
It's Classified

"Curtis?" called Annie once again but still there was no response.

"Hmm well I guess he's busy" said Annie

"Hmm maybe" said Maddie

"Annie what's wrong?" asked Curtis as he finally replied.

"Ahh Curtis, what took you so long?" asked Annie

"Sorry Annie, I was busy" said Curtis

"Busy with what?" asked Annie but Curtis did not reply.

"Fine, anyway where are you?" asked Annie

"I'm in my room, why?" asked Curtis

"Well come here quick" said Annie

"Why? is something wrong? are you in danger?" asked Curtis

"Just come here first" said Annie

"I will be right there" said Curtis

"Well Curtis is coming now" said Annie as she turned to look at Maddie

"Wow, that was fast" said Maddie

"I think that's partly because he thinks that I am in danger" said Annie as she laughed.

"Wow and you call me the mean one" said Maddie as she laughed.

"Well he deserves it for being so distant lately" said Annie

"Annie what's wrong" said Curtis as he barged into the room.

"Nothing" replied Annie

"Then why did you call me here?" asked Curtis

"Well because Curtis, you owe me and explanation" said Annie

"Where have you been all this while?" asked Annie suspiciously.

"Well I have been busy" replied Curtis

"With what?" asked Annie

"With research" said Curtis

"What kind of research?" asked Annie

"It's classified for now" replied Curtis

"Hmm" said Annie as she eyes Curtis suspiciously which in turn received a laugh from Maddie

"What's so funny?" asked Annie and Curtis at the same time.

"Oh it's nothing, it's just that you guys are so funny, you are acting like siblings" said Maddie

"Isn't it because Curtis is being annoying and refusing to tell me anything" said Annie

"He's been like that for a while now, and it's not nice" said Annie

"Look Annie I am genuinely busy, and I am sorry if it seems like I am ignoring you, but when I am done gathering information I will tell you everything alright?" said Curtis

"Fine" said Annie reluctantly

"Good" said Curtis as he smiled.

"Awww you two are making up" said Maddie as she smiled

"Haha" said Annie

"Anyway I am hungry" said Maddie

"My gosh is it only me, or have you been getting hungry a lot?" said Annie

"Oh hush" said Maddie

"Luckily for you it's almost dinner time, so we can go eat" said Annie

"Haha Yayyyy, let's go" said Maddie

Meanwhile in the Dining room.

"Ahh Hi mom, hi dad" said Annie as she finally saw her parents after they had left in the morning.

"Hello Aunty and Uncle" said Maddie

"Hello girls" said Lisa

"Hello Maddie and Annie" said John as he and Lisa sat down

"So where did you guys go with Uncle Captious?" asked Annie as she ate her food

"Ahh well your Uncle took us to the orphanage he grew up in" said Lisa

"Wow that sounds very nice" said Annie

"Yes it was, and there were many cute children there" said John

"Such a shame, I felt like adopting one of them immediately" said Lisa

"But your father stopped me" she said as she eyes John

"Mhmm" said John, while Maddie and Annie were laughing.

"Anyway so where are Luc and Lucas?" asked Lisa

"Ahh well I haven't seem them, but Matt said that they were going somewhere" said Annie

"Ahh well okay" said Lisa

"So how was your day girls?" asked Lisa

"Well it was good mom" said Annie

"And you Maddie?" asked Lisa

"It was good too Aunt, thank you for asking" said Maddie as she smiled

"Your welcome dear" said Lisa

Meanwhile in another part of the Palace.

Sapiens was in his Office, looking as cold as ever, when he heard a knock on the door and he said "Come in"

"Good Evening Father" said Lucinda as she walked into his office, and Lucas followed behind.

"Good Evening Lucinda" said Sapiens

"Good Evening Professor Sapiens" said Lucas in respect for his father in law but in return he received a "Hmm" from Sapiens

"Father you said that you wanted to meet your grandchildren, so here they are" said Lucinda

"Good Evening Grandfather" said the children in a chorus.

The cold look Sapiens face, dissipated and it was replaced with a welcoming smile, when he heard the voices of his grandchildren.

"Good Evening" said Sapiens

"It's nice to meet you all, there are so many of you" said Sapiens

"Haha Hi Grandfather, my name is Evie and I am the second oldest" said Evie as of course she was the fearless one.

"Ahh Evie, it's nice to meet you" said Sapiens with a smile.

"My name is Matt, I am the oldest" said Matt as he introduced himself.

"Hello Matt" said Sapiens

"My name is Levi, and I am the third oldest" said Levi

"Hello Levi" said Sapiens

"My name is Kaylee and I am the third oldest" said Kaylee with a smile.

"Hello Kaylee" said Sapiens

"Hello Grandfather, my name is Ellie and that's Celeste, she doesn't talk much" said Ellie and Celeste nodded in agreement with her sister's statement.

"Twins?" asked Sapiens in shock

"Yes Grandfather, do you see the resemblance?" asked Ellie with a smile

"Well twins never ran in our family" said Sapiens

"Well now they do" said Lucinda as she laughed.

From then on everyone kept on introducing themselves, leaving Noey for last.

"And finally this is Noey" said Evie as she pointed to Noey who was hiding behind Levi.

"He's the youngest and also the cutest" said Evie as she carried Noey up.

"Grandfather do you want to carry him?" asked Evie

"Here" said Evie without waiting for a reply as she put Noey on Sapiens lap.

"Hello" said Noey as he found himself on his Grandfather's lap.

"Hello" replied Sapiens with a smile, he never thought of the day that he would actually carry one of his grandchildren.

When he disowned his only child, he also gave up the idea of being a grandfather, but here he was with his 10 wonderful grandchildren, he would cry... if he was emotional.

"Like I said earlier it's very nice to meet you all" said Sapiens with a smile.

Who thinks that Sapiens will have a change of heart with his grandchildren around? haha

Dan_does_it_allcreators' thoughts
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