
Moving to the Witch World.

A week had passed and everyone did the same routine, the Sundew's told their children about their plans once school was over for a long break and instead of their expected reaction they were all happy they said that they wanted to see the homes of their parents and wanted a change in scenery.

During the week Annie, Curtis and Matt's schedule was the same they would attend classes and eat lunch with Maddie when she was free, and as stated by Maddie's Father she wasn't allowed to go anywhere, she would be dropped at school by the Chauffer and would be picked up by him straight home.

Finally Saturday came, and it was time to move, school was over and the Grey's had packed only the most essential items in their house to take with them on their trip, since they did not know how long they would stay there (but little did they know that this singular art of moving would be a start of many adventures)

Else where in the Wolf Mansion

Maddie had just woken up from her sleep, she looked very tired from all her training from the night before, and now she was ready to put her escape plan into action!

She had mapped out all the escape routes in the mansion the night before and all she had to do was to get ready, pack some necessities and cast her spell.

Maddie quickly got ready, she changed into a black long sleeved jumpsuit, and tied her hair in a ponytail, she woke up at 5am so that no one would notice she was gone, she packed some clothes in her backpack and put it behind her.

"invisibilia incantatores" said Maddie and immediately she became invisible and no one else could see her, she slowly and quietly opened the door of her room and entered into the corridor.

The Mansion was very quiet which was perfect for her since she could get out more easily, Maddie decided not to go out the front door since there were guards guarding outside so she decided to go through the main toilet's window.

She jumped out of it and landed outside gracefully and landed in the grass, she was almost on her way to freedom when a familiar hand grabbed her.

"Maddison where are you going??" asked Anthony

Maddie's spell wasn't that strong so people with advanced magic could see her just like Anthony.

"Anthony let me go i want to get out of here" said Maddie as her spell faded and she was visible once again.

"But why Maddison your Father will not be pleased" said Anthony

"Anthony by now you should know the situation on ground and i don't want to be part of it" she said

"But you cannot disobey your Father he is still your Father" he replied

"So you're telling me that even if my Father is the most evil person in the world i should obey him" she said as she burst into tears.

"Even if my Father and Mother both don't love me i should listen to them and do something evil to an innocent person" she said as her tears got heavier.

"Even if My Father is the most feared Wizard in all of the world because of all his evil horrible deeds i should obey him"

"If only i was allowed to choose who my parents i would have never wanted to end up with such wretched parents like them" said Maddie as she finally broke down and fell on her knees.

Anthony could feel her sorrow and he knew what she meant it wasn't her choice to be born as Azazel's offspring, Anthony sighed and knelt down and patted her back.

"Maddie you can go and i won't say anything but you have to know that one day very soon you cannot run away from them they are your parents and you will have to face them soon" said Anthony

"Really??" asked Maddie as she stopped Crying "I know Anthony i will really miss you" she said as she gave him a hug.

And with that she stood up and made her way to the gate.

Knock knock knock

Annie heard knocking on the front door and went to open it who she saw shocked her, it was Maddie she was wearing all black like she had just completed a heist and she had her backpack with her.

"Maddie what are you doing here??" asked Annie in shock.

"Haha well a Good Morning to you too" said Maddie

"Well i want to go to the Witch world with you!" said Maddie plainly as she came in casually.

"Wait what why?? you can't and also do your parents know that you are here??" asked Annie as she closed the door.

"Well No they do not because i ran away from home and i want to come with you" said Maddie as she sat down and put her backpack on the couch beside her.

"Wait wait what happened Maddie??" asked Annie in total confusion.

"Hey what's all the ruckus here??" asked Matt as he came from the kitchen with a box in his hand and Curtis followed

"Maddie what are you doing here??" asked Matt and Curtis at the same time as they were shocked.

"Well i am here to go with you guys" said Maddie as she winked.

"Maddie no more jokes tell us why you are really here??" asked Curtis seriously

And Maddie sighed and started explaining her whole situation to them she just hoped that Annie wouldn't be angry with her but to her surprise they didn't seem shocked at all they just listened.

"Wait why is there no reaction??" asked Maddie

"Well because we already knew" said Annie in guilt

"Wait so you already knew and still were friends with me?" asked Maddie

"Yes well i didn't want to ruin the relationship you have with your parents and besides i believe that children should not pay for their Parents sins" said Annie

"Well for one haha nope i am more like a prisoner than a daughter and secondly Awww Annie your my best friend" said Maddie

"Aww Maddie you are mine too" said Annie

"Okay girls wrap it up let's go" said Matt

"Okay!!" said the girls together

"So Curtis can Maddie go with us??" asked Annie

"There is no way that we can tell the High Council that Maddie is Azazel's daughter they will never let her go with us" said Curtis

"Okay then what do we do??" asked Annie

"Well it's easy we don't tell them at all all they have to know is that Maddie is your friend" said Curtis

"Yes we can just say that i am an orphan with technically i am" said Maddie as she chuckled

"Okay it settled then" said Annie

"So is everyone ready??" asked Annie

"Yes are you ready??" asked Matt

"Everyone is ready so let's go" said Maddie

And with that they all went through the fast pass, Matt and Maddie were screaming from the way their molecules were shifting only Annie and Curtis were fine.

"Welcome to the Witch World" said Curtis as they landed in front of the High Council.

Interception from the Author

Merry Christmas all my beautiful readers, i just wanted to wish you all a merry Christmas and a happy new year in advanced, as all of us celebrate this holiday with our families, loved ones or ourselves we should not forget the reason for the season, and that's because on this same day about 3000 years ago our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ died on the cross for our sins and he rose up again.

So in conclusion as we celebrate this global holiday we should keep this at the back of our minds and know that Jesus Loves you!

That's all from me see you next chapter Byeeeeeee!!😉

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