

Without wasting any more time, Sigrid decided to push through with her speech, although she was careful not to approach the matter in a hurry. She had decided within herself that it would be much better if she took care to mind her words before jumping straight to the point.

After her little deliberation, her lips parted in preparation to let out her words.

"What I want to talk to you about is a delicate matter... And I know for sure that you are in the best position to enlighten His Majesty—the king, about it." Sigrid began, smartly.

Ezekiel hummed softly.

"What is the urgency of the situation, lady Sigrid? I suggest you tell me about it in a hurry to save both my time and yours, with all due respect that is," said Zeke who by now had zero tolerance for her unnecessary delay.

Ezekiel wanted the court lady to push through with her words, and waste no further time in establishing her actual point. Besides, wasn't that why she had requested to speak with him in the first place and had dismissed Meera as well? Also had he not decided to walk up to His Majesty, Lord Briceus and try his luck one final time in persuading him to cancel the journey to the hollowed woods—the Shadow Hollow?

Therefore, he lacked luxury of time.

"Yes, I can see that you are in a hurry. I will get on with my point to also conserve my time," said the court lady.

Ezekiel nodded.

Sigrid continued...

"First, I know it was out of place with regard to the decision I took... but I dare to believe that His Majesty will understand unless of course you will much rather withold the information of my involvement, from him...That maiden from earlier whom his Majesty had them send off to the Dordra-"

"I am sorry to interrupt you, lady Sigrid, but these are not matters we ought to discuss, and by this wing of the Castle," said Zeke. Even though he had his reservations regarding Briceus's decision, he had no evidence to present to convince the King otherwise. Yet, here was this woman risking her head to bring up the matter when she ought to be by the Queen's side. Was it courage or something else? Ezekiel didn't know what to make of the Court lady's actions.

Sigrid wasn't done talking.

"I will beg your pardon with regard to that, I suggest you let me finish my speech," said Sigrid.

"Okay, then but be watchful of your words is all I'm saying. The walls, as we know it, have ears. Also, this matter with the maiden, the king already gave his verdict."

"True, and I am aware but I felt something was not right and sorry to say, but His Majesty has been away from the kingdom for more than half of his life, I doubt he understands how rebellious and shameless demons can be-"

"Hush now, lady before you mutter words that you will come to regret," cautioned Ezekiel.

"No, but you know the truth. Have you ever seen a demon react so humanly as that maiden from a while back?"

Ezekiel maintained silence.

"Even if you won't answer, you know the truth. It is with that suspicion I went myself to the hall of Termarth but before we... I meant, before I arrived, I stumbled upon this," said Sigrid as she made Zeke aware of the necklace she had hid behind her all this while.

She had done that because she was not sure how Ezekiel would handle the revelation. However, his silence to her question just now had created the loophole that fuelled her next action.

Once Ezekiel had caught a glimpse of the silver necklace which Sigrid had held out in her hands, his mind froze for a bit.

Next, he thought within himself...

Does that mean the maiden from before was not guilty? I have to do something to save the king's face but first...

"How can we be sure that this belongs to that maiden?" asked Zeke with suspicion in his voice.

However, Sigrid answered at once.

"Oh by all means we can test her to know if she can identify it. But here, have it! Do what you must with it. I should go ahead to meet with the Queen at once!" said Sigrid as she let Zeke take the item from her.

Next, she sauntered on to go be with Queen Athena.

As he watched the court lady depart, Zeke curled his fingers around the modest piece of jewellery before continuing his trip to Briceus's former room.


Ezekiel arrived Briceus's former room; the one Briceus occupied while he was still a prince.

He stood still, by the door and knocked.

First knock.


Second knock.


Zeke was about to knock for the third time when he heard a loud gravelly voice from the other side of the door speak.

"Who is that?!" asked Briceus.

"It is Ezekiel, your Majesty," replied Zeke.

Almost instantly, Briceus replied for his aide to come in his room at once.

Once in the room, Zeke began.

Milord, have you rested well?" asked Zeke.

"Yes, I have. Are the men ready?" asked Briceus.

"Yes they are," said Zeke.


"But, one thing remains your highness," Ezekiel hesitated.

"What is that? The horses?"

"No, milord."

"Are there any cowards among the men you selected?"

"No, milord."

"Then what other thing is lacking?" asked Briceus.

At that instant, Ezekiel faltered in his heart because how could he tell Briceus that of all the men he had selected, he(Ezekiel) was the one who was lacking in courage?

"Your highness, I would like to request special permission to proceed with my next words,"said Zeke.

Briceus nodded his approval while he kept his gaze fixed on Zeke.

"Milord, hear me on this consideration of mine if you please. Firstly, I have no demands whatsoever to pressure you into changing your mind or anything like that, but I would like to bring to your notice, the aristocrats-"

"What about the aristocrats?" Briceus asked with arched eyebrows.

"Milord, I will like you to consider this—it is true that you hae been made king and not your brother who did not take the news well I am forced to presume. We also know that the aristocrats are on their side. I am sure you know, milord, that surely, talks have been going about regarding the darkness and the gruesome death of those knights-in-service on this day you were inaugurated as king, mil-"

"And it is because of this we are prepared to journey in pursuit of that creaure that lurked its way to the Shadow Hollow," interjected Briceus.

"No, milord. I suggest that even if we must get to the bottom of this, it shouldn't be on this very day, because if more men got to lose their lives, the aristocrats will be sure to let loose and make a case out of it...and also the maiden in the Dordragon pit-"

"What about her?Or it? I think referring to the creature as 'It' is more preferrable," said Briceus.

"No, milord. I have reason to believe that she might not be a creature of the dark," mumbled Zeke.

"What nonsense are you saying to me?" questioned Briceus, angrily.

Instantly, Zeke revealed the modest piece of jewellery to the king.

"This! Your highness..." said Zeke as he attempted to hand the necklace over to the king.

Unimpressed by the item, Briceus curled his lips to speak.

"Now that you have shown me this, what am I supposed to do with it?" asked Briceus.

Chapitre suivant