
Joyous Day

"Thank you, Your Majesty" said John as he rose up

"This is my Wife Lisa, and our daughter Annie along with her friend Maddie" said John

"Good Evening Your Majesty" said Lisa as she curtsied

"Good Evening Your Majesty" said Annie and Maddie as they followed after her

"Ah Ladies, Rise" said Henry as he smiled

"Thank you your Majesty" they said

"My name is Annie, your Majesty" said Annie

"Ahhh this is the very famous Annie that I have been hearing about, It is very nice to finally meet you my dear" said Henry as he looked directly in Matt's direction with a cheeky smile on his face, and Matt looked away

Annie laughed, she was not famous at all

"Thank you your Majesty, I am honored to have made such a good impression" she said as she smiled

"Ah, it's nothing my dear" said Henry

"And you my girl, Maddie is it?" asked Henry

"Yes Your Majesty" replied Maddie

"Ah Maddison what a beautiful name" said Henry

"Thank you your Majesty" said Maddie as she smiled

"I also have heard good things about you, although my dear Evie says that you are mean" said Henry as he laughed

Maddie looked at Evie like she was going to kill her.

Evie just looked away sheepishly, as she was caught in the act, she would not dare look Maddie in the eye, she had already seen how angry she was, if not that her Grandfather was there, Maddie would have killed her.

Annie just sighed and face-palmed herself and said "Oh Evie"

"Haha Your Majesty, it's just a friendly banter between friends, we will of course settle it very soon" said Maddie with a smile that looked very creepy to Evie.

"Evie I advise that you better start running, because I am not intervening in your little squabble with Maddie, you better prepare yourself because you started it" said Matt as he whispered in Evie's ear

Evie's eyes went wide what kind of brother was Matt?? he should be on her side, she is his sister after all.

"Fi-- Fine then, Annie will save me" said Evie back

"I don't think she will" said Matt as he pointed to Annie

Annie had a "Evie, this is between Maddie and you, and I will not intervein" kind of look on her face.

Evie looked back at Maddie and she saw that she had a smug look on her face that said "Hmm no one is protecting you now, let's see if you can actually play"

Evie looked at all her siblings Kaylee had a "You have finally done it" look on her face, Levi had a "I cannot wait to see how this plays out" kind of look on his face, while Mark, Edward, Frankie, and the twins refused to look Evie in the eye.

Henry saw that some sort of secret communication was going on between the children, and it was rather cute, so he just had to ask

"My dear children, what is going on? with the way you all are looking like someone is about to die" said Henry

Mat just laughed and said

"Ah, don't worry Grandfather, it's just something that we need to solve amongst ourselves" laughed Matt

"Yes Grandfather, everything is fineee, don't worry" said Levi

"Okay then, my boy if you say so" said Henry

Henry finally noticed the familiar lady that he had seen a number of times, Bella noticed the King's eye on her and she immediately showed her respect.

"Good Evening Your Majesty" she said as she bowed

"Ahh, Bella what a surprise it has been quite a long time, you may rise" he said Happily

"Thank you Your Majesty" she said

"How have you been my girl?" asked Henry

"I have been doing fine Your Majesty, especially now that I get to see my cute nieces and nephews" said Bella as she smiled

"I can see your happiness, you do not look like you have aged a day" said Henry as he smiled

"Thank you your Majesty, I wish I could say the same... you have aged quite a bit" said Bella as she smiled.

"Ah my dear girl, very true but with age comes wisdom, as I have been blessed with Long life" said Henry as he laughed and Bella laughed along with him, she really did know how to charm people.

"Father, it's nice to see you again" said Lucas as he entered the room and bowed in front of his father.

"Lucas my son, rise" said Henry

"Thank you Father" said Lucas

"Today is a very joyous day, I have met some new people, reunited with the old ones, and most of all, seen all my grandchildren, what more can I ask for?" said Henry with a smile on his face.

"I am glad that you enjoyed our visit Father" said Lucas

"Your Majesty" said Jacob as he entered the room and bowed to show his respect

"Ahh, Jacob my boy, you may rise, it is very nice for you to join us" said Henry as he smiled.

"Thank you Sire" said Jacob as he stood up.

"I cannot remember the last time I had so many people in my Castle, it has been ages. This calls for a celebration!" said Henry as he laughed

"Father, don't you think that a celebration is too impromptu?" asked Lucas

"Yes, you right my boy, I believe a hearty Dinner should do" said Henry

Henry looked at one of the guards that was on standby and he summoned him, the guard immediately came to Henry's side and bowed down.

"Please Inform the Kitchen Staff to prepare a feast, as we have many guests today" said Henry

"Yes Sire" said the Guard as he left immediately to do as he was told.

"Jacob, please escort our guests to the dining area, I and Lucas will join you shortly we have some matters to discuss" said Henry

"Yes Sire" said Jacob

"Everyone Follow me" said Jacob as he led the way.

"Okay Byeeee Grandfather Byeee Dad" said Evie

"Bye Bye My Princess" said Lucas and Henry waved too

Evie smiled, leaving two generations of Pureblood Vampires alone.

Chapitre suivant