

"I am not going to help you, so you might as well kill me already you stupid woman." Maxwell groaned angrily. You could sense the defeat in his tone as he spoke, like a man who was ready to just give up. I gingerly approached the gate door, kneeling down to his level and hoping he would recognize me. I wrapped my fingers around the cold wrought iron and giggled it slightly, testing the weakness of the gate. Unfortunately it didn't budge.

"Maxwell, it's Michael. The Princess sent out a small team to rescue you. It hasn't been an easy journey, but we are here now so don't worry." I said jiggling the door once more. There was a dark and weak chuckle that radiated from Maxwell.

"Don't bother Michael, I am far to weak to be escorted out safely. You would be killed because of me. Laylia that bitch has been torturing me ever since she recaptured me. Uriah did his best to save me last time, but unfortunately Nathaniel caught up to me. I've been beaten and drugged more times than I can recall. I'm useless." I couldn't help but stare down at Maxwell's beaten and tired body. His long brown and once neatly braided hair, was now in such a disarray. Almost one huge knotted mess. The once bright green eyes, where now dull and tired. The hope was long gone from his heart, and in it's place was tired defeat.

"Do you really think that Merrick would want you to spout such nonsense? Don't you understand how worried sick he has been about you?" Anything I said at this point, was to convince him to let us move him. If I said he wasn't in rough condition, I would be lying. There where so mandy smudge marks over his body, covering the many deep and ugly purple bruises lining his arms. Deep lacerations angrily weld up on his body, standing tall and irritated. The dry crusted blood around the edges was a reminder that he had been down here for far too long.

His naturally dark complextion had turned pale from lack of nutrition he was recieving. Instead of normal cloth clothes, he had rough looking rags. The thread was worn out and covered in what I could only assume was his own blood. He reeked of infection, and would need to see a doctor as soon as we freed him. I suppose that was where Tucks would come in handy.

"Do you not already realize that he is working for Laylia? Who do you think got in and out of the compound unseen? Merrick was paid to turn me in and fudge the paper work to throw Alliah off their tracks. There are more enemies inside the palace than you could ever imagine. The one leading the traitors behind the castle walls is Illia herself. Every movement tracked by Alliah is sent straight to Laylia." He muttered darkly, his voice becoming strained the longer he talked.

"What, Illia and Merrick are behind this too? I thought Uriah and Nathaniel where honestly the only ones. This is becoming more complicated that I expected." Seria nodded her head silently in agreement as I tried pulled my gaze from him, and started searching the walls for any signs of a key. It was a long shot because a prisoner as valuable as him, would be a high priority to keep locked up. That meant the key would probably be on Laylia herself.

"Indeed this whole thing is a mess. Laylia has no idea that their are traitors in her walls, and Alliah doesn't realize how many are behind hers. Not to mention how many enemies the Counsel will aquire if their plans actually make it through. This is an inevitable war no matter how you look at it. It all rests on her Majesties shoulders to ensure that we are on the winning end." I smiled sadly, knowing that he was unfortunately right.

"Which is why she sent me here to rescue you Maxwell. So please don't give up yet and let us brainstorm a way to get you out of here. Unfortunately with there being no key on the wall, I fear that the keys are with her. If only we had a lock pick." I cursed, raising to my feet. The door was to solid to budge despite it's rough appearence. We had no other object on hand to try and pry it open either. I glared darkly at the lock, feeling frusterated that the only obstacle between us and Maxwell, was a rusted lock.

"Look at the hinges on the door. They are metal pegs. If we can find something to whack them out with, we could prbably unhinge the door. The only thing keeping this door together, is the weight of the wrought iron." Seria said pointing to the cylinder shaped pegs holding the edge of the door to the wrought iron cage. I grinned at her, thankful she was quick on her feet. But the problem was, we didn't have a whole lot of time to search for something strong enough to loosen a few pegs. As we speak, Laylia and her goons where probably on their way down.

"Alright, for the sake that we are running out of time, let's split up and search the-" My words where cut off as voices in the distant could be heard. There was a high pitched woman's voice, and what I thought was Nathaniel's echoing off the walls. Their words where distant and muddled, but it grew louder with every passing second. My heart hammered in my chest loudly. We where in no position to back track to find a place to hide. Which left us the empty cell just on the other side of the entry way.

It was dark with the dimly lit torches that flickered against the room. Sighing with frustration, I quickly grabbed Seria's arm and pulled her towards the cell door. I gripped my hand around the door and dragged it open, surprised with how heavy it was. The rusting metal bit into my hand as we scrambled to pull the door shut behind us. Thankfully the door didn't creak as it made a silent clicking noise against the metal bar.

With great timing too, because as they entered the room, a small group of people entered. With a worried glance, I couldn't help but notice how bright Seria's out fit was, even with the cloak wrapped around her. With a silent apologetic look, I laid her up against the wall and placed a finger against my lips. I could only pray that the black leather I wore, was enough to obscure both of us in the darkness of the cell. She trembled underneath me as we pressed closely together. I wasn't sure if it was because of fear of being caught, or because the wall was damp and cold.

"Ah Maxwell, it's good to see you are still awake. We have much to discuss." I was honestly surprised to hear the bright chirp of Laylia's voice. For some reason I always pictured her as a nasally woman with a rasp. That was more or less what I imagined of her anyway.

"Bite me you hag. I have nothing to say to you." Maxwell wheezed bitterly through his teeth. You could tell he was struggling to keep his anger in check despite his condition. Laylia chuckled darkly in response to his reply. There was a soft banging noise that came from his direction, like a metal pipe being banged against metal.

"Come now darling. I can give you the world, if you just give me what I want. You are a smart scientist, I just want you to make this poison for me. I will let you go if the results are what I desire. I can even get you a doctor right away if it means you will cooperate." Laylia cooed. Her tone waivered between coddling, and dangerously devious. I think even he knew, there was no living if he willingly colluded with her.

"I know for a fact that I have been poisoned by you. I will be dead whether I help you or not. So if you don't mind, I think I will die with a clear conscience." He spat angrily. A sharp and irritated growl came from Laylia. It was prederatory like as it escaped her lips. This was a woman who was not use to getting no for an answer. I couldn't help but clench my fists, worried for Maxwell. With guarding Seria, I couldn't exactly see what was going on.

"Since you don't want to cooperate willingly, I guess I have no choice but to drag poor Tia into this. I know how much you care about her. Your brother has spared no information when he turned you in to me." My blood began to boil as she waved his vulnerability in his face. Tia was another odd ball to me. Kept mostly to herself, but was polite if you went up to her. No wonder he liked someone like her.

Maxwell was quiet, sitting and pondering his options I had no doubt. His best chance right now, was agreeing with her demand until we could find a way out. After a what felt like an eternity, he sighed heavily.

"Leave Tia out of this. If you promise to keep her safe, I will do what you say. Just leave her alone." His voice came out weak, strained even as he spoke. His helplessness was enough to make my heart break for him.

"This is most wonderful to hear Maxwell! I am so glad we have come to an agreement. Rest well tonight because you and I will be taking a trip to the alchemist. You can work with her until we are ready to head for the Kingdom. With Alliah foolishly distracted, we can conduct buisness and then everything will fall into place." She snickered to herself, too pleased for my liking.

"Let's go Nathaniel, we have much to prep for. Guards, stay here and make sure he is comfortable." I heard her cackling slowly fade away as they both left the room. Maybe if we got lucky, the guards in the room would have the key! But how would we get to them without alerting them first?

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