smiled seeing Nia's reaction.

"Yes" said Nia subconsciously.

"Good, because they are all yours" said Clove.

"What??" asked Nia as she dropped the box like it was on fire.

"I said that they are all yours" repeated Clove.

"Milady, I am grateful, but I cannot accept such beautiful dresses, they are to much for me" said Nia as she backed away from the box like it was going to eat her any second.

"But Nia, they are a gift from me to you, I am sure you would look pretty in them" said Clove as she tried to convince Nia to accept them.

"And I appreciate the gift Milady, but I cannot accept it" said Nia as she bowed her head down.

"But why not?" asked Clove

"Well because, I am only your maid, and nothing else, I am here to serve you" she said as she looked down, trying to avoid Clove's gaze.

*sigh* Clove knew that Nia was way to humble to accept the dresses, so she decided to go with her back up plan.

"Yes you are right" she said, and Nia looked sad.

"I am the wife of Azazel, and also your Lady, I am prestigious and expensive" said Clove haughtily

"And I also expect my servants to be the same" she said.

"You are my maid, and you need to dress and act like one" said Clove

"Yes Milady" said Nia as she whispered.

"Firstly, you will wear these dresses, I will get some more for you" said Clove

"And secondly you do not have to be so cowardly, look me in the eyes, and don't ever tremble for anyone else, do you understand?" asked Clove

"Yes Milady" said Nia with her face still looking down.

"What did I say?" said Clove

"Yes Milady" said Nia as she looked up.

"Good, now go change, I will call for you later" said Clove

"Yes Milady" said Nia as she left.

Clove knew that she sounded harsh, but that was the only way she knew that Nia would accept the gift, that girl was just too timid, and who could blame her? she must have felt so helpless for a long time.

Clove was certain that she would have ended up with the same fate as Nia, if not for her Aza.

Chapitre suivant